chapter 3

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Author’s pov



After meeting the person that she won’t meet even the whole world end, Jyeon keep on locking inside her room.


She sits on the floor leaning at her bed. She kept on remembering the incident that happen today.




After running away from Eunjung, she runs to the park near her dorm. There she sits on a bench a broke down. It is too much for her to handle.


Little bit afar Eunjung watch her. After little bit cool down Eunjung approach her.

“Jiyeon, why are you running away?”

“huh! You asking me that. You do have thick face. After all that happen you still have the guts to come back and stand at the front of me.”

“let me explain.”

“I don’t want to listen to yours lies anymore.”

“Jiyeon please.”

“please leave. I am feed up with you”

“I won’t leave until you listen” Jiyeon didn’t respond. She just rolled her head.

So Enjung continue “I am sorry, I did that to you. I am sorry. Because of my sin to you I am also living in the hell all this years, I know you won’t forgive me but I’ll earn your trust”

Jiyeon can’t hold her tear anymore. She let it fall freely on her soft face.

“why? Why you did this to me? Why you out of all the people? Why you?”

Enjung keep on apologising “I am sorry”

Jiyeon continue “you know I trust you so much back then but you killed me behind my back. How long? Just this time tell me the truth. From the beginning?”

“sorry jiyeon” Enjung look down

This make Jiyeon more hurt and anger. She brust out “My eyes in here not there. Is it that hard to tell me simple answer yes/no?”

“yes, from the beginning”

“wow. What? wow you plan this all with my parents. You all make me stupid. You get it cool. You guys get what you want. So please leave me alone. Don’t ever show me your face in front of me anymore”

Enjung know it is all her fault. She knows she can’t force Jiyeon now. She plans to approach Jiyeon in other times. So she l

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Nangnang #1
Chapter 6: so bad ending><
Its not good cuz no one have a change to jiyeon
its seem like little mistake for me (i means a mistake if everyone did to jiyeon they can fix it with her)
But i know for jiyeon its really big for her heart its seem like she got Major depressive disorder but to late no one cant help so bad for me ㅠㅠ
Nangnang #2
Chapter 3: Im shocked!! Why jiyeon give up easy ><!
Nangnang #3
Chapter 2: Im right soyeon and jiyeon are sibling good sister in my imagine
what happen with eunyeon -3-
Nangnang #4
Chapter 1: wow wow i just found new eunyeon fic and you got help by firebreak sound good no no its very good cuz its eunyeon fic hahaha
finna57 #5
Chapter 6: Wow!! Thats so much for me. I knew u want us to treasure who are important but i'm sorry the story little bit complicated to understand it. No offend. Thank u.
Abeyum #6
Chapter 6: What is this?
finna57 #7
Chapter 1: I cant wait to know who is the one bump with jiyeon? Hehe. Waiting for ur update.
Abeyum #8
Chapter 1: Nice start, keep it up