Chapter 20

The Bodyguard's Krystal


Chapter 20



Krystal’s POV


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“Okay time’s up!”


It was Amber and I in my room again. Sometimes I dunno if studying with her is fun or a pain in the a**. She’s as strict as our teachers when it comes to studying.


“Yeah yeah… here you go teacher.” I said as I gave her my “test paper/exercise paper.” Yep, she herself made a test for me, for her to know if I already know enough. It’s a math exercise this time, and I have to get 18 out of 20 so we could move on to the next subject or else, we’ll go through it all over again and she’ll give me another test >.<.


“I’m done checking it Krys.”


“Really? So how was it?”


As I look at her face… aww… She looks disappointed. She sighed before answering me.


“You got…” She then showed me the paper and said “all of ‘em correctly.” She continued as she showed her dorky smile.


O.O “Omo? Really?! I… I can’t believe it…”


I then took the paper from her hands and see it for myself. It’s true… I was able to answer all of them. I looked at Amber who’s still smiling at me… Then I ran towards her and hugged her tightly. I knew she was shocked with what I did but a few moments after, I felt her hugged me back.


“I’m so proud of you Princess.” She said as she pats my back.


“Thank you… I really can’t believe it myself.”


“I knew you could do it. Just keep on practicing and remember the key points and I’m sure you’ll get high grades. Who knows, maybe you can also get in the top 10?”


“Aish… I’m good as long as I pass.”


“Hahaha.” We broke from our hug and looked at each other.


“It’s getting late. Let’s go to sleep now Princess. It’s our first day of school after the break tomorrow.”




“Goodnight Princess.”


“Goodnight teacher XP”


She then picked up her things and went out of my room.


I dunno when did it start, but there’s this feeling that, everyday I kept on looking forward for the next day and go to school. I want to do my best in school. I’ve never felt this excited and inspired in school for my whole life. Is it because of that Amber? Maybe… Why? Because I listen to the lectures of our teachers because I could see that she’s doing the same. I also listen to her attentively when she tutors me. I want her to be proud of me. I want to do my best for her.


Amber… I wonder what will she think or do if I confess to her… Nah… You’re both girls Krys.... and c’mon, as if she’ll like you too.


Next day at school


We’ve all settled down our chairs waiting for our teacher as we heard the bell telling that classes are about to start.


After fifteen minutes of waiting, our teacher finally arrived.


“Sorry if I’m late class. I just had to talk to your new classmate. So everybody, I want you to meet your new classmate Nicole. Miss Nicole you can come in now.”


A lot of my classmates were star struck as a beautiful girl entered our room. I looked at Amber and saw her surprised expression. Don’t tell me she was also stunned by her beauty? I won’t allow it!


“Good morning everyone. My name is Nicole Jung. I came from America but don’t worry, my Korean’s not that bad. Please take care of me.” She then bowed and smiled at Amber.


“Okay Ms. Jung, please take a seat behind Amber Liu.”


She then started walking towards Amber and as she passed through her, since I was sitting next to Amber, I heard her say, “Long time no see Amber.”


Do they know each other?


After the first class, the new girl tapped Amber’s shoulder and walked to her side, blocking my view. So I stood up and went to Amber.


“Hey.” Nicole said.


“Hey. You didn’t tell me you’re going to study here. I thought you once told me that school’s boring.” Amber asked.


“Not when you’re around. Hehehe.”


“Eherm…” I have to interrupt because this girl’s starting to get into my nerves for flirting my Amber.


“Oh yeah, Nicole, this is Krystal. Krystal, this is Nicole. She’s a friend of mine back in the US. The apartment where I lived in LA was owned by their family.”


“Hi, I’m Nicole Jung. Pleased to meet you.” She said as she offered me her hand.


“Krystal Jung.” I answered coldly shaking her hand.


“And I’m Choi Jinri but I prefer to be called Sulli. So Choi Sulli.” Sulli said popping out of nowhere.


Enough of this handshaking and stuff! I wonder why Amber didn’t tell me about her before? Oh well, as if I knew everything about her. The teacher for our next subject just arrived at the right time. I can’t take this anymore.


I did my best to avoid Amber and that Nicole the whole day. I don’t want to see them too close to each other. I don’t like her… But Amber and her looked so close together… like they know each other very well. And I’m… fine I’m jealous of her! She just made me realize that there are still a lot of things that I don’t know about Amber. And it infuriates me.


I am now standing at the balcony of my room. Trying to breathe in some fresh air. I hope the cold air could make my temper go down even just for a bit.


“There you are little Jung.”


I turned around and saw D unnie.


“Eh? What’s with that face? Aren’t you happy to see me? Yah, I went all the way here after my 48-hour duty just to visit you, you know.”


“No it’s not that unnie. It’s just…” I walked towards her and hugged her. She visited me at the right time. I need someone to talk to right now.


“What’s the matter Krys?”




“C’mon. I’ve been like your mother and sister so I know very well if you’re hiding something or not.”


She broke from the hug and looked me straight in the eyes.


“I think I know what your problem is. Good thing I contacted Jessica already.”


“Sica unnie?”


“Yep. It’s rare that I get free times like this so I decided to have dinner with you guys. Just like the old times. So I’m going to treat you guys dinner. The reason why I went here is to get you then we’ll go pick up Sica.”


“But what about my tutorial lessons? It’ll start in an hour.”

“Don’t worry about that. I already told her.”




“Go change now. I’ll wait for you in the living room.”


After a few minutes, we went to Sica unnie’s condo unit to pick her up. She’s already dressed up so we didn’t waste time and went to the restaurant that D unnie reserved for the night. We had a lot of catching up while having dinner.


While having our dessert, D unnie finally opened up the topic that I don’t want to talk about.


“So how’re you and Amber?” She asked.


“Mwoh? So Yuri’s right. Is there really something going on between the two of you?” Sica unnie asked too.


“W-what? N-No! There’s nothing going on between us… We’re just… friends.”


“Friend my a** Soojung…”


“Yah D unnie!” Sica unnie slapped D unnie’s arm.


“Aww… That hurts you know?”


“You deserve it.”


“Yah! Is that how you talk to your unnie?”




“Aish! Anyway… So… going back to the topic… Do you like her?”


That question… I kept on asking that myself these past few weeks, but until now, I can’t come up with a decent answer.


“Still confused?” Sica unnie asked.


“I think so…”


They both nodded.


“I mean… I really don’t know if I like her. Do I really like her? If I really like her, why do I like her? If I really like her, so what? Am I going to confess? If I confess, will she reject me? Or will she say that she feels the same way? Everytime I answer one question, it’ll lead me to another question… and then I’ll get confused and go back to the very first question all over again.”


“Aigoo… My lil Jung’s grown up already T.T”


“My lil sis T.T”


And they both hugged each other… Aish these two unnies…


“Yah! Can you just help me with my problem? And stop crying about me growing up!”


“Yeah… you’re right.”


“Well, I dunno what to say. I mean… Hmmm… Well from my experience, it’s Yuri who confessed to me first. How about you D?”


“Eh? Me? Uhm… I… confessed first.”


“Eww D, you’re blushing! Hahahaha!”


“Yah Sica!”




“Aish… Anyway… Where should we start Sica?”


“Hmmm… how about we go back to question number one?”




“Eh? Question number one?” I asked them.


“Do you like Amber?” Sica unnie asked seriously.


“Uhm… I-I don’t know.”


“Do you feel excited on going to school because she’ll be there?” D unnie asked.




“Do you start listening attentively to your teacher because she’s doing the same?” She asked again.




“Do you always look forward to lunch break and eat lunch with her?” Sica unnie asked this time.




“Do you always look forward to your tutorial lessons with her?” D unnie asked.




“Do you feel disappointed everytime she says that lessons are done and it’s time for you to sleep?”




“Do you think of her before you fall asleep?”




“Is she the first one that you think of when you wake up in the morning?”




“Do you get jealous when she’s with someone else that you don’t know?”


“Well… uhm…”


“Okay that’s a yes.” D unnie concluded.


They then both looked at each other and nodded.


“Sica and I came up with only one conclusion.”




“What makes you hesitate that you like her? You like her so much, but from what I can see… it’s not that you’re unsure of your feelings… it’s just that you’re having hesitations… What are you being afraid of?”


“What if she doesn’t feel the same? What if she rejects me?”


“What if she feels the same?”


“Well… I dunno… unnie.”


“Are you worried of what people might think?”


“Sort of… yeah…”


“We won’t force you to confess your feeling and get together with her. It’ll be your choice and also her choice if ever. But with whatever you decide to do, loving… isn’t about the age or gender. If you love someone, love with all your heart; support each other. It doesn’t matter what people will say because as long as you’re whole and happy with your loved one, you won’t be weak. That’s the reason why we have spaces in between our fingers. Your fingers are your strengths while the spaces your weaknesses, which are to be filled by that someone’s strengths. You are to fill each other’s weaknesses so that whatever the world do against you, you’ll be able to get through it. Don’t rely too much on destiny saying that if you really are meant to be, it’ll make a way. Sometimes, we have to make a bridge, a trigger, to make something happen. If both of you won’t do something about what you feel, if nobody will do the first move, you won’t start anything, and will be stucked in that ‘I like you but I’m not sure and I’m afraid stage.’” D unnie advised me.


“With whatever you choose to do, take responsibility with whatever it is. You’re still young Krystal, so even if I like the two of you to be together, I’m still hesitant about it. But… It’s still your decision… Whatever you do, don’t forget that you have me and your Sica unnie by your side.” She continued.


“D unnie’s right Krys… We’re always here for you.”


“D unnie… Sica unnie…” They stood up from they’re seat and hugged me tightly. We don’t care what the others inside the restaurant think that time. We’re just hugging anyway…


After our dinner, D unnie drove us home. We drove Sica unnie first and had a small talk with Yuri unnie too.


On our way to the mansion…


“Are you okay now lil Jung?”


“Sort of…”


“What’s the matter?”


“Well… There’s a new girl in our school. And…”




“She and Amber are friends… I mean they’ve been friends for quite some time now I think, because she’s been a friend of Amber back in US.”


“So what’s the problem?”


“I… I feel insecure of her. Insecure because I suddenly felt that… I like Amber but I just realized that I don’t even know her that much. And… they seem to be so close to each other so close that I think she knows a lot about Amber than me. I wanna know more about Amber too.”


“Why don’t you ask her?”




“Ask her the things that you want to know about her. Sometimes you just have to ask Krys. If she answers, then it’s good. If not, then you just have to respect it. But you’ve go to be careful on what to ask her though. Maybe you can ask her first if it’s okay if you can ask her some things about her.”




“And I understand what you feel towards the new girl… but remember, being friends… it’s not how long you’ve known each other… it’s how you value one another.” D unnie continued.


“We’re here.” We went out the car and D unnie walked me to my bedroom.


“Goodnight lil Princess.” She then patted my head lightly.


“Goodnight unnie.” I said as I hugged her. “And thank you.”


“No prob Soojung.”


I went in my room as D unnie left. I just took a quick shower before going to bed. When I was about to go to my bed, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it but saw nobody. As I was about to close the door, I noticed a notebook in front of my door. I picked it up and opened it. On the first page is a sticky note that says:


“I think you forgot that we have an assignment in Math. Here’s my notebook… you can copy it, just return it tomorrow morning before you leave for school… And since we didn’t have lessons tonight…


make up lessons on the weekends XP




And… you’ve been treating me coldly the whole day. Did I do something wrong? Whatever it is… I’m sorry, okay? Goodnight Princess… miss you XP”





Stupid Amber…


But… I really forgot about our assignment! AND WHAT’S WITH THE MAKE UP CLASSES ON WEEKEND?

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1153 streak #1
Chapter 36: Masterpiece!
Chapter 36: Not gonna comment on how stupid I am for not noticing this masterpiece earlier. 🙄 BUT!!!!
This is good, like super good. Twisted twist that I can't twist it anymore. And rereading this in 2021 after aespa debuted is quite....... Something, idk. Winter Liu. Also possible. Damn. SM is legitly a big happy fam from jaejoong(dbsk) to winter(aespa).

bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 37: Thank you for sharing this fiction, me love reading it. Love the way Krystal fight for Amber's love.
Chapter 36: I can't believe it i survived xD Nice story!!!
ed_peniel #6
Its getting bored
Mika14 #7
Chapter 17: What's the title of the song in Chapte?
Chapter 36: wow nice story!!!!
Chapter 2: Why does it looks like another story?? amp i think i read a story that is super like this.. damn..
Chapter 37: You know author, I'm waiting for the stories that you mentioned in your A/N here. I hope you'd have the time to post them keke.