Because I'm here for you


Siwon never understand. How did his adoptive brother -Cho Kyuhyun- find his strength. He never see his -adoptive- brother, broken into pieces, though he had a hard life. Kyuhyun, a smart, dilligent, soft-hearted boy, but sometimes evil and being a jerk, is Kyuhyun that he knows. But when Kyuhyun's wall-defense had fallen, Siwon saw the real Kyuhyun. So fragile and vulnearable. And Siwon just can't leave him alone. He promised to himself, he'll make his brother, smile, once again.


"I was never afraid about anything, hyung"





"Cry? Hell no, why should I?"


-Cho Kyuhyun-



"I will never leave you. Know why? Because I was born, and I'm here just for you"





"Even if they all are against you, I will always stand by your side"


-Choi SIwon-



All they know is that they're made for each other.










Mereka terdiam.

Tidak ada satupun yang bicara, membiarkan keheningan itu berlanjut dan hanyut  disana

Karena kata-kata akan merusak suasana saat itu.


Tapi mereka berdua menyukainya, menikmatinya

Sampai kapanpun, rangkaian huruf-huruf itu tidak akan pernah bisa mengungkapkan perasaan mereka saat itu

Sampai salah satu dari mereka memutuskan memecah keheningan tersebut

"Thank you, Hyung"

Membuat yang satu lagi tersenyum.

Dan mereka berdua kembali terdiam


Warning: no


a/n: Sorry, this fic is Indonesian, I think the feeling in the story can only be poured in my own language, since my english isn't good. But if you're interested or want me to make in English, just tell me, maybe I can try keke.

Fic pertama di bahsa Indonesia. Semoga ada yang suka hehee, :)

Selamat membaca! Enjoy!!! XD


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Jumapark #1
Chapter 1: suka suka suka ..lanjut y tor! fighting! ^^
ningekaputri #2
Chapter 11: authornim,,apa ff ini gak d lnjt :( pnsrn yakin. Ayooo dnx d lanjut, semangattt yaaa. Pgn tw akhir na. Kn syg gantung gini
ningekaputri #3
Chapter 10: wahhh jd bgni cerita na. Kacian kyu kecil.
ningekaputri #4
Chapter 9: Wahhh flash back,,,kyu kecil beda bgt ma kyu remaja
ningekaputri #5
Chapter 8: okey,,,kyu mulai khilangn otak na spti na
ningekaputri #6
Chapter 7: gak qo,,,aq merasa na gak ,,duhhh kyu knp? T.T
ningekaputri #7
Chapter 6: bingung,,,penasarn kyuhyun knp. Ini yoona muncul l? Bkn na d ch 1 dy tmn na seohyun brg sm sunny ya?
ningekaputri #8
Chapter 5: wah,,,akhir na konflik d mulai kkk. Nungguin ini trjadi
ningekaputri #9
Chapter 4: aihhhh ini trlalu pendek author wkwkwk. Maaf ya reader na cerewet ^^v