not the end, the beginning

You Look Good In Every Color

"you know, we've really downgraded our dating life," Momo says, looking around at the decorations inside the Taco Bell; a place they had planned all week to go to on their Friday night together.

Sana looked at her solemnly.  "Oh this is just a warm-up darling, after this it's the Four Season's for an oyster bar."

"You serious?"  Momo smirks.


She can't help herself, leans over the table and presses a kiss without abandon to Sana's lips.

When she pulls back Sana is grinning too.

"Since when do you love me?"

"Mm," Momo pretends to think, "Just a few seconds ago."  She flicks a piece of crumpled wrapper at her.  "But don't get used to it.  I could change my mind if you piss me off."

Sana sighs and shakes her head dramatically.  "Well if you do change your mind, please let me know as soon as possible, because our wedding planner certainly won't happy to hear me cancelling our cake tasting last second."

"I promise not to fall out of love with you until we've at least had our cake tasting."

Sana's expression softens, head tilting as she stares at Momo from across the table.  "Promise?"

Momo takes her hands and kisses them, she sneaks a look around at the other patrons (just a homeless guy falling asleep nex to his empty tray of nachos) then she leans in to kiss Sana's lips again.  "I promise not to fall out of love with you.  Absolutely."

That keeps the smile on Sana's face all night.  Momo likes that smile.  After a few years now -she's learned- she'd do anything to protect it.  Which his why she slips a 20$ bill under the homeless man's cup.  And why she holds open every door from here to the train station to their apartment door.  And why she carries Sana to the bed "practice for our honeymoon" she says, feeling a thrill at the sound of Sana's delighted laughter.

When did she turn into a sap?  Not sure.  Maybe between going on her first ever date with Sana and last week when Sana did that thing that her immobilized in bed for an entire afternoon.

Since when was Taco Bell a hot date spot?  Always.

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i'm literally only posting this bc I saw that japanese interview where they gave twice their affection types and i nailed momo's personality on the head with this one


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Chapter 4: SO SOFFTTTT
1241 streak #2
Chapter 4: So sweet ^^
Marshall_Lee95 #4
Chapter 3: This is perfect and so precious. Thank you for sharing !
Chapter 1: this is so good
Dougherty #6
Chapter 1: This was lovely! Looking forward to the next update!
Chapter 1: Cuteeee! A new SaMo story^^
Can't wait for the next updateee