cat daddy (no, literally)


"So your vet is hot, huh?" Taemin asks.

(jinki does not have a crush on his cat's new vet. kibum does not have a crush on a patient's dad. these are Such Lies.)


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Chapter 3: holy this was so good im...... it's actually kinda funny, ive got an old jongho fic draft with the same setting, except minho is the vet and kibum the receptionist lol . but jinki is there with his cat !! and this made me really wanna finish that because vet aus... are, as you truly proved with this masterpiece, Really Good. thanks a lot for writing this, ill definitely be both saving and recommending it. ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 3: I’ve read this twice now, honestly one of my favourite OnKey fics!
Chapter 3: kibum's order are worth following. - jinki
absolutely a fact..hehehe ^^
Chapter 3: Loved it, it's so deliciously full of fluffy fluffiness
Chapter 2: nice :)
can't wait for 'wednesday'
Chapter 1: Uuùuuuu.. I dont know why the other three assume that Jinki and Kibum are interested in each other, but Taem, Ming n Jjong seem doing that in sincronization :D
Like they did it on purpose together to push Jinki and Kibum to see each other..
I cant wait to find out what's gonna happen!!
Ailuodi #7
Chapter 1: Aw, this is so cute! I like the characters, the friendship, I can't wait to read more!