
Take flight

They had been searching for hours, and the king could feel uncertainty creeping up as time passed.


“Your majesty,” The bodyguard spoke up. “That’s…” He trailed off and the king turned to see what it was.


He immediately got off the horse, bringing the silver chain into his hands.


“Donghae!” The king shouted, and he heard a weak voice coming from a distance away. He ran, hearing the footsteps of the bodyguard following closely behind.


His eyes widened when he saw the servant slumped against a tree, grasping his bleeding ankle tightly.


“Donghae,” The king whispered, reaching over to pull the servant into a tight embrace. He shuddered, letting tears of relief slide down his cheeks. “You’re safe now.” The king murmured, brushing the wet locks of the servant away from his face.


“I was so afraid,” Donghae whispered, clutching onto the king’s soaked shirt. “I was so scared, Hyukjae.”


Hyukjae frowned at the trembling voice, and he brought the boy even closer. Donghae buried his face deeper into the king’s warm neck.


“The horse tripped over a fallen log and I fell. I think I sprained my ankle,” Donghae whispered, wincing at the stinging sensation. “I can’t move it at all.” The king placed a soothing kiss onto the servant’s neck.


“You’re safe now,” The king murmured. “Don’t ever run from me again.”


The servant closed his eyes, nodding against the king’s chest.




The next time Donghae opened his eyes, he found himself back in his room. But this time, he felt a warm body against his own, and he snuggled further into the firm chest. Hyukjae chuckled, and the vibrations made Donghae open his eyes again.


“Hyukjae,” he whispered, letting his lips brush against the king’s neck. The king smiled, bringing him even closer.


“How are you feeling?” The servant leaned onto his chest, and Hyukjae placed a comforting kiss on his forehead.


“I’m fine. My ankle just hurts slightly.” The king nodded.


“Don’t worry. The physician gave you the best medicine yesterday night. You’ll recover soon enough.”


“It hurts here too.” The servant spoke, and the king was about to panic when he saw where the servant had placed his hands upon.


“I’ll heal it,” the king whispered, kissing the servant's chest gently. “I’ll never hurt you again.”


The servant knew that this was a promise meant to be broken, as it always had been. He could only wish that it would be different this time.




Donghae squeezed the washcloth, letting the water drip into the basin. He sighed. It had been a week since he had attempted to run away, and a week since the wedding.


He was a fool, pining after a king who already had his queen. He knew it, but he couldn’t stop himself. He had fallen too deeply to turn back.


“Donghae-ah.” The cloth dropped into the basin of water, making a huge splash as the servant jumped at the sudden words. He turned, gasping when he saw the king.


“Your majesty,” Donghae murmured, gazing into the warm eyes. “What are you doing here? And where is the queen?”


“I’m here because I want to see you.” The king said, pulling the servant towards him, wrapping his strong arms around the slim waist. “And she’s in her own room, resting.”


“In her room?” Donghae questioned, a frown forming on his face.


“Yes, why?”


“Aren’t you supposed to be sharing the same room?” The king laughed, brushing away the hair covering the servant’s eyes.


“I don't love her, Donghae. And I never will.” Donghae could feel a weight in his chest being lifted off at those words. He smiled weakly, allowing himself to lean into the strong embrace.


“This is wrong, Hyukjae.” The king pulled away, looking into the teary eyes.


“It has always been wrong. But have I ever cared?”


Donghae paused at that. The king was right. Despite all the glances and whispers the king’s advisors had given him in the past, he continued to share his secrets with Donghae, and continued being close with him. The king had never cared. On the other hand, it was the servant who cared a little too much.


Donghae smiled, leaning in to press a kiss on the taller’s lips.


It was wrong. But it didn’t matter anymore.




“Hyukjae-ah!” The servant laughed, squirming as the king tickled him, refusing to let him go.


“Let me go, I have to water your flowers!”


“They can wait.” Hyukjae murmured, leaning in to kiss the servant.


Donghae laughed, letting the king do as he wished.




“Hyukjae, are you done?”


“Just a moment, love.” Donghae flushed at the endearment. After he had attempted to run away, the king had been spending more time with him.


“Ah, there we are.” The king smiled as he put down the paintbrush. Donghae beamed as he saw the painting of himself handed over to him.


“I think it needs another finishing touch.” The servant wore a confused expression but before he could utter another word, a flower was tucked into his hair, right above his ear.


“You look beautiful.” Donghae blushed and they leaned in, closing the gap between them.



From a distance, the queen watched as they leaned in and their lips touched. And she watched as the servant threw his arm around the king’s neck, deepening the kiss. Those touches that the king had never given to her, why?


She turned away.


It would not last for long, she thought. She would not let that happen.




“Love, why don’t we have lunch by the lake?”


“Don’t call me that.” She clenched her fists slightly at the cold and harsh tone, but she refused to give up.


“Have lunch with me.”


“I’m busy later.”


“Why? With that lowly servant of yours?”


“Don’t call him that!” The king shouted, his eyes glazing over with so much anger that the queen flinched, shrinking back into her seat.


“I called him what he is. He is a mere servant. Or is he more than that?” The king looked up at the tone, searching the woman’s eyes, but he could find no answers.


“Fine. We will have lunch.” She smiled, smoothing away the creases that had formed on the king’s shirt.




“Come with me to the garden.” The king stared at the woman who was waiting by the door and could only nod.


Donghae sat, waiting in his room. The king had promised to have dinner with him tonight and he had been in a good mood the entire day, anticipating the king's presence. 


But he felt the excitement simmering away as he waited until the sun set, and the king had still not appeared.


As the sky completely darkened, he let a lone tear slip down the side of his cheeks as he hid under his blanket.


Night had long fallen, and the servant had fallen asleep while waiting. The door slowly creaked open, making the boy stir in his sleep. He felt a weight dip down onto the empty space beside him, and he reached out, feeling a warm hand in his own.




“Mmhm?” He rubbed his eyes blearily, feeling himself being shaken awake.


“Come with me.” He felt himself being pulled up by the familiar strong arms.




They stared in silence at the lake that was illuminated by the moon that hung in the sky that night. There was a gentle breeze blowing, and he turned to look at the man whose hand he was holding.


“It’s wrong, Donghae-ah.” Donghae looked up at the broken voice, feeling his heart ache slightly.


“It’s wrong to do this, knowing that you’re crying yourself to sleep every night.” Donghae froze at that, watching the king wipe a tear away. It was the first time he had seen the other crying. 


“No,” The servant paused. “You are not the one who is wrong. It’s us that is wrong. What we have… What it shouldn’t be.”


Hyukjae looked into the other’s eyes that were gleaming with tears.


“Is it really?” Donghae felt his hands being gripped even tighter.


“We were born in the wrong time and place.” The king spoke, gazing off into the distance. “But it doesn’t matter. Regardless of the time and place, it will never be wrong.”


“What do you mean?” Donghae dared himself to ask.


“Shall we run, Donghae-ah?”




This story is coming to an end. Thank you all for your support :) 

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Chapter 15: OMG THIS IS GOLD! I love this so every much!! THE ENDING IS PERFECT NOW THEY CN BE TOGETHER 😭😭💙💙💙
chasinghyuk #3
omg! this story's being community promoted ;____; gonna reread again <3
Back to read again :')
Lavender05 #5
Chapter 15: I won’t deny I shed a few tears here 🥹💙
Chapter 15: Thank you for this 💙😭💙😭
Chapter 15: Rereading again
Chapter 15: Rereading this again...this is one of my favourite
Chapter 15: Back again to read
Chapter 15: Your stories never fail to make me cry, this deserve to get featured, I'm happy they finally get together, thank you for writing this authornim