Catch Me

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When Park Yeseul accidentally stumbles across the files of a cold case containing the details of her brother's murder, she decides to reinvestigate the case to find out who truly committed the crime. On her journey to bring justice, she finds herself trapped in a web of lies, deception, and vengeance that makes her realize that nothing is ever just black and white. Through twists of fate and turns of surprise, she quickly finds that there's more to this story than she originally anticipated. Can Yeseul catch the person behind her brother's death and save the innocent lives who got caught in it all?




"You betrayed me," Jungkook said, his voice dripping with a combination of anger, anguish, and agony. His face was contorted in what Yeseul could only describe as pain and sadness, the dried tears of his previous breakdown visibly streaking his pale cheeks. 

"Please, I've always been on your side," Yeseul desperately pleaded. An awful feeling settled deep within her stomach. Tears brimmed her eyes as everything began falling apart; it wasn't supposed to end this way. "I can expla-" 

"Stop! I don't need to hear anything,” he harshly interrupted. Jungkook then laughed humorlessly. All at once, a dark look crossed over his face. Eyes hardened and suddenly void of emotion, he said, "I trusted you. You were the only one who listened, the only one who believed me. But this entire time, you've been double-crossing me." 

"I-I never,” Yeseul started, her voice shaking and barely above a whisper. She continued, “I never meant to hurt you.” It felt as though there were a stone lodged in the back of her throat, preventing her from speaking. When she witnessed Jungkook look away and clench his jaw, her heart sunk like a ship at sea.

"You know what's worse?" Jungkook asked, not responding to her previous cries. Yeseul shook her head, afraid that if she were to open , she would immediately break down and start sobbing. 

"I loved you."

~ ~ ~ 








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