Chapter 3

Eyes On Me



 Myeong Seong's POV

It was an ordinary Saturday again, I was busy. Busy fangurling over ZE:A when my phone suddenly played Watch Out, alerting me that I have a text message.

I grabbed my phone and read the message,

"Myeong Seong~ah, want to watch my cousin's basketball game this Monday?
He texted me a while ago and told me to come, and I asked him if I could bring friend, he said yes. :)

Yeiy~! So, will you go with me?"

- Hyeon Hee

I paused and thought, *If I go, I might see that cold L.Joe guy. But if I don’t, Hyeon Hee might feel upset.* I sighed.

*I should go, Hyeon Hee is more important than anyone else.*

I started texting, “I’ll go with you. ^^” and pressed send.


Monday came, it wasn’t just an ordinary day at school, it was the start of the week-long celebration of the school’s foundation. This means there’s no classes, but we still have to go to school to participate in the events.

I went straight to the college gym; it took me a while to find the gym. When I got there, I slowly poked my head to see what’s happening inside. *hmmmmmm…I wonder where they are*

“Who are you looking for?” Someone suddenly said behind me. I turned around and was surprised it was L.Joe.
“Y-y-you! What are you doing here?” I almost shouted.

“I asked you a question first, who are you looking for?” he insisted

“I was looking for Hyeon Hee, she was asked by CAP to watch his game, and she asked me to watch together." I answered

"Your turn, now, why are you here?” I asked again

“I’m playing.” His short reply. *I hate it when his replies are short.* I thought

“What? What do you mean you’re playing?” I asked in confusion.

“What I mean is, I’m also playing, I’m in the same team with CAP.” He cleared

I just nodded in understanding

“We should get in, the game is about to start in a few minutes.” He said after he looked at his watch.

He went in and I hesitantly followed. When we got in, he started searching for any sign of CAP or Hyeon Hee, I just stared at his back until  I heard someone shouting my name.

“Myeong Seong~! Ham Myeong Seong~!” She shouted

I looked around trying to find who was calling me. Then I saw Hyeon Hee at the far left of the court, waving her arms. She was already with CAP.

“There they are.” I pointed to L.Joe. I went passed him and ran straight to Hyeon Hee.

“Hey!” I greeted with a smile.

“You’re with L.Joe?” she questioned

“A-a-ani!,” I quickly denied. “we just saw each other outside.”

“Yeah, I just saw her peeking at the door on my way in here.” L.Joe confirmed.

“I thought you would ditch us.” CAP told L.Joe. CAP was already wearing his uniform.

“Mian~ I had a problem that I had to take care of.”

CAP just nodded, “Come on, we should get ready.” He said and walked. L.Joe followed him inside to the locker rooms.

“Hwaiting oppas~!” Hyeon Hee shouted before they left.

“This is embarrassing.” I sighed.

“Now you feel what I feel when you go all fangurling about ZE:A” She said.

I just chuckled in realization


We sat down at our seats, and waited for the game to start. After 10 more minutes, the players started to come out.

It was CAP’s team vs Infinite.

“Omo~! It’s Woohyun oppa~!” We heard someone squealed

I smiled, “Woohyun~oppa~!” I called but he didn’t hear me.

“Nam Woohyun~! “ I shouted louder. He heard me and stared looking around.

“Yah~! Woohyun~oppa~!!!” I shouted while waving arms.

When he spotted me, he smiled and started making hearts shape with his arms and throwed them at me.

I chuckled at the scene.

"Why is he throwing hearts at you. Do you know him that well? I thought you were just a admirer” Hyeon Hee laughed

“Yeah, I know him, he’s a childhood friend of mine.” I told her.

“We we’re neighbors before, but they moved to another house, bigger than their house beside ours. That’s why we seldomly see each other now.” I added


We went out of the locker rooms to the court.

As soon as I came out, I saw Woohyun doing heart shapes with his arms and throwed them. I looked at the direction where he was throwing his hearts.

He was throwing it at Myeong Seon.*Why is throwing it at Myeong Seon? Are they lovers or something?* I asked myself.

“Hey, you’ll be one of the first five, along with CAP, ChunJi, Niel and ChangJo. Ricky would be a sit out for now.” The coach told me and took my attention. He started telling us what the strategy was.

“Got it.” We said in unison after what he said.

“Let’s win this game!” We all shouted

After a few minutes, both teams gathered at the court and took our positions. The referee called the two members who'd do the jump ball. 

Sungyeol and Changjo both made their way to the center of the court and bent their knees. getting ready to jump. The referee blew the whistle and up the ball went..

I held my breath as the both of them jumped for the ball. Both players reached for the ball but Sungyeol got it and quickly made a run to our court.

CAP and Chunji looked at each other. CAP motioned for an assist. Chunji quickly went into position but just as CAP was gonna shoot, Hoya blocked the ball, WooHyun got it and started dribbling towards the other side of the court.

I quickly sprinted to WooHyun's side and tried to steal the ball from him. He quickly held it back and passed it to SungGyu, but not before throwing me a smirk.

SungGyu quickly shot the ball in the basket and it went in.

The referee passed me the ball and I quickly made my way to the side of the court. Changjo grinned at me and I returned the grin. I passed him the ball and the clock started ticking again.

Changjo sprinted to the other court and faked a shot before passing it back to me. I quickly shot the ball from the 3-point line, and the ball went in. It gave as a one point lead.

This went on till the last quarter; the lead kept changing between us and Infinite and Woohyun and I would be throwing glares and sarcastic smirks at each other.

*What's his problem anyway?* I asked myself.

The referee whistled for a time out. I panted as we made our way to the benches. 

"We did a good job last quarter but they're leading by six points now." CAP announced.

"I know. I'll try to steal the ball as much as possible." Niel sat down and gulped a whole bottle of water in one go.

"That's not the problem. Try to NOT get it stolen, okay?" Chunji panted.

Niel glared at ChunJi. “What did you say?” Niel asked ChunJi.

"Stop it." CAP stopped the two before it resulted into a fight.

"Listen. Infinite is good and has always been good. But we're better, so get your acts together and stop fighting with each other. That's the last thing we need right now."

"Ne~" The two obediently replied.

I smirked and drank down the bottle of water before the referee blew his whistle again, signaling the start of the final quarter...

"Okay ladies and gentlemen! It is the last quarter, I repeat! The last quarter! Infinite is in the lead with six points but with Teen Top's skills, will they be able to walk away from this game as the victors?" The announcer said.

"This is so exciting~ This is like the battle of the gods or something." Hyeon Hee said.

Changjo grinned again as I passed him the ball. We sprinted to the other side of the court and he faked a shot and passed it to me again.

We did the same play two more times and earned 4 more points, on our 3rd time Infinite saw through our actions and WooHyun quickly stole the ball from me.

There’s only 18 seconds remaining before the last quarter ends. I ran after Woohyun and tried to steal the ball, but he passed it to Dongwoo.

[16 seconds] I smirked, it was our chance to steal the ball. Among the Infinite members, Dongwoo was the easiest to trick, I signed something to Niel and ChunJi.

[14 seconds] Both of them look at each other and took their positions and waited for my move.

[9 seconds] I went closer to Dongwoo which caused him to hold the ball back from me but it went closer to Niel. Niel grabbed the chance to steal the ball, after he successfully stole the ball I ran to the 3 point mark while Niel passed the ball to ChunJi, Chunji ran closer to me,

[5 seconds] then passed the ball to CAP and then to me.

[3 seconds] As soon as I got a hold of the ball, I turned to the basketball, bent my knees and jumped to shoot.



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Please Update soon :D
kyuyoung20 #2
hyungsik is in this story tooo > < update soon!!^^