"Something's wrong..but since when..? I didn't know. Or maybe, It could have been wrong from the very beginning. I guess it went over my head..I, Byun Baekhyun..control light. Last year my team made an all-out plan to ambush some people who've been after us for a while, even going to the extent of hurting my one and only, Do Kyungsoo"

Xiumin stared at the flashing lights hitting his delicate kitten eyes "..." He tilted his head towards the right, which meant a signal to the other members. "OK!". He removed the object covering his eyes and looked towards the undercover Van. "Just as I expected", by now we could see four other 'enemy vans' heading our way. Minseok wouldn't be the brains behind the mission but he is one tricky nut to break. Things started out well, that's for sure.

I was so sure.It all seemed like a perfect plan, how it all came crashing down like a bundle of tires is something I'll never know...

"Alright! They are about to enter the bridge!" Kyungsoo's slim fingers touched the keyboard as he entered the exact text to the other members. Baekhyun and always admired who he loved, but he now adored him further. "You're so smart Kyungsoo-ah.." Hearts as one beat as one..they were bonded, they smiled and slowly intertwined their fingers, sending heat waves between them. "Oh my god now is not the ing time to be gazing at each other!!. Just give us the instruction so that we get over this and get back to the dorms! I'm sleepy you guys!!" Chanyeol's voice echoed through the Van. "Haha, sorry Chan." Both Baekhyun and Kyungsoo laughed, others joining as well. "Let's end this!!"

Minseok had control of his bike. "Alright! Going in!" He glared with feisty eyes towards the roaring trucks. "Wait up!", almost immediately stopping the frost controller. through the air, Kai and Sehun two of the most reckless, skilled and high school lovebirds shifted their gaze to the mic attached to each other's ear.  "Is there a problem?" Kai, his hands in his pocket asked with an unwavering facial expression and right beside him stood Sehun with the exact same. "There's one more truck-!!" Kyungsoo spoke with a hint of fear in his voice but was cut off by a sound of pure confidence. "Who cares? We're stronger than they will ever be man!!." Kyungsoo sighed. "But we should be careful though.."

Glancing to my side, I gave a positive smile. I thought no one could..get in our way, I guess I was wrong..Very wrong... 

"Ok!" Suho smirked as he leaned down to get a closer look. "So it's either one of them right?". He asked again only to be cut off by a crazy duo. "Do I go in or not? Tell me quick!" Chanyeol asked while peeking through the window. Chen scoffed. "How come you are asking D.O? We all know he was your high sc--" "We're not talking about that Chen." Chanyeol always wondered how he got into a relationship with Chen but it was fun either way. "..and who should I be asking then?". He rolled his eyes when he saw Chen with his arms resting in the background with that usual smug on his face showing slight dominance but we all know who tops in this relationship. "Well obviously, you should ask the leader."

upon hearing his name, Suho bent forward, letting himself battle with air. "Guess I'm the one to start right?" He knew exactly where to land and appeared in front of the van. "Hi~" with his usual leader smile, he jumped back letting the enemy know how painful water can be and within seconds, the van was under water with the people trapped in its net. "Sorry guys~!" He smiled and winked. Suho's lover knew right when he has to make his move. "He made a move! It's our time to shine!!" Chanyeol and Chen stated their stake board which flew with a dose of their powers. Minseok smiled raising his eyebrows and going in between the two. "See you guys later!" He waved and made his way faster than the other two. "Sorry mates, but let me show you how ice just doesn't freeze things but can hurt you as well..." He put his hand on his boyfriend's pool of water, instantly freezing the road and make ice-spears go through the van as well, although making sure the people were just 'knocked' out.

"ALRIGHT!!! JUST DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO!!" Kyungsoo laughed along with Baekhyun being a hyena in the background. "Wait so you don't know which truck has the real thing? That's our ship to get back you -!" "No. And leave it be Sehun." Kai smirked at his lover and gestured him to go for his attack. Sehun smiled, his lips and locked his eyes with the other cars. "Hey, guys! Fasten your seatbelts!". Ever wondered how bad it'll be if you come face to face with a sudden gush of wind? No? Well, the enemies sure felt it good. Sehun didn't plan to go easy on them, but then again, when does he?. He gave Kai a questionable look and asked in a low, irritated tone "Was I too gentle?" Kai just gave a plain smile, he was satisfied and that's all Sehun needed. "Oh, .." He looked at his side and saw a truck coming his way, no...Kai's way. "God ing dammit KAI!!". The van was right in front of Kai much to Sehun's dismay.

"HEY WATCH OUT!!" Sehun ran towards Kai who just stood there with a straight face. "...too slow". He sat next to the man, smiling. "Hello-" "UUUGGHH!!". The man in black was pushed into a mall, breaking the glass and his esteem with it. Kai pushed the break when he saw Sehun running towards him. "Kai!! Gosh, you scared me!" Kai's laughter rang in Sehun's ears and he smiled as well. "Idiot.."

"S-Surrender!!" The other man yelled as two guns were on point at Sehun and Kai. "Surrender? That's Ridiculous.." Suho rolled his eyes and water started to emit from his hands. "The Rest~!" "...Is for us~!". The ChanChen couple, rose from the sky sending dual winks to their leader who shot them a small smile. 'Go them guys...' Chanyeol and Chen fought their way through, punching and kicking their way until there was no one left. "Piece of cake aren't they?" Chanyeol stared and smile with Chen looking as though he murdered someone. "They're not dead right...?" Chanyeol laughed. "Of course not! They just fainted cause they can't stand my baby's punches or kicks~!" Chen looked away and smiled shyly. 

Suho, on the other hand, made his way to the last and final truck. He stretched his hand, taking a hold of the door. "What the--" There was something wrong, terribly wrong. "What are you doing..?" "Can't you open it?". A motorbike stopped right at Suho. "Step aside, I'll open it." Suho shook his head sideways. "That's not it.Kyungsoo! Baekhyun you might wanna check this out!" "...OK!.."

That's when it all went wrong..Kyungsoo and I are supposed to be the best..but even so--

"WHAT THE HECK! GET DOWN EVERY--" Kyungsoo's voice was inaudible, why? Because all of us were going...going away from each other, in pain. Our powers were rendered useless. We couldn't take it anymore, was it a trap? It may have been..but what was it that we made wrong..?

"KAI STOP IT! IT'S NOT GOING TO DO YOU GOOD IF YOU LET GO OF ME!" Sehun yelled as his grip on Kai's hand loosened. The bomb had separated all of us and taken our powers, with the worst to come. Kai's one and only sacrifice. "Let go..don't make this hard for me..." He let his finger slip one by one from Sehun's grasp. The ten feet tall building was no joke, one of the steel pipes had penetrated through the youngest, and yet he didn't want to let go of the male he's loved all his life. "I know..I'm sorry.." With that Kai' hand left the latter, and only desperate screaming was heard. "KAI NO! PLEASE!!" Moving his hand quickly as possible as he tried to hold on. "..I love you Sehun-ah.." The black smoke covered the male who Sehun had seen falling away from him with a smile plastered on his face. Sehun tilted his head sideways, humming 'Sweet Lies' to himself before his body became as cold as the weather. 

"DAMMIT DAMMIT!!" Chanyeol and Chen, along with Suho and Minseok witnessed the whole tragedy that already unfold before their very eyes. "Baekhyun's gone too..." Kyungsoo had nothing better to do, he kneeled down and cried hard into the ground with which his heart resembled the cold hard stone roads.

Don't Cover My Last With the Truth, Just Give me a couple of Sweet Lies Baby...





Word count: 6764



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