Kiss and Make Up

Kiss and Make Up
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This story is for our second place winner in OTPA (OneTruePassionAwards): 

Myhappyponies with their wonderful book Lost and Found (check it out if you have the time!)

Anyway, hope you like it!


Prompt: Frank and Hazel are on Calypso's island after a terrible disagreement and have to make up with one another in order to work together. If they do not overcome their argument and work together, they will be stuck on Calypso's island.


Waking up in a foreign place is not something that Hazel is unfamiliar with. Far from it; it's much too familiar. Annoyingly so. With an irritated groan, Hazel sits up and looks around trying to decipher where in the world she could be and what might have happened that caused her to end up here. As she looks around and tries to recollect her memory, she notices someone else lying passed out on the ground a few feet away from her.

Forcing herself to her feet she scurries over to the other only to see it's Frank who's lying there still unconscious. Biting her lip, she starts shaking him trying to get him to wake up and at the same time scanning the other for injuries. From first glance, nothing seems to be out of place with either Frank or herself. However, no amount of shaking seems to be working. Frank just won't get up.

With a sigh, Hazel gets up and surveys the landscape looking for anything useful since apparently, she'd lost all her weapons somehow. She tried to use her powers and sense if there were any weapons nearby but something was blocking her senses. She couldn't feel any sort of metal or gems beneath the dirt of the strange terrain. Frowning and completely puzzled, she glanced back at Frank one more time before walking away to try and see if she could at least gather some food and water for the two of them so they could regain some energy and think of what to do next.


When Hazel came back about fifteen minutes later with some apples and pears she'd found she saw that Frank was just starting to sit up. She went towards him and dropped the fruits on a flat rock beside him. Frank glanced up at her, confusion evident on his face as he too looked around and tried to access where they might be.

"Here," Hazel said handing Frank an apple and then taking one for herself.

"Where are we?" Frank asked as he took the apple.

"Not sure but it seems to be some sort of island... How much do you remember?" Hazel asked as she took a bite of the apple. She herself couldn't remember much but for some reason, she could remember feeling angry, but at whom and for what? Frank shook his head as he rubbed at his temples trying to remember anything but drawing blanks.

"I don't remember much... Wait, I think I remember... Um, we were on Mount Olympus for some celebration and... We were talking to Aphrodite? Why were we talking to her?" Frank asked Hazel who shook her head not even able to remember that much.

"I don't know... but Aphrodite? Not Venus? She was in her greek form, not roman?" Hazel asked.

"Yea I vaguely remember things but she was definitely in her greek form," Frank replied, certain of his memory.

"Hmm... Do you think maybe she sent us here? Some sort of punishment she thinks we deserve or something?" Hazel asked making up plausible theories.

"Maybe... But what could we have possibly done to her?"

"How would I know?"

"You really don't remember anything?" Frank asked a slight edge of annoyance in his voice.

"I think I already said that," Hazel responded furrowing her eyebrows at the tone Frank was using.

"Actually you didn't. You never said anything. All you did was hand me an apple and then ask me if I remembered anything." Frank said voice raised with anger this time.

"Why are you getting angry at me all of a sudden?" Hazel asked, her own voice accusatory and taking on an angry tint.

"Do you seriously not remember? It happened before we even went to Mount Olympus. You know what? It's probably the reason we pissed of Aphrodite or whatever happened!" Frank said voice laced with anger which was all directed at Hazel.

Frowning, Hazel tried really hard to remember what happened before they went to Mount Olympus. After a moment her eyes widened as she recalled what happened and suddenly she was just as angry as Frank.

"Are you still upset over that?!" She questioned unable to understand how Frank could still be mad about it.

"Of course I am! How can I not be?! You just pushed it aside as soon as you told me! And when I tried to bring it up later you gave such a weak apology! Did you even consider how I would feel about it all?!!"

"Oh my gods, I explained what happened to you and why I didn't tell you right away! Why can't you just let it go?! What's done is done!!"

"Oh, so I should just let it go cause it's in the past?!"


"Then I guess maybe I should let go of everything that happened in the past! Maybe I should just forget it all, the good and the bad! Maybe even forget everything about us!"

"Maybe you should!" Hazel yelled though she didn't mean it, as soon as the words were out of she regretted them and wanted to take them back. She would never be able to live with herself if Frank suddenly forgot their past together.

Frank stared at her in shock before he regained himself and his face hardened. "I see, so that's how you feel," he said unemotionally.

Hazel backtracked at those words ready to take back her words and apologize but stopped when Frank held up his hand and said, "I think we should split up and try and find a way of this island on our own and find the other when we actually have a way off."

That statement hurt. They had been through a lot of things together and with each situation they'd faced, they'd always tried to do it together, so hearing Frank say he wanted to be alone in this situation hurt. Hazel pressed her lips together, pushing her cinnamon bro

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