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chapter one.

"My name is Lee An Young and I am 14 years old currently. My dream goal is to perform onstage and be recognized for my talent in dance. Today I will be auditioning with my own choreography to Buttons by the Pussycat Dolls."

   It was a dream but it happened in a flash : the late night practices, the strict diets, the tears from the stress, the sleepless nights from the fear. The hard work should have paid off but it didn't feel right. Was it because she lost the nerve to actually finish what she started? Tears started to run down her face, causing her train of thought to be broken. This feeling of unbearable sadness was wearing her down. She didn't want to tell her father in fear that he would be hurt from his daughter's decision nor did she have the strength to talk to her former band mates. Words were stuck in An Young's throat yet the only coming out was tears and silence. This wasn't the path she wanted to take...no, this wasn't the future she had in mind. Her dream was to perform on stage and be recognized for her talent. Now all that is left to remember of her is nothing since the memory of her will no longer be ingrained in the history of K-pop. Grabbing her bags, she left the cramped yet familiar dorm room. She was going to miss this place despite the lack of space and practicality to it. 

"There's no turning back now," she left out a soft whisper while wiping her tears away from her face.

    5 minutes had passed since she left the dorm room. An Young opened her phone to look at the time. The small glow of the phone shone in the dark night. She closed the phone with a sigh. Although she couldn't say good-bye while leaving, she left on good terms and promised to keep in touch. Letting go was hard since there was a part of her that wasn't ready to let go of this. 

"Maybe I needed some more time," she thought to herself.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice a young but mature looking female sit next to her. Little did An Young know that her future would be in the hands of this stranger.

"Excuse me, but you okay? I don't want to pry but it seems like something is bothering you." 

Her voice cut through An-young's thoughts. When did the lady get here? No matter, more importantly, should An-young answer this stranger? 

"Where are my manners? My name is Kim Da Hui. I'm the CEO of Lupercal Media. It's nice to meet you Miss...."
"An Young. My name is Lee An Young. It's nice to meet you Miss Hyer-roo.

There was something about this lady that made her appear slightly crazy. Could it be the wild look she had in her eyes? An Young didn't know yet something about Da Hui was unsettling. Warning signs were going of in An Young's mind and she had to somehow detangle herself from this lady.

"An Young...why does that sound so fa-. Wait, aren't you from Brown Eyed Girls?" Da Hui her lips, inching her face slightly closer to An Young's.
"Former Brown Eyed Girls's member. I quit," An Young corrected.

Da Hui smiled a Cheshire cat like grin. This was perfect because everything was happening according to the plans. It would be a lie to say that she didn't know who "Young A" was. Brown Eyed Girls debut stirred some attention, specifically Hye-roo's attention. Their ballad debut to her was lackluster but it was An Young who garnered her interest. Debuting at the tender age of 15 was something that wasn't common but was starting to become the norm. The real reason why Da Hui was interested in the young girl was for her dancing skills. Potential was prominent in the young latter. It was just that Nega Network didn't know how to use that to their best of their abilities. If Da Hui could persuade her into training, the idea of a revolutionary girl group would be able to take launch.

"My apologies. I didn't know you decided to leave the group. That would explain your dried tears, red nose, and troubled face." the older woman pointed out, still maintaining her grin.
"Why are you so interested in my matters? Aren't you being nosy?" An Young's anger started to bubble. Da Hui couldn't take a hint which started to irritate her.

"Don't misunderstand me. I have no personal interests in you rather it's your talent that I'm interested in. IF you listening to my introduction, I'm a CEO for a record label. My plans are to debut a girl group in the next 4-5 years which is were you come in. I don't know if you care but here is my card. Do call me if you are interested."

Having already successfully planting, Da Hui stood up and walked off. She quietly counted in her head until she heard heavy footsteps behind her.


This was too good. She was now one step closer to creating a power house girl group. Chills ran down her spine while her grin even grew larger. Da Hui took a breath before facing the young girl.

"This company of yours....are you telling the truth?"
"Would you like to see for yourself?" Da Hui responded with a large smile while the fire burning in her eyes burned even brighter.

author's note: i would like to apologize to the members for the long wait. writer's block occurred and i didn't know how to launch the story. watching some documentaries helped me get some inspirations. i would also like to apologize for my bad writing. i have a bad habit of using certain type of writing, words, and phrases but hopefully the more i write, the better it will get. please give me feedback in terms if i portrayed your character right or you felt like this could be done better or etc. do not be shy as i prefer an active reader than a passive reader. that's it for now until the next chapter!

word count : 919 (81 words short of goal)

EVeryone needs to comment on this chapter. if you do not comment by thursday at 11:59 pm est. I will replace your chara!

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Thank you!
i have not forgotten about this fic.
the next update will be during fall break due to this past few months + weeks being packed


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Chapter 8: I love the introduction because sounded like IDOLMASTERKR where Suji had to introduce herself to everyone :)
Chapter 8: I honestly really loved your writing! And I hope everything will work out for anyoung
Chapter 8: omg i wasnt even sure if da hui is a good woman or not with that cheshire grin on her face kajxajnxs anyway i hope everything would turn out okay for anyoung! it's okay if you updated late! everyone has busy lives :))
14 streak #4
Chapter 8: Chapter 2: I’m excited to see how Anyoung leads! It’s definitely not gonna be easy for her because she’s only 18-19 and she’s prolly clueless
Chapter 1: i'm thinking red velvet's bad boy or peekaboo, exid's ah yeah, or f(x)'s red light or four walls!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 1: Any song by Red Velvet or EXID!
i couldnt finish my app (because im lazy lol)
but i think depending in which direction you want them to go
you do evol's we are different, a.kor's but go, 4minute's volume up, exid's i feel good
or you can do 4minute's crazy, exid's ah yeah, red velvet's peek a boo, f(x)'s red light
14 streak #8
Yay I can’t wait for the story to start!
Chapter 1: omg i wasn't aware that the story's about to start akfjajxed can't wait! :)
Chapter 3: this takes me way back to when the applyfic community was still a baby ;;
im so hyped up for this story!
congrats to sugalgi / lee anyoung
please wait for my app!