Chapter 21

The Bodyguard's Krystal


Chapter 21


Amber’s POV


I was surprised to see Nicole in our school. I mean it’s not that I don’t want her to be there, I just didn’t expect her to go here.


“I appreciate that you called me during Christmas and New Year but how come you didn’t even visit me Amber?” She asked me during lunch.


“I’m sorry. I was kinda busy with…”


“With work?”


“Y-Yeah…” Well Krystal is my boss so I think that can be considered as work right?


Anyway, we had a lot of catching up so I wasn’t able to talk to Krystal the whole lunch time…even after classes. I wasn’t even able to talk to her during class. She’s kinda avoiding me, isn’t she?


I didn’t think worry much since I can still talk to her about Nicole during our tutorial lessons but D suddenly came. Too much to my disappointment, D asked if she could borrow her little sister for tonight… as in the whole night because it was already late when Krystal returned home… and not being able to talk to her the whole day made me miss her. Yes, I miss her… So when I saw her get into her room, I knocked at her door and left my Math notebook in front, of course I didn’t forget to write a note at the front page.


And now, I just found myself sitting in the bar of the servant’s kitchen, staring at the glass of water in front of me and the lyrics of the song I wrote while waiting for Krys.


“You’re supposed to be sleeping now, it’s already late you know?”


I turned around and saw Jaejoong hyung.




“Hey there kiddo. Why are you still awake?” He was drinking a glass of water as he walk towards me and sat beside me. He noticed the notepad in front of me and asked me if he could see it. “Hmm… Is this a poem? Lyrics?”


“Lyrics… but I’m not that experienced to composing music, melody and stuffs and arrangements… ya know.”


“Ohh… Based from the lyrics… This is for someone special, isn’t it?”




He smiled and then ruffled my hair. “Aigoo! Do you want me to help you?” He asked.


“You’re going to help me put melody for this?”


“Yep. You might not know but I worked in a recording company before, and I also know how to play the piano.”


“Wow! That’s great!”


“But I want something in return…”


“Uhm…” I thought for it for a moment before I ask him, “What do you want hyung?”






“Tell me who are you dedicating this song for? And tell me the whole story…”


“W-What? B-but…”


“It might help me in composing you know?”


“Uhm… okay…”


“So who is it?”




“Wait! Let me guess…” He cut me… “Is it… the little Princess?”



“Aish… Is it Ms. Krystal?”


I just nodded.


“Hah! I knew it!” He exclaimed as he punched in the air.


“So… You like her?”


“I-I think so…”


“You think so? Oh come on! Spill it Amber.”


“Well… I’m still not yet sure… but… today… even though I saw her this morning; I wasn’t able to talk to her, and today just feel so… empty.”


“Aha… so what can make you sure that you really like her?”


“I don’t know either… I mean… I’m still searching for clues… for signs…”


“Do you expect her to feel the same way?”


“I’m not that sure either… I mean… I’m just her bodyguard.”


“And tutor…” He added…


“Yeah, and tutor.”


“Can I ask you something Amber?”


“Sure hyung.”


“Answer me honestly, promise me.”




“What is the reason why came here to Korea?”


His question made me stop and think for a while… a deep thought I should say.


“Well, I don’t know why and I’m not forcing you to tell me. I’m just curious because… from what I know, being the head butler in this mansion, I saw your profile, and you are actually from a rich family. You have a sister, a dad, and this personal bodyguard thing is your business. You also came from America but I don’t get it why do you have to work for the Jungs.”


“Wait… can I tell you something hyung? Well… I actually don’t like saying this to other people but hey, you’re no longer a stranger.”




“Well… Mr. Song… is my foster parent. He adopted me when I was 7. He treated me like his own and so was his daughter. But… something from the past… made me… uhm… Let me rephrase. I still hasn’t got used to him as my dad because I don’t want my parents’ memories to be erased.”




“So… I asked Mr. Song if he could treat me like an ordinary person, not as his adopted daughter. He agreed to give me a job but he still gives me money aside from my salary.”


“Ohh I see. Well let me continue… I don’t know what your real reason to be here, I know there’s still something more, but I don’t want to dig in to your past or whatsoever; but Amber, what is the reason why you’re still here? Do you still have the same reason as you had before or there’s a new reason?”


“Do you want me out hyung?”


“No… You misunderstand… because I know you’re a bit confused so… hmmm… Before… What is the most important thing to you? How about now? What is that one thing... that most important thing that you can’t live without?”



“I don’t know if my question will help you make sure if you really like her or not, but… I hope it helps. Anyway, it’s getting late, and you still have school tomorrow. Good night.”


“Good night hyung.”


As I went inside my room, I lie down my bed and looked up the ceiling… and thought about Jaejoong hyung’s question. The most important thing eh? The reason? Before I get here, my real reason to be back here in Korea is to know more about my parents’ death and avenge them. Now… now that I think about it… My mind is full of her.




Author’s POV


Meanwhile, D’s on her way to her pad when she remembered to get a cup of coffee in Yoona’s café. Instead of dropping by, she decided to park her car in her apartment building’s parking lot, and just walk her way to her lover’s café. Enjoying the winter breeze, she walked slowly towards the coffee shop, which is just a couple of blocks away. Before she gets to her destination, she will have to pass some restaurants. She then passed by a couple of middle-aged men playing chess outside of one of the restaurants. Being the nerd she was, she paused and analyzed the situation first. She waited for the black player’s move and her prediction about the player’s strategy is right. So when the white player’s about to make his move, which she knows very well is wrong, she stopped the guy.


“Wait! Don’t use that…”


“What?” The two men looked at her with surprise.


“You’re getting into his trap. He’s actually planning to take your queen by letting you get busy defending the king. But with the position of your queen here, he will use his own queen to take it out, and then he will check your king. Since the front of your king is blocked by your own knight because you’re defending it, you’ll have no choice but to move it here. And once you move your king here, he will then use his rook and poof… checkmate!”


The black player smirked. “You read my mind there kiddo. Hahaha… Hey you, get out of your seat and let this lady here continue your game.”


“Y-Yes boss.”




“Eh? Just ignore it. If it’s okay with you, will you continue his game?”


D looked at the clock checking if it’s alright to spare a few minutes to play chess.


“Okay… I think I can spare a few minutes.”


“Great. So, since you already read my mind, I think I have to make a new plan.”


They played the game for another fifteen minutes and then…


“Check!” The black player announced.


D just smirked instead and took the bishop… “Check… mate.”


The black player laughed to himself and clapped…


“Nice… very nice… I didn’t see it coming. You’re good.”


“Thanks… Pleasure playing with a good player like you too, Sir?”


“Oh please… the name’s Wu Taizu…”


“Oh, you’re Chinese?”




“Wow, you’re Korean isn’t bad Mr. Wu.”


“Hahaha… Thank you Ms?”


“Oh, Jung… Jung Da-bi”


“Pleased to meet you Ms. Jung.” He then offered his hand.


“Actually… It’s Dr. Jung.” I reached and shook his hand.


“Woah! It’s my pleasure… no wonder you’re really smart.”




“You really know how to use you men huh?”


“Uhh… yeah. So are you Mr. Wu. You really know how to formulate strategies and use you men wisely. If it’s a real battle, it’ll be really hard to beat you for sure.”


“You bet.”


“Anyway Mr. Wu, I have to go now. Pleasure to meet you. Oh, here’s my calling card by the way… just in case you might need some health care needs you know? Hahaha.”


“Thank you Dr. Jung.”


D then walked out from Mr. Wu. Their conversation is rather a bit awkward as she thought. She herself doesn’t really like how the man’s eyes look like. She knows how to read people’s minds somehow. Being in the theater before, and studying psychology and psychiatry somehow helped.


“Hey there Hon…” The skinny girl with a long, black hair greeted D as she entered the café.


“Hey…” They then hugged for a moment and pecked each other’s lips for a couple of seconds.


“Traffic?” Yoona asked as they walk towards their usual spot, still in each other’s arms.


“Nah… I just passed by two men playing chess and I ended up continuing the game.”


“Aigoo!” Yoona exclaimed as she hit D’s head lightly. “You’re such a nerd!”


“Hehehe… Oh well.”


“So… who won?”


“It’s me of course!” D bragged.


“Aigoo! My baby’s really genius eh?” Yoona said as she pinched her lover’s cheeks.


“Ahh.. H-Hon… I-It.. H-hurts…”


“Oh, sorry.”


“Ma’am, here are your coffee.” The waitress interrupted them.


“Thank you.” The two told the waitress.


“But you know what Hon… The guy… I feel bad aura while I’m with him. The chess game was really intense.”


“Maybe you’re just overthinking things, Honey.”


“Yeah… Maybe… but you know whenever I get these feelings, most of the time, I’m right.”


“Yeah, you’ve got a point.”


D then took out her phone and dialed a number.




“Hello? D?”


“Yep, it’s me.”


“Why did you call me? Do you know what time it is?”


“Yeah uncle Song, of course I know.”


“So what now?”


“Uhm… can you give me informations about a Chinese national named Wu Taizu? His height is  around 6’1” age is around 45-50.”


“Okay… got it.”


“I think he’s been to Korea a lot before since he spoke the language like a native. But if you listen to his accent more, you’ll notice the slight Chinese accent that he has.”


“Okay… Why do you want me to gather up informations about him?”


“I dunno… but I have a bad feeling about him.”


“Hmm… I trust you when it comes to that D.”


“Thanks Uncle Song. I’ll hang up now… Sorry for the bother.”


“No problem kiddo.”




The next day at school…


Amber’s POV


Same as other days, Krystal was already in our school by the time I get there. There aren’t lots of students at this hour, so I have no problems approaching her.


“Hey.” I greeted her.


“Hey there.” She greeted me back.


“Uhh… Good morning?”


“Good morning.” She smiled coldly. What the in the heck did I do to deserve this kind of treatment?


“Oh yeah… Here.” She then handed me my Math notebook. “Thanks…”


“Oh… You’re welcome Princess.”


With that, she put her iPod on and put her earphones in her ear. So she doesn’t want to talk? *sigh* What else can I do? I can’t force her to talk to me if she doesn’t want to, so I just walked towards my desk and started reading my notes until…





Krystal’s POV


I don’t know why but I still don’t feel like talking to Amber today. Or maybe I’m just overthinking what D unnie and Sica unnie told me last night. *sigh* I need time to think more. I feel sorry for Amber that I treated her coldly but… I need some space.


So for her to stop talking to me, I pretended to put my iPod on and pretend to be listening to music and that I don’t hear her. She went to her seat and started reading some notes. And then…




Who in the heck was that? I looked at the door and saw Hyuna standing there. Amber also saw her. The girl then walked towards Amber and whispered something to her. What in the heck did she tell Amber that made her stand up and leave the room? Before she step out of the room, she turned around and looked at me but I don’t know why I shifted my gaze outside, pretending to enjoy listening to music, not caring about her.



Amber’s POV


Hyuna came into the room and whispered me something.


“Rex and the rest of the Prince’s Squad wanted to see you. We’ll be having a meeting. It’s just a short one.”


I stood up and followed her, but before I step out of the room, I turned around to look at Krystal. I know her eyes are following me as I walk towards the door but then why is she pretending that she’s busy listening to music and doesn’t care about me? Am I just thinking things? Expecting that maybe she likes me too, when it’s all just my imagination? I sighed before walking out of the room.


When I got in the org room of the Prince’s Squad, Jae, Zi, Rex and Rem are already there.


“Great, we’re complete now.” Rex said when he saw me finally enter the room.


“Have a seat.” Zi said.


“So… you guys all remember what we talked about before Christmas break right?” Rex started.


“About the concert thing?” I asked.


“Yes. Well, we only have 5 weeks before the day of the concert so we have to finalize our songs now and start rehearsing. Our practice will be Wednesdays after class and Saturdays in the afternoon. Are you guys all good with that?” She asked.


“We’re all good” they said in unison… except me.


“Uhm… Haven’t I told you guys that I’m also going to participate in the play?”


“Oh… Cinderella?” Jae asked.




“So you’re going to play Cinderella?” Rem jokingly asked.


“What the? Of course not!”


“Hahaha! Just joking bro.”


“Rex already managed that. I told her about it since I heard from Mr. Park about the play. The reason why you guys are going to have practice during Wednesdays and Saturdays is because you’ll have play rehearsals every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday after class and Saturday morning.” Hyuna explained.


“What?! We’re going to have practice for Cinderella almost everyday?”


“Yep… That leaves you busy for the next 5 weeks.” Zi stated.


“Okay, that’s all for today. Tomorrow, give me a lineup of songs that you want to sing and let’s decide on our playlist also tomorrow. Don’t forget to bring your own instruments and chords and music sheets.” With that, Rex ended our short meeting.


I returned to our room with a tired face. Just thinking of what will happen for the next five weeks makes me feel tired already.


“Hyuuuuung!!!” I looked up and saw Sulli running towards me and she literally jumped into me and hugged me. “Good morning hyung!”


“A-Ahhh.. C-Can’t breathe…”


“ah..sorry hyung.”


“Good morning Ssul.”


“Good morning Amber.”


“Good morning Luna.”


“Ssul, you should be careful next time when greeting others. You almost killed Amber there.”


“Sorry hyung.”


“It’s okay Ssul.” I said patting her head lightly.


“Hey Amber!”


“Oh hi Nicole. Good morning.”


“Good morning. Say ah!” She commanded me.


Without thinking I opened my mouth widely and she put something in my mouth.


“Now chew.”


*chomp chomp gulp*






“You know I don’t like too much sweet things right?”


“Yep, I know. But you look so tired when you get in the room. Good thing I have some dark chocolate here.”


“Ohh.. so that’s why it tastes a bit bitter.”


“You don’t like chocolates hyung?” Sulli asked.


“Uhm… not too much. I just don’t like things that are too sweet.”




“Hey guys, it’s almost time for the first period, I’ll go to my room now. See you guys on lunch.”


“Bye Luna.” We all said in unison. Now that I think about it… Where is Krystal Jung? I checked her seat but she wasn’t there.


“Hey Ssul, do you know where Krystal is?”


“Huh? She’s just…” she then looked at Krystal’s desk, “… sitting there before. Oh well I dunno. Maybe she went to the bathroom.”


“Oh… okay.”


I went out of the room to go look for her. I know it’s almost time and I should’ve just waited for her to go back to our room but I didn’t know why my feet started moving on its own and my eyes searched for her. As I was walking towards the direction of the bathroom, I saw her… the most beautiful girl aside from my mother that I’ve ever seen in my whole life. There she is slowly walking towards my direction… staring at me. My body started moving on its own and I just found myself slowly walking towards her. She’s now almost a meter away from me.


“I need to talk to you.”


With that, I grabbed her wrist and dragged her towards the stairs. I let go of her wrist and faced her.


“Are you avoiding me?”




“Are you avoiding me?

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1153 streak #1
Chapter 36: Masterpiece!
Chapter 36: Not gonna comment on how stupid I am for not noticing this masterpiece earlier. 🙄 BUT!!!!
This is good, like super good. Twisted twist that I can't twist it anymore. And rereading this in 2021 after aespa debuted is quite....... Something, idk. Winter Liu. Also possible. Damn. SM is legitly a big happy fam from jaejoong(dbsk) to winter(aespa).

bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 37: Thank you for sharing this fiction, me love reading it. Love the way Krystal fight for Amber's love.
Chapter 36: I can't believe it i survived xD Nice story!!!
ed_peniel #6
Its getting bored
Mika14 #7
Chapter 17: What's the title of the song in Chapte?
Chapter 36: wow nice story!!!!
Chapter 2: Why does it looks like another story?? amp i think i read a story that is super like this.. damn..
Chapter 37: You know author, I'm waiting for the stories that you mentioned in your A/N here. I hope you'd have the time to post them keke.