

Camellia is a flower meaning destiny.



Lady Hui is considered a member of the Royal family as first and only cousin to the crown prince, having no sibling and unmarried, the public is aware of her existence but may had only seen her in very special occasion, only officials or politicians, usually those who wants to  latch onto power is well aware of her beauty.  Eventually, Crown Prince Bogum will step to the throne once his father, King Gon-yo died or abdicate, which will make her first in line until the crown prince is married and produces an heir.

Lady Hui never expressed interest in royal affairs and refuses to become a pawn.  As her wandering personality proves, she is far from staying leisurely, wearing tiaras and hosting tea parties with ladies-in waiting, she despises investing in useless tasks. She is more of an adventurer, travelling into different lands and seas, making business deals with males much older than her, sometimes judging her by her looks or intimidated by her negotiating skills, a trait she inherited from her grandfather.

She is aware of her skills and uses it to her advantage, with her venture, along the way, she will meet a lot of people that needed saving, sometimes delaying her tasks, but she learns that she was destined to meet them to teach her about life.


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