

“Chou Tzuyu be my girlfriend!” a loud chorus of wolf-whistle filled the hallway.


Tzuyu absolutely hates highschool. These adolescent boys can just die. Getting cat-called everyday on her way to class doesn’t make her used to it. Her friends told her to do something about that, like reporting to the principal or something. But she’s too pissed off to do that, and she might diss the principal instead of solving the problem. So she just grits her teeth and quicken her steps.


“You rude boys, quit disturbing my girl! Shoo shoo!” someone latched herself to Tzuyu’s right arm and waved the boys off. “Don’t mind those boys, Tzuyu-ah! Also scowling at them will do nothing to them, try smiling!” Tzuyu vaguely recognized the girl as one of Dahyun’s friend, the famous school flirt Sana.


“And that would make them think they have a chance at me. Please let go of my arms,” Tzuyu stopped walking to open her locker. Sana whined and started swinging her arms. Tzuyu finds it cute, but she didn’t show it. She kept her face expressionless. “Let go of my arms so I can open my locker, Sana.”


“You knew my name!” Sana’s whole expression lit up and Tzuyu swears if Sana was a dog she would be wagging her tail. It’s hard for Tzuyu to keep a straight face now. So she just scowled at her locker door while trying to pry her hand off Sana’s grip.


“It’s hard not to when you flirted with the whole school,” Tzuyu said, a little harsher than intended. She immediately felt bad, but Sana already stepped back and raised two hands in a defensive stance.


“Whoa, okay then, I’ll get going. Bye Tzuyu,” Sana smiled then turned around and walked to her own class.


Tzuyu watched the long haired brunette walk away. She knows she offended the girl but she decided to brush it off. It’s not like Minatozaki Sana is her friend or anything. They won’t cross path often anyway. Sighing, she opened her locker and took her math books and headed to her class.


The next day, Tzuyu found a single stem of red rose taped on her locker. The rose still has thorns on it. There’s a pink sticky notes next to it. Written in a neat and flowy handwriting is a message that reads: Beautiful to see but not to touch. Just like you. XOXO –MS.


Tzuyu frowned. Who is MS? It seemed to be a girl, since a highschool boy is highly unlikely to have a neat handwriting and use pink sticky notes. She carefully folded the notes and pocketed it. Then she took the rose off the locker, careful not to prick her fingers. She brought the rose to class with her. Maybe Chaeyoung or Dahyun know something.


“Hey, Tzuyu,” Chaeyoung patted the seat next to her, “What’s that?”


“Ooh, Tzuyu got a flower? Who gave you- ouch,” Dahyun carelessly snatched the rose and it pricked her hand.


“Be careful, it’s not dethorned,” Tzuyu grinned. She sat beside Chaeyoung.


“Should’ve said that sooner,” Dahyun on her pricked finger.


“Who gave you this?” Chaeyoung carefully examined the rose on Dahyun’s table behind them.


“That’s what I want to know too. Do you guys know anyone whose initial is ‘MS’?”


“’MS’ hmm, I don’t know. What about you, Dub?”


“The only MS I know is Minatozaki Sana, but if she’s the one sending flower then you better be running, Tzu,”


“Her surname’s Minatozaki?”


“You don’t know? Then again you don’t even know Chaeng’s name for a whole semester,”


“I had fun calling you with every synonym of short I could think of,” Tzuyu grinned. Chaeyoung jabbed Tzuyu’s sides. She barely winced. Dahyun just laughed.


Later that day, the trio is eating lunch while joking around as usual. Then Minatozaki Sana plopped down at their table next to Tzuyu, who sat across from Dahyun and Chaeyoung. Tzuyu immediately pulled a straight face and sat up even straighter.


“Yo, Sana,” Dahyun greeted Sana with a mouth full of sandwich.


“Oh hey, Dahyun. Why didn’t I see you at the party last weekend?”


“Went to watch geeky movies with these two. Anything I’m missing?”


“Nothing important,” Sana shrugged.


Tzuyu glared at Sana who’s feigning ignorance and calmly unwrapped her own sandwich. She wants to be rude and ask her to leave but it’s not like she’s doing anything wrong. She didn’t even speak to her. Instead, she just having a normal conversation with Dahyun and Chaeyoung who sometimes chimed in their conversation.


Left to her own mind, Tzuyu started to think. If the one who gave her rose is indeed Sana, then why is she here? What does Dahyun mean when she said Tzuyu better be running from Sana? Is Sana coming to seduce her, to add her to her long list of conquest? If that’s the case, then why did she ignore her? Why didn’t she do anything? Is she going to be cliché and accidentaly spilled her drink on me? Deliberately brushing against my hand? What exactly is she trying to achieve by sitting next to me?


Tzuyu was so lost in thought that she didn’t even notice Chaeyoung took her favourite pudding from her tray then proceeded to eat it. Tzuyu slowly came back down to earth when she heard her name being mentioned in the conversation.


“So, initial MS is you right,” she heard Dahyun say.


“Well, it is my initial yes. What about it?” Sana played it cool.


“Then you’re the one who gave Tzuyu the rose?”


Tzuyu is intently paying attention to every word now. Right then, the bell that marks the end of lunch break rang. Sana calmly stood up and gathered her belongings, “Hmm, I don’t know, did I?”


Then for the first time that day, she caught Tzuyu’s eyes then winked at her. Tzuyu’s jaw fell open in disbelief. Dahyun and Chaeyoung laughed at her baffled expression.


“I told you she’s coming for you, Tzu,” she heard Dahyun say when Sana is out of earshot.


Slowly but surely, Tzuyu started to notice Sana everywhere she goes. In the hallway, in the cafetaria, even at the bus stop. Sometimes, their eyes would met and Sana never fails to wink at her. This irked Tzuyu to death. So much that she often zone out at class thinking about the annoying prick.


Today though, Tzuyu is out of luck. She got caught daydreaming on class by her killer math teacher. She got detention because of that. After school, she bid goodbye to Chaeyoung and Dahyun who’s snickering too much then went to the detention.


The teacher made her write two pages long essay on why she didn’t pay attention to class. There’s no way Tzuyu is going to write about that girl. Instead, she wrote some bull about the lesson being boring and how the weather is perfect for anything but math. She handed the essay in and quickly made her escape before the teacher could read what she wrote.


On her way out, she passed through the cafetaria. It’s quiet and empty. Except for a table near the exit. There sat a familiar brunette who looked bored while tapping on her phone. Tzuyu decided it’s the perfect timing to confront the girl about all the annoying things she did to her.


“You,” Tzuyu towered over the sitting girl.


“Oh hey, Tzuyu, I was waiting for you-“


“Can you stop doing that? You’re annoying me,” Tzuyu cut her off.


“Doing what exactly?” Sana raised her eyebrows at Tzuyu.


“Ignoring me then flirting at me,” Tzuyu said through gritted teeth.


“And how exaclty did I do that?”


“You followed me everywhere,”


“I didn’t, though?”


“You kept winking at me,”


“Hmm, I can’t deny that one. What else?”


“What else-“ then it struck Tzuyu. Sana didn’t really do anything to her in reality. Blood rushed to her face. Her voice faltered, “You- you gave me that flower. The rose! What does it even mean?!”


“It meant exactly what I wrote you in the note. Did you not read it?”


“Uh, I did,” but Tzuyu isn’t going to back down here. She already made herself look like an idiot. She should at least accomplish her initial goal, to have Sana out of the picture again. “Anyway, that’s not important. Just don’t disturb me anymore. You have plenty other girls. I don’t want someone who can’t even commit on one person flirting with me,” Tzuyu crossed her arms indignantly.


“You think you’re so important and better than other people aren’t you, Chou Tzuyu?” Sana looked tired. She stood up and looked at Tzuyu in the eye. “I was right with the metaphor. Beautiful to see but not to touch. You hurt everyone who tries to get close to you,” she turned to leave. “Oh, and for your information. I’m not the kind of girl you imagined me to be. I only have eyes for you. Well, up until now, at least. Farewell.”


Tzuyu noticed the teary eyes and it made her stomach twist. Her hands dropped to her sides and she slumped to the chair Sana was sitting on a moment ago. She put her head in her hands. Were her perception really biased? To Tzuyu, Sana is someone who is beautiful inside and out. The whole room lit up whenever she’s in it. But Sana really does have too much skinship with other girls at school. Tzuyu admits she doesn’t like that side of her. Wait, what? Was- was she jealous?


Tzuyu raised her head. She can’t believe she did something that surpassed being idiotic. That’s  when she noticed two piece of paper on the seat next to her. She picked them up and realized they’re ticket to see a sequel of her favourite movie. Sana was going to ask her out but she ruined it. Tzuyu banged her forehead on the table. She absolutely have no idea what to do to fix this. She felt like crying. She took her phone out and dialed Chaeyoung.


“Pick up, pick up, come on- Chaeng, I messed up,” Tzuyu sniffled into her phone.


“Tzuyu? What happened? Did that bald head teacher hurt you? I’m going to kill-“


“No, no, no,” she held back a sob. “If there’s anyone you gotta kill it’s me,”


“What? What happened exactly?”


“It’s Sana. I messed up,”


“Come to my house, I’ll call Dahyun. We need details, asap,”


“Be there in 15,” Tzuyu ended the call then dragged herself to the bus stop.


At Chaeyoung’s, Tzuyu spilled everything to her two bestfriends. Being the good friends they are, they beat her up first before anything. Tzuyu can’t be more grateful of them. So, now that she’s calmer, they’re discussing how Tzuyu should apologize to Sana.


“It’s Friday, if Tzuyu wait until next Monday, Sana might already made up her mind and hate her for real. It’d be too late to fix anything then,”


“Yep, Dahyun’s right,” said Chaeyoung with a mouth full of ice cream.


“I don’t even know where her house is,” Tzuyu buried her face on the couch pillow.


“I know where she might be though,” Tzuyu turned to look at Dahyun with hope in her eyes. Dahyun whipped out her phone and made a call.


“Put it on speaker,” Chaeyoung said.


“Uh, okay but I think it’d be wise if Tzuyu stay quiet,”




“You’ll see why,”


“Hello?” at last someone picked up after the fifth ring.


“Momo! Um, is Sana there?”


“Dahyun-ah, did you have something to do with this?” From the background can be heard a loud wail.


“Oh, eh, uh, no. Is that Sana?”


“Chou freakin’ Tzuyu is your friend right. Tell her I’ll kill her on sight,” The wail on the background got louder.




“Mina and I are currently trying to fix this, if you have nothing important to say I’ll hang up now. If the devil has guts she can come to my house before midnight. Later than that, then she’s on my hitlist,”


“Uh, sure, I’ll tell her that,” Dahyun said, then Momo hanged up.


The trio looked up at the clock on Chaeyoung’s kitchen. It’s 11:12 pm now.


“Holy sh-, Momo’s house is on the other side of the town, we gotta hurry,” Dahyun jumped up.


“I’ll drive,” Chaeyoung snatched her car key from the counter.


“I love you guys,” Tzuyu hugged them. Dahyun patted the taller girl’s back.


“You owe us big time, lamp post. Now hurry up!” Chaeyoung went outside to get her car revved up, Dahyun and Tzuyu followed her into the car.




“What?” Chaeyoung pulled out of the driveway.


“Are there florist around here?”


“Are you crazy? It’s 11 pm for goodness sake!”


“Ugh, I need to get a rose for Sana,”


“I know a place,” Chaeyoung smirked. “But we gotta be stealthy and quick.”


They finally arrived at Momo’s 5 minutes before midnight, which is impressive since normally it would take an hour ride from Chaeyoung’s to Momo’s. Not to mention they had a ‘quick stop’ somewhere. During the whole ride, Tzuyu tried to rehearse what she’s going to say. But now, she’s lost her voice and her hand is trembling. Dahyun nudged her.


“You only have 5 minutes left. C’mon,” Dahyun opened the car door.


“I’m parking the car. You guys go ahead,” Chaeyoung said from behind the wheels.


Tzuyu finally got on her feet and walked to the door. Her hands are icy cold and it has nothing to do with the cold night wind.


“You knock, I don’t want to get killed,” Dahyun walked two steps behind her.


Tzuyu took a deep breath and stood on the porch in front of the white wooden door. Here it comes. She raised her hand to knock. What if Sana didn’t want to see her? What if she hated her and want nothing more to do with her.


“Two minutes left, Romeo,” Dahyun said from behind her. That snapped Tzuyu from her toxic thoughts and she used the momentum to actually knock on the door twice. She waited for any sign of life from behind the door. Nothing.


“Knock harder,” Dahyun hissed.


Chaeyoung came up from behind them and pressed on the doorbell on the side. “You guys are so primitive.”


They can hear some shuffling from behind the door and the sound of door unlocking.


“Right on time, you’re lucky,” Momo appeared from behind the door. “But I won’t let you in. Sana’s passed out crying,” she folded her arms menacingly.


“Oh, uh,” Tzuyu managed. She’s completely intimidated by this stranger who’s a little shorter than her, but looked like she could beat up a guy twice her size.


“Who’s that, Momoring?”




“Oh it’s Dahyun, and Chaeyoung too?”


“Hi Mina,” Dahyun and Chaeyoung said simultaneously.


“And this is Tzuyu, I presume?”


“Y-yes,” Tzuyu gulped. The other girl is not as buff as Momo, but doesn’t mean she’s less intimidating. “If Sana’s asleep I’ll come back again tomorrow,” Tzuyu took a step back.


“She’s upstairs watching Disney. Momoring, did you lie again?” Mina glared at Momo.


“Eh, er, yes. Sowwy. I was just trying to protect Satang,” Momo scratched her neck.


“She’s a big girl. She needs support, not protection. I’ll go get her,” with that, Mina went back inside the house.


Momo sighed, “Come inside, you two. You, poleaxe, stay here,” she opened the door to let Dahyun and Chaeyoung in.


“I haven’t been at your place for ages, Mo,” Dahyun went inside excitedly.


“Yeah, lucky my parent’s out of town or they will nag you for not visiting more often,” Momo closed the door behind her.


“Listen,” Momo is back to intimidating mode. “You mess this up again and you can say bye-bye to your short life,” Momo jabbed a finger on Tzuyu’s chest.


“Thanks Momo, I’ll take it from here,” Sana appeared from the house hugging a shiba inu plushie.


“I’ll be watching,” Momo pointed her index and middle finger at Tzuyu.


“Please don’t,” Sana pushed Momo inside and closed the door. “Now, what do you want?”


Now that Sana is in front of her, Tzuyu is at loss of word. She just opened and closed a few times. Sana just stood there, waiting for Tzuyu to make a move. Her expression unreadable. Tzuyu’s palm is sweaty now.


“Sana, I- I’m sorry,” Tzuyu stuttered. She didn’t dare to look at Sana’s eyes. Actually apologizing is hard on her pride, apparently. But, Tzuyu pushed on. “I’m sorry I was deluded and stupid. I wrongly judged you without actually getting to know you,” Tzuyu fiddled with the hem of her shirt.


“That’s it?”


“I- uh,” Tzuyu took out a single stem of rose from her jeans’ back pocket. Blushing hard, she offered the rose to Sana. “Here, a dethorned rose. I would like to start over if you would have me,”


“So, I’m allowed to touch?” Sana asked quietly.


Tzuyu’s face got redder. “Well, yeah,”


Sana tilted her head to the side. She looked so beautiful when she’s serious, Tzuyu thought. Then, she noticed her puffy eyes and felt the guilt creeping back to her stomach.


“Okay,” Sana broke the silence after what felt like an eternity.




“Okay Chou Tzuyu, I’ll give you one more chance,” Sana took the rose from Tzuyu’s hand. “I’ll give you a chance to win me back.”


Tzuyu can’t believe her ears. She just stared at Sana, dumbfounded. Then, Sana opened her arms, holding the plushie on her left hand and the rose on the other, “Hug me,”




“Hug me you big idiot, before I change my mind,” Sana stomped her feet.


“Oh okay,” Tzuyu stepped in Sana’s embrace. She felt awkward at first, but sensing Sana nuzzling the crook of her neck, Tzuyu relaxed into the embrace. “Thank you, Sana,” she sniffled.




“Are you free tomorrow night?” Tzuyu mumbled.


“Yeah, why?”


“Let’s go watch a movie. We can’t let the tickets go to waste,”


Sana pried herself off Tzuyu, “You found the ticket? Wait, your first attempt to win me back is to bring me see a movie with the ticket I bought?,”


“I’ll buy the popcorn and drinks,” Tzuyu smiled at Sana, “I’ll even provide the transportation,”


“Fine, hmph,” Sana buried her face on Tzuyu’s face. “A large popcorn,”


“A large popcorn it is,” Tzuyu put her chin on top of Sana’s head. They stayed like that for a long time, peacefully enjoying each other’s warmth.



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FillDir 306 streak #1
Chapter 1: EEEEEEEYYYYYYY this is so goddamn cute aaaaaarggghhh
Chapter 1: Awwwww~ nice shot hehe
Chapter 1: Yas fluuuuffffff!
11 streak #4
Chapter 1: this is too good to end here, we need sequel please authornim! pleaaaseeeeeeee
Chapter 1: Sequel pleaseeee~
Chapter 1: We need sequel <<<<3333
Chapter 1: That was SO cute! Please have a sequel. This deserves more love, just like Satzu
sasa1998 #8
Chapter 1: awwwwe please write more satzuuuuu:)))))