Where Were You?

Taxi 105

"Bo Mi," a voice said loudly as a book fell down right beside her face. 

"Yes?" She blinked her eyes open and lifted her head from the desk she had fallen asleep on. 

"Is everything alright?" Her Korean Literature teacher was standing beside her, a concerned look on her face. 

"Oh, yea, I'm sorry." Bo Mi stood quickly and began to pack her things, just now realizing that the classroom was empty and that the lecture had ended already. 

"You've seemed especially tired lately. If you need to talk about anything, I'm always here, okay?" 

Truthfully, she has been working extra shifts at the convient store. she gets home at 4 or 5 in the morning and barely gets to let her head hit her pillow before she has to wake up to write papers and study for her courses. She's been having a hard time eating regularly and barely sleeps anymore if at all but she won't say anything to her professor. 

"No, sorry I stayed up late last night~" She smiled innocently to her professor who was satisfied with this response and smiled back. 

"Don't stay out too late, I know you kids like to act young and stay out until all ends of the night but remember your responsibilities too, alright?" She patted Bo Mi's shoulder before turning to leave. 


"Welcome," Bo Mi called from behind the cash register. Tonight was another double shift but it was almost over and she was feeling energized from the fact she could go home and eat soon. Thankfully, the nights have been quiet, ever since that stranger and the drunken business man, there had been no incidents. Bo Mi, however, had since decided to play her music through one earbud from now on. She never would have imagined someone would react like that stranger did and honestly she was still thinking about it even days later. She couldn't decided how to file the interaction into her mind. There was a drunk and a stranger pretending to be her boyfriend and reacting weirdly and loitering for way too long for comfort. But then she thinks about the strangers smile and how his eyes smiled with his lips and his blonde hair and she gets all confused. 

The person in the store now reminded her of that stranger. He was slightly taller and a little more muscular but he something about him felt so similar. Especially the way he was wondering through the aisles like he was gearing up to spend hours hanging out in this convient store. Bo Mi didn't feel uneasy though, just like she hadn't felt creeped out by the stranger. She decided to let it go and get back to studying. She put her one earbud back in and started flipping through her Korean Literature notecards. 

"Cupid ain't a lie~" She unknowingly started to hum/sing the songs she was listening to. But suddenly the song felt so much closer than it ever had. It felt like the voice might just reach out of her headphones at any moment. Bo Mi kept singing softly hoping the feeling of closeness wouldn't go away quickly. 

Suddenly someone was pulling her earbud out, but the song wasn't stopping "I want you to share that~" he sang to her, still holding the earbud in his hand. He smiled with his eyes but his lips only smirked. She was right, he was taller than the blonde haired boy from the other night and more muscular too. But he was about the same age and had the same vibe about him. He stood infront of Bo Mi with a water in on hand and her earbud in the other and said "I like that song a lot, too"

Bo Mi couldn't speak. She couldn't figure out if she had misheard or if she was so tired she was daydreaming. When this stranger had pulled her earbud out the song kept going like nothing changed. It was a cover of a song, of course, so it's not strange that someone else recognized the lyrics but the way he sang them. It was the same. She was sure of it. 

"You-" Her eyes became doe like and wide, which only made the strangers smirk evolve into a full on smile.

"I'm Jungkook, thank you for listening to me sing," He smirked a little while saying this, left the water on the counter, and started to leave the store. 

Her mind raced with a million thoughts all at once; should I chase after him? how did he know I was listening to the cover? was that really the person behind the songs? That is what she thought and those thoughts left her unable to move and before she could process any of it he was gone. 


"Hey, why are you back so late?" Golden hair tucked under a hoodie mumbled from the sofa. 

"I don't know," Jungkook laughed a little to himself, joining the oversized hoodie on the sofa, bundling them both up in a comforter. 

"Where were you?" The hood revealed a bit more blonde hair but kept the half-sleeping boy still completely covered. As he sunk into the sofa a bit more, the faint mutters from the t.v. and his recently returned roommate allowed him to drift back to sleep. 

"With someone I think I'm going to have to know," Jungkook smiled down at his roommate and sunk into the sofa himself, falling asleep dreaming of a girl with one earbud in listening to him sing songs. 

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