The Stranger

Taxi 105

Being in college was tough. Being in a family full of debt and being in college would tougher. But Bo Mi was determined. She studied whenever she had the chance and constantly tried to find part-time jobs subtle enough her dad wouldn't worry about. Today was one of the rare days she got some time for herself, which she was going to spend trying to find a second part-time job. 

She never spent a lot of time on her appearance but she heard about a part-time secretary position which would give her a good paycheck and ease her dads work load so she decided to dress up for the open interview. The buses were running on time, the sky way clear, her hair had fallen into place perfectly, and she even decided to ditch her usual chap-stick for lip-gloss she hadn't worn since her mom passed away. Everything looked like made it look like luck was on her side for this interview. 

"What's going on!" an older business man shouted from somewhere behind her on the bus as the vehicle came to an abrupt stop. 

"I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, it looks like there was an accident up-ahead...we might be here for a while," The bus driver announced to the crowded, upset bus commuters. 

Bo Mi didn't have time for this. She had to get to her interview. She looked down at her shoes, which were not her usual sneakers but heels instead. She was going to have to run and that wasn't going to happen in these heels. She took her shoes off one by one and shoved them into her bag. 

"Excuse me, could you let me off here then?" She asked the bus driver and he opened the doors. Bo Mi didn't think anything of another passenger shouting 'Me too' and getting off with her when the bus driver opened to doors for them. 

When she got to the office, she was late, sweating, and out of breath. They wouldn't let her in the interview. Not that if they did, she would appear to be a good candidate. She walked home. 


She barely got to eat a snack before she had to go back out to her part-time job at a convenient store. The shift went as usual. It was relatively slow until the usual drunken crowd starts showing up after midnight. She didn't mind working graveyard shifts; she actually kind of liked it. It was quiet most of the time and her boss was rarely around so she spent most of the time studying. Sometimes she even played music throughout the store intercoms. She used to be scared she'd get in trouble but her boss really needed her because no one else was willing to work the shifts she did. 

This particular night she needed that music. She needed his music. His dancing. Once the clock struck 12, she was safe to hook up her own music. Her favorite song was Purpose. She didn't know much about the original American artist but she had fallen in love with the anonymous cover and dance to accompany it. She let the music play and pulled out some flashcards for her up coming Micro-economics exam. The store stayed empty, not even any drunken business men or women, until around 2:00 am. 

Part of this job included dealing with the occasional creep, which she wasn't scared up. She knew how to deal with weirdos better than anyone. Since she started living basically on her own, she had gotten really good at driving them off. 

Tonight's creep came in the form of a man who might have been and accountant or a lawyer with a disheveled suit, one  too many drinks, and a receding hair line.  He came stumbling in, knocking products over on the shelf's, and looking a little too much at Bo Mi. 

"Can I help you with anything sir?" She called out to him, trying to smile but having to force it. 

"Y-you got-t a...a boyfriend?" He started to stumble towards the counter where Bo Mi was sitting behind. 

"Sir, would you like some water?" She pointed to a refrigerated shelf across the store full of assorted  brand water bottles. The man gargled to himself a little and continued to come towards Bo Mi behind the counter. 

She slowly reached for the pepper spray her boss had hidden behind the counter and was supposed to use in situations like this. She'd never actually used it before. Her hands were shaking and the man continued to stumble towards her, picking up the pace with every step her took. She heard the bell of the convenient store door opening and her eyes darted over to the man now entering into the situation. 

"Honey-" The stranger called out to Bo Mi. She had never seen this man before; hidden behind a baseball cap and a hoodie with the hood up, she could barely see him now. 

"Wh-who are" The drunken creep spat towards the stranger. The man in the baseball cap rushed over to her, putting his body in between the creep and Bo Mi. 

"Her boyfriend. Who the hell are you?" The words the stranger said felt real even if his voice was shaking. For a moment Bo Mi even believed that he was her boyfriend even though the two had never met. 

The drunk man looked disappointed and started grumbling to himself while he walked to the door. He knocked a few more displays over before he finally left and Bo Mi could breath again. But who was this stranger? He still had his hood up and hadn't turned to directly face her either. 

"Excu-excuse me mister?" Bo Mi was suddenly feeling a bit uneasy again. 


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