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"I'm sorry..."

"Maybe it was the universe telling me it was a mistake saying yes."


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Baekhyun and I have been together for 5 years, but before we became a couple, he and I were best friends. He was the best friend any person would want to have. Whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on Baekhyun was there. He was there for both my ups and downs, I knew I could always count on him. Baekhyun was my night and shining armor, my partner in crime, and now, who would've expected, the love of my life. As time went on, I started seeing Baekhyun in a different light, in other words, I was falling for him. I was falling for my best friend and I was aware. Everything he did had my heart beating, every word he said caused my cheeks to go rosy. He had me wrapped around his fingers and he knew how to use it to his advantage. He was my first and only love but happy endings never last.


He was the light of life, the only person that I thought would keep me from falling into the dark abyss. He was the only person I wanted to wake up to every morning, grow old with and have kids together. That's what I thought he wanted too when he proposed on the night of our 5th anniversary. We were both in pure bliss as an engaged couple, but one day, the blissfulness had immensely died out like it never existed. Baekhyun wasn't the one that kept me from falling into the dark abyss, he was the dark abyss. He was my everything but it turned out what I had fooled my myself into thinking shattered right before me. 


My heart belonged to Baekhyun, always has and always will no matter how much he disregarded it like it meant nothing, no matter how much hurt he imprinted on it. I was struggling trying to find my way out of this torturous nightmare. The man who vowed to never hurt me ended up breaking me so much I was far from ever being fixed. And just like that, I lost my other half.



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"Sometime's things just aren't meant to be, you're bound to get hurt at the end."



Author's Note:

Hey guys, it's been very long. I wanted to sincerely apologize for my 4 year absense. I was still a high school student when I started writing so I had to stop and focus on school. Plus I kinda lost my touch in writing too so I didn't know how to continue with my other fics. But now I'm back and better than ever, 4 years late but better than nothing right? lol. To convey my apologies for disappearing for so long and leaving y'all hanging like this, I've decided to gift you a brand new story! Starring of course my one and only man, Baekhyun. I really hope y'all enjoy it bc it is my first fic after a 4 year hiatus. I'll try to update the chapters as soon as I can. it all depends on my schedule but I can guarantee you that I will not leave y'all hanging this time. Sorry again for my absense, hopefully this story will make it up to you. Thank you for being patient and happy reading!

Btw, Baekhyun's birthday is in 5 days along with Prive's press release, do y'all know about Prive? And his lined magazine issue is also being released this month, yay! Model Baekhyun is making a comeback! I'm excited for all of this I really can't wait.


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