
No , Sherlock
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A/N: Okay guys, this is not edited but hope you enjoy. I'm just soooo tied. This chapter took me 3 days to finish. Please leave a comment on your way out, they really motivate me to upload faster. Comment about anything, it just makes me happy too see the feedback. Saranghae, Author-nim


16 Years Later

Baekhyun sighed as he kept pushing the trolley to the designated room that had requested it. This job was getting more and more tedious as his shift hours progressed.


There were so many couples these days that exercised their lovey-doviness right under his nose, and not that he wasn’t happy that more and more young couples decide to take their relationships seriously, it was just that he didn’t want their overwhelming displays of affection to be his problem.


Seriously, he couldn’t go five minutes without showing one couple to their rooms, or prepare a room for a romantic getaway, or just deliver a feast of a meal, that he knew wouldn’t be eaten anyway in favour of practicing other nightly activities, to one of the rooms.


Though, however many complaints he had about his job, he never proclaimed to hate his job, he actually thoroughly enjoyed it. He enjoyed the company of his co-workers, the sense of purpose it gave him every morning and most importantly the sense of belonging it provided him with. He was also chosen the employee of the month, that’s how much he loved his job.


Baekhyun didn’t usually get so pissed off at something or let it ruin his mood that easily. He was a genuinely cheerful guy, believe him. It’s just that today is definitely not his day.


The reason for his crankiness today came in the form of his reminder that he would soon turn twenty-one, which only meant one thing. He would soon get kicked out of the orphanage. It was hard for Baekhyun to grasp onto that concept. After all, he’d spent the majority of his life in the orphanage. Letting go was akin to ripping away a part so ingrained in himself, that it would definitely take more than a little getting used to.


And besides that, he’d have a definite headache dealing with his finances from now on. He didn’t have to pay any rent when he was staying in the orphanage, and he wasn’t sure his paycheck would suffice the rent and his living expenses. Baekhyun sighed at his prospects. He’d have to find a new place, pay rent, and on top of that, more likely than not find a second job that he can balance with his first and college by the end of the month.


But nothing, nothing throughout this day, had gotten his nerves so frustratingly on edge as what was about to happen now. Baekhyun pushed the trolley in a precipitated manner, ready to be over with his shift, when he almost tripped on his feet as he rounded the corner, only for an arm to shoot out and stop him in the middle of the turn.


Baekhyun grunted in pain as the action caused the trolley to dig sharply in his side. Baekhyun eyed the man holding out his arm, currently clothed in a pair of dark jeans and a white windbreaker. The man looked a bit disheveled, as if he’d been out and about looking for something, and the inquisitive look in his eyes almost gave Baekhyun that confirmation.


Ignoring the man’s previously rude and unwarranted action, Baekhyun did as any good employee of the month worth their title would do, and instead spoke to the man in a polite tone, “May I help-”


The man cut Baekhyun off by huffing an almost kind of exasperated sigh. He rolled his eyes and said, “Oh no, please don’t be boring. Don’t ask me that question.” He looked down and spotted the trolley, which seemed to spark something of an idea in his head.


“On the topic of questions actually, I have one for you. How long does it take for you to reach room 901 on the ninth floor from the kitchens at a considerable pace using the staff’s lift situated on the third turn to your left?”


Baekhyun blinked in confusion and something akin to awe, after all, he’d never seen someone speak so fast before or ask him such an odd question in their first meeting.


“Oh, I don’t know, maybe about two to six minutes,” Baekhyun said to the man now standing before him. The man, now again rolled his eyes and said, “I think I’ve asked a fairly straightforward and intelligible question, so I wouldn’t mind if you’d choose to extend me the same courtesy.”


“But sir, I’ve told-” Baekhyun tried to explain, but yet again, this stranger had decided to interrupt his response.


“No, no, no. You don’t understand, I need a clear response, preferably including the seconds of the time you take to reach the said room, whilst also pushing this trolley. Furthermore, I wouldn’t mind knowing how much the weight of the trolley hinders your journey, so please, answer this all in detail.”


The man was now speaking with his hands, gesturing wildly to the trolley and flailing his arms around. He stopped short as he waited for Baekhyun’s response, “Well, sir, I believe I’ve told you what I think is the right answer to your question. If it doesn’t satisfy you, well then, I’m sorry I don’t time my journey to each room separately.”


With that said, Baekhyun kept on walking, trying to reach his destination and ignore the man, which worked for a couple of minutes. Baekhyun actually thought he was rid of the man as he got on the staff lift, but as he turned to push the button to his level, he found the same man standing next to him on the lift.


Baekhyun took a deep annoyed breath and faced the man, “Sir, please, you cannot use the staff lift. If you walk on straight ahead, you’ll find the client lift.”The man just kept looking Baekhyun up and down, and it seemed as if he hadn’t heard a word Baekhyun had said.


There were a few moments of silence as the stranger seemed to zone in on Baekhyun’s shoes, before looking back at him with a pissed look that said you better answer the damn question.


“So, how much time?” The stranger said with a lifted eyebrow quirked in a mixture of annoyance and questioning. The man’s persistence was really getting on Baekhyun’s nerves now. Baekh

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Chapter 1: Oh my! Baek had to witness such a scene in such a young age. It's enough to traumatize him. It sounds interesting so far. Waiting for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 1: Wow this is really awesome. I can't wait! I wish you good luck.
Fighting! ?