Chapter 3

I Just Wanna Be With You (Short Fiction)

"Oh... Oppa.. What are you doing here?" I was shocked seeing him, sitting comfortably at the lazy chair that was laid outside. He spread his leg out wide and straight, drinking martini. There was several empty cups that was spread out around the wine bottle. He was obviously half drunk.

"Come on... Drink with me..." he said happily, waving his cup of martini high and low.

"Oppa you're drunk!" I claimed and went near him and took the cup away from him, "Go and rest now oppa," I pleaded him.

"Why should I rest?" he claimed, looking at me, I can see tears forming in his eyes, "Why would I go rest when my wife was out with another guy?"

"Oppa.." I called out softly.

He stood up and walk towards me, "Spend tonight with me," he cupped my face and caress it with his big palm.

"Oppa you're drunk," I walk away, feeling like tearing out, I don't know why. My heart hurts because I really miss him but I'm not going to lose my ity like this, I walk few steps more but then next thing I heard was a loud voice. I turn around and saw oppa lying motionlessly on the ground. No one was home that night and the sky was like it about to rain any minute. I went over to him, trying to lift him up the ground and carry him back to his room. It was hard, luckily he wasn't really as heavy as Jung Min oppa so I was able to carry him back to the room, on his bed.

He lied motionlessly on the bed, I fix his clothes and blanket, cover it over him and place a handkerchief over his forehead, "Get it off my forehead!" he commanded.

"Let it be, you're having headache!" he tried so many times to put it away but I manage to calm him down and looked at him, slowly I fall asleep.

Hyun Joong's POV

I was woken up by the rays of the sunlight which projected inside my room, causing my eyes to blink several times before fully knowing what's going on now. I took the wet handkerchief away from my forehead and tried to wake up, but my head hurts and I fall back the bed, groaning out loud.

Kimmi's POV

I was awaken by his groaning noise, "Oppa do you need any help?" I rushed over and helped him to sit up the bed.

He was staring at me in my eyes, "Erm... What happened?"

"You was drunk last night," He gasped, "Don't worry oppa, nothing happen," I assured him and smiled.

"Why are you so happy when nothing happen?" he asked.

"You expected something to happen?" Wait.. What did I just ask? Aish... Why am I so stupid to ask that type of question, "Erm just forget about it, I'm going to school now," I quickly leave the room without any words from him was heard.

I quickly get done with my virtuals, outfit and school then leave for it. I arrive school just at the right time for my class.


After class today, I went back to my own house and meet my father.

"Dad, can we have a talk?"

"Why of course my daughter," he smiled and I had dinner at my parent's house happily.

"Kimmi are you sure about that?"

"Yes I am sure dad,"

"Okay, I'll ask the lawyer to file the divorce documents as soon as possible,"

"Gomawo dad," I gave my parents a kiss each on their cheeks and went back home.

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aahahahaha correct! keke^^ idols in fiction are like, amazing! ahaha XD
I know. I mean like when I watched his dramas. In fictions, he's amazing! haha. But that's because when we all write fictions, we make the guys someone more more more more more sweet hajaha!<br />
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@sincerelyhope: ahaha acting skills? keke it's just fiction^^ keke~ Hmm.. I like both? variety and movie he joins^^ kekee XD
I think it's his acting skills. Lol, I like him on variety shows, but after watching his movies, I feel like he's not that good. Lol, I guess it's just me though.
@sincerelyhope: aw why don't like Hyun Joong? hahaha thanks for the compliment! haha XD
This is cute. Sadly, I don't really like Hyunjoong. ahah. But he's alright. Cute story!!!
ahaha.. I'm doing this fiction very fast right now, I hope to finish this by today although I started today.. still please comments..
haha.. sorry about that^^
you know once it passes one chapter long, it's not a oneshot anymore...