And He Was Like .. какого хрена.

... What About Us?

Lunch break.


Sungjong dashed out of the classroom as soon as he heard the lunch bell. He began looking for a nearest hiding place. 

Eotteoke?! Eotteoke?! Where to go? aaaah.. Think Sungjong.. Think...

He went looking for a deserted classroom, he didn't find any. He went to the library but spotted Sica and Kiseop eating their lunches there with some of the kingkas and queenkas. He hides behind a huge bookshelf and ran his way out of the library.

He keeps running up and down floors, trying his best not to be seen by any of his classmates or Chunji's friends.

If only there's a high place... like.... a tower...The Rooftop? That's right! The Rooftop!!!!

Smiling at his smart choice of place he made his way up to the rooftop. When he reached it, he pushed the door open and began crying his eyes out.

Yeah.. this is the reason why I ranaway.. just to cry.. He thought while crying. He pressed his hands over his mouth and started crying harder.

I don't want to lose Hoya again.. but what about Chunji? He's suicidal.. His happiness.. Am I going to take it away from him just like that..? noooo! I don't want any of this happen.. Not Hoya.. oh my god..... *cries harder* 

While Sungjong hugs his knees while crying, he didn't notice that he's not alone anymore.

"I may not know what happened but.. Don't cry. It will be alright.." A familiar voice made Sungjong wipe his tear stained face but was stopped when the person wipes it off with a hanky.


"Tch. Call me 'hyung'.." Sunggyu pats Sungjong's head and held his hand to hold the hanky. "I really don't get it.. Pretty girls looks ugly when they cry.. but you.. you're such a pretty face. You're pretty in both."


"Ja, now that you're not crying anymore.. I shall go back to my beauty rest!" Sunggyu stood up and stretched as he made his way to the nearest shaded bench.

Sungjong smiled, "Hyung..?" 

"Hm?" Sunggyu is fixing his 'bed' with his bag as a pillow.


"Yeah.. yeah.." Sunggyu smiled as he lay his self on the bench and closes his eyes.

Sungjong felt better and made his way down the rooftop to the cafeteria.

Out of Sungjong's earshot. Sunggyu muttered to his self. "So that's how it is.. I hope he'll make the right choice. Tch. cruel world." He then look up the sky that is full of clouds. And imagines Sungjong's face. "Too pretty...." is the last thing he muttered as he drifted off to sleep.

At the cafeteria.

Sungjong ran across some crowd of fangirls talking about the new students.

"I heard Heechul oppa's friend asked Hoya oppa out but he declined saying he's taken...."

"Owwwooo~ Lucky girl! Is she from this school too???"

"I guess..."

"Did you notice the way he look at Sungjongie???"

Sungjong froze on his step, hearing his name.

"He can't be it! He's dating Chunji oppa!!!"

"Man,.. that boy is sure pretty~"

"Stop talking about him he'll hear ya!"

"I heard Sunggyu oppa is taken too...."


Heart pounding fast Sungjong entered the huge doors of the cafeteria. When he step his foot inside, a hand grab him out of nowhere. Then he realized its not just 1 hand, its 5! 

"Gotcha!" Kiseop grab him by the collar.

"I caught him first!" yelled amber who was holding him by the arm.

"Ani, I DID!" yelled Heechul who grabbed him around his waist.

"Tch, I saw him entered first!!!" said Sunny who cling Sungjong's arm around her.

"That doesn't count Sunny!" says Sungmin who grab hold of Sungjong's leg.

"Wha--what happened???" asks Sungjong.

"JONGIE!!!!" That loud squeaky voice was heard throughout the cafeteria.

"CHUNJI I GOT HIM FIRST!" the five of the shouted at the same time.

"Aigoo.. that's awesome! Thank you hyungs, and noona~" Chunji handed them small bags full of what seems like imported chocolates. He then look at Sungjong, twirl him around and check if he got scratches anywhere.

"I-I'm fine Chunji...."

"Where have you been? I've been really worried.. I thought L.joe...." Chunji hugged Sungjong tightly.

"What do you think you're doing?" with this statement, the chattering around the cafeteria fell silent, as the other kingkas and queenkas watch in disbelief.

"Hoya..." Hoya's friend whom he met in the dance club, Dongwoo grabbed him by the arm.

Chunji flinched and let go of Sungjong.

Sungjong has the urge of running away right now but Chunji held onto his arm tightly.

"I asked what do you think you're doing?" Hoya glared at Chunji who looks frightened.

"Hugging my lover." Chunji whispered in a low voice.

"Excuse me, what?" Hoya wished he heard it wrong.

"Hyung might have not known 'coz you're new.. But Sungjong and I were dating."

"Do you know what you're talking about?" says Hoya in grtted teeth.

Chunji nods, "Ask him yourself,"

Hoya looks at Chunji then to Sungjong. He saw Sungjong shaking. And remembers the words he told him earlier.

"Whatever you see, whatever you hear, whatever you learn... keep your cool."

Hoya shut his eyes for a second and smirked. "Don't make me laugh." ..какого хрена..

He walk past Chunji and Sungjong, the kingkas and queenkas and Sunggyu who witnessed all of it just by standing near the cafeteria doors.

Hoya went out of the cafeteria with his friend Dongwoo. And didn't went to class after that, leaving a note to the teacher's lounge that he got important matters to attend at.

Back to the cafeteria,

Chunji look at Sungjong and smile while he peck on his lips, causing the crowd to cheer. Sungjong forced a smile back and proceed to their table. 

The rest of the day Sungjong found his self wiping his teary eyes, and telling everyone that he ate a lot that his tummy aches, that's why he's silent.

"Are you still not feeling well?" Sica patted Sungjong's back.

"N-neh..." Sungjong nod, how he wish no one would talk to him right now. He just want to go home and cry his eyes out. He just want to chase after Hoya and explain everything. He's hurting so much.. He needs a break.

Sunggyu who's sitting beside Sungjong watches him. He frown when he saw Sungjong's tired face.

The school bells rang signalling the end of classes.

Students began packing their things, but Sungjong just shove everything in his bag, peck Chunji's cheek. waves goodbye to the others and dash off out of the classroom.

"Why's he in a hurry?" Amber blurted out.

"Nature calls?" Sungmin grinned and earned  flying notebooks from the others.

"Wae?! AH! Stop! S-stop! He said he got tummy ache.. so.. HAHAHAH" Sungmin laugh his head off while catching a flying notebook aiming on his head.

"Sungmin....." the others just shrug it off and continue packing their things.

In the midst of the chattering, Chunji feels uneasy.

On his way home Sungjong spotted Dongwoo and ran after him.

"Hyuung! HYUNG!!!!" he called out,

Dongwoo who got his earphones on removes one and turned to look at who's calling.

"Uhwaaah.. you walk to fast...." Sungjong said as he clutch his chest for air. "Sungjong imnida..."

"I know you." Dongwoo smiled at him. "You're too pretty to not notice."

"Heh~ So uhm..." Sungjong started but Dongwoo cut him off by holding out his hand, "I'm the rap machine known for my charming eyes, Jang Dongwoo."

"Its nice to meet you hyung~" taking the handshake, Sungjong smiled brightly, he didn't realize Dongwoo blushed.

"Ah.. err.. you're really pretty..." is what came out of the older guy's mouth. "I mean.. if you're looking for Hoya.. he went home about 2 hours ago.."

"Oh! ..yeah thanks hyung!" Sungjong started on his tracks but turn to look at Dongwoo once again. "Take care and see you tomorrow!!!" then ran off, leaving Dongwoo charmed.

When Sungjong reached his apartment he noticed that there's light inside. He pushed open the door it wasn't lock.

He entered the unit just to find luggage near the door. He walk past it and found Hoya sleeping on the couch with the TV on. Bottles of Soju everywhere.

He must be too upset to be drunk...

Silent tears fell down the pretty boy's face, he went to the downstairs closet and get a clean blanket, put it over the sleeping boy and he started cleaning the living room.

"Urgh.. My head hurts.. Ah. You're home." Hoya woke up 

"Yeah.. Are you hungry? I'll cook dinner..."

"So is it true?"


"You're dating Chunji?"


"I've heard it before he said it.. You two are really popular.."

"It's not like that hyung please let me explain.."

"Jongie.. Jongie.. I remember the time when I am the only one who's allowed to call you that."


Hoya stood up and fix his clothes.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm bothering you too much."

"No hyung.. you can stay.. stay with me.." Sungjong ran to Hoya and hugged him tight.

Hoya look at the boy and sigh.

"Chunji's suicidal.. Don't break his heart."


"I've heard enough. I've seen enough. I've kept my cool enough." says Hoya, he pushed Sungjong slightly away from him.

"No.. no please don't... I don't mean this to happen.. I-I...hyung,.. Where are you going?" Sungjong wipes his once again stained face as he march his way to the front door. Blocking it from Hoya.

"Get out of the way Jongie."

"No.. you'll leave me again.. *cries*"

"Eotteoke? You already left me." says Hoya, he put his hands in a fist, gripping the luggage he left by the door.

"Hyung.. please... please.." Sungjong begged, "When I told you I love you... I meant it."

"If you do mean that, you wont do this.." Hoya move Sungjong away from the door.

"I love you." Sungjong sob,

"If you love me, then why are you with him?" Hoya's voice break as tears started to form from his eyes.

Silence filled the whole apartment.

Hoya shook his head.. "That explains it." And without a last glance to the crying Sungjong, he left the apartment.

Sungjong who wanted to chase after him but his legs wont let him, just fell on the floor with a loud tud.

He cries his eyes out. He cries for his life. He lost the one thing he ever wanted. He lost his love. He lost Hoya.


Waaah! TT^TT

When I'm reading the actual conversation of this fic's HoJong rpers... I cried for real.. TT^TT

The conflict starts.. pretty please anticipate the next chapters.. <3

This was updated on my phone... again. sorry for all the mess~ ><;

oh and какого хрена is WTF in enlgish. and its referring to Hoya's reaction..

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AllHailMochi #1
Chapter 7: I'm falling in love with this story! :) I love how you use the characters, and I love the plot itself. Sunggyu is so cold yet funny at the same time. Haha, please update soon! New reader here! :)
Chapter 7: I think I'm in love with Sunggyu :))
he's caring, knowing and powerful *squeal* xD
anw I hope Hoya & Jongie make up soon 'cuz my HoJong heart is being crushed here ; ;
omg plz update T_T
loving the story.
ijustread #4
Sunggyu's funny. ._.
*WHAT ABOUT US!!!!!!!!!!!!*

Update soon!
Ugh ;_____; My hojong feels rn. Although do I smell a hint of Gyujong?!?! <3 Hoya's such a freaking douche. I can't wait for the next chapter!~~ Shiz is going to go down! Update soon ^^
Haha!!!!! That's what Hoya gets~~~~~~~!!!!
TT_TT Wah my eyes was filled with tears when SungJong walked away but Hoya deserved it :P PLEASE LET HOYA REGRET LEAVING SUNGJONG!

Update soon <3
My heart is clenching as i read this...huhu...

But stll i cant cry even if i want to...