Secret room ;new secret discovered

Death High

CL: Then what are we waiting for? Lets go in that room!

They all went inside that room and Min gives a chalk to Jae jin and Jae jin writes his explanation about memento mori.

"Remember the mortality

Remember your death. Remember that you will die."

The freaky voice laughs and they hear Yoseob's footsteps. "Iam going to let him go now."...

Mr. Siwon ordered them to look for Yoseob.. They all looked for Yoseob until they saw him running to them. Jae jin shouts Yoseob name.

Hyun Seung: Yoseob!

Yoseob: It was really scary. Scary. Scary. 

Mr. Siwon: Where were you?

Yoseob: In the dark 2nd basement.

Mr. Siwon: Let's go there.

They all obeyed what Mr. Siwon said and they all went in the 2nd basement located on the left part of the ground floor of the school. They all know what to do there. So they all searched for clues. The new member, Hyuna, picked up a picture.

Hyuna called the others and showed it to them. Min fastly grabs the picture from Hyuna's hands and says.. "Jiyeon and Yoona? With.... Jiyeon's mother.. and father." She looks at Jiyeon and says.. "Yoona was this close to your parents? Or are you siblings. You're siblings right? Am i right?!".. Jiyeon bows down.. "Why can't you say anything? Why didn't you say this to me?" Min asked. 

Jiyeon: Its not that! The thing is she's my stepsister.

Min: Why didn't you tell me then?

Jiyeon: We kept it as a secret. 

Flashback of Jiyeon while telling it as a story--

Jiyeon was watching television until Yoona and her parents came in and introduced Yoona to her.

Jiyeon's mom: She is your stepsister. 

Jiyeon's dad: Here let me introduce her to you. She is Im Yoona..Yoona she is Park Jiyeon. 

They smile to each other. But Jiyeon's parents reminded them that it should be kept a secret. Jiyeon didn't know why but soon she figured it out. 

Everyone said that Yoona was bad luck. They didn't want Jiyeon to get hated too so they kept it as a secret. But Jiyeon was always protecting her sister until they stopped bullying Yoona and loved her.


Min: I understand Jiyeon. 

She hugs Jiyeon. Then suddenly someone opened the door like a crazy guy and it was Jiyong.

Jiyong: Guys! I was like fooling around in the school but i panicked when i heard that freaky freaky voice!

Everyone was quiet and was staring at Jiyong..

Min: Oh.  So that's why i thought something was missing.. So it was you. 

Jiyong: Really? Wait what's with the atmosphere here?

Key: Jiyeon is Yoona's stepsister.

Jiyong: Oh.. What?! Wow..

CL: Cool!

Hyuna turns the picture around and behind there was a message. "Even your tears are important to me. Please dont waste them." Hyuna reads what is written outloud..

Mr. Siwon: Lets go out now. We will look for more clues. Keep those clues. It might be handy.

They all went out to search for clues again. Jae jin was still replaying the video. Min asked why.. "Iam seeing someone. Someone is behind Tae min. It's another person not Si yoon."Jae jin answered. He tries to pause it to see that person but it was too fast. But after many tries. He succeeded pausing it on the right time. It was a girl. Jae jin stopped walking "Who is this? Kinda looks familiar." he whispered to himself. Mr. Siwon ordered Jae jin to go faster so he stopped staring at the paused video and he ran to Mr. Siwon while still looking at it.

-Meanwhile in Hong ki's situation--

Hong ki asks the person in front of him what's happening and that person answered that there was a big traffic. "Why? I also have to take a train to go there and everything. This is so frustrating!" He keeps on calling Seung Hyun and Jae jin but they do not answer it (Seung hyun and Jae jin doesn't receive any calls or texts from anyone) "11:00?! Really? I will arrive there at maybe.. 2 or 3 o'clock! What if something bad is happening there.. There are no nearby police station there. No. Nothing will happen bad. If there is, i will just easily call the police." He smiled then he sleeps.


Jae jin: Jong hun, You know my brother Hong ki right?

Jong hun: Ah yeah. Why?

Jae jin: Did he text you?

Jong hun: No.

Jae jin: Hey Min Hwan. You haven't talked for a while there.

Min Hwan: What is it?

Jae jin: Im just asking if you know me.

Min Hwan: I heard your name from Min but i really don't know you. You're Jae jin right? Min said she likes you.

Jae jin: Really? I like her too. Thanks for the info.

Jae jin smiles.. Yoseob goes near to anyone because he is scared that he will be a victim again. Key was still in pain. Everyone else were all scared. And they all want to go home. But they can't. Min hwan suddenly noticed a picture that flew to them.  It was a picture of Yoona when she was dead."Scary picture of Yoona? What?" He shows it to everyone.. Min Hwan  reads what is written. "You can't go out. But you can if you answer my question. You are all safe if you can answer this question." 

Min Hwan: What question?

Another picture suddenly came out of nowhere. Min Hwan picks it up again. It was a picture of Taemin and Yoona. At the back there was another message. He reads it again. "Who is killing? Why?"

The freaky voice suddenly speaked.. "This will be my last ultimate question. Answer it or you will ALL die."

The silence was break out by Jae jin who shouted that he has an idea.

Min: What idea?!

Jae Jin: Its a girl. A girl. Im sure.

Ms. Dara: How did you know?

Jae jin shows the paused video and they all saw a girl's hair standing behind Tae min who was killing Yoona. 

Jae jin: Dont you think she looks familiar? But i don't know who that girl is.. I forgot.

Hyun Seung: Hmm.. Not really.

Min: Nope.

Jiyeon: Kinda looks familiar too.. But then again.. No. But she really looks familiar!

Jae jin: Yeah..

Key: Let me see!

Kim Bum: She does. Wait. No.. If Dong ho was here.. He would know who that person is. He is close to almost everyone!

Min: He is not here. So forget about it.

They went outside and continued to look for more clues. Especially, they needed it more. They entered the football field. "Ah, so huge! Its the first time i came here." Min said while looking around. While she was walking around she saw a big tree. There was a carve on the tree. Min comes closer to see what is written on it.. "Ti12rs4.." She thought of it as some kind of code. She writes it on her hand and look around the tree. When she looked up there was a wood that is hung. She jumps and pulls it and it  also has a message written on it. "Getting closer to the truth. Continue to look for ME.." Jae jin saw Min reading.. Min lets go of the wood and turns her head around. 

Jae jin sneaks up behind Min and he holds Min's shoulders. Min shouted. "Hey! You scared me! Stop that." Min said to Jae jin. "What are you doing around here alone?! Its too dangerous!" Jae jin asked Min. Min replied.. "Well, i dont know!". When Min looked at Jae jin's back.. There was an image of Yoona which made her shout. Jae jin looks at his back.. "What's wrong Min? Hey!" Jae jin said. 

Min: We really really need to get out of here. Im hallucinating things now!

Jae jin: You're getting crazy.

The others did not find any clue. So they  went inside the island school again. Jiyong and Min Hwan noticed something strange on the wall. It seems like one part of the wall was really soft. Jiyong punched it and it easily breaked down. Everyone looked at them and Jiyong looks back. Min Hwan was staring at the hole. "It leads to another way! A secret room!" CL adds. "COOL!" One by one, they went in. 

CL: What's this place? I've been wandering around this island many hours ago like for..... 2 hours but i didn't find this.

Min: A door.

Jae jin: There's a code.

Min: Maybe its this.

She enters the code she saw before.. "Ti12rs4" The door opened...


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Chapter 16: this was scary..
Chapter 4: ah ! who is min ? she/he is a girl/man ???
Chapter 1: umm , i don't understand . who is the heroine in this story and who is the hero in this story ? is seung hyun a male ?
This is like that one movie "Death Bell"... Kinda haha, but a better version with idols ;) hehe
Love the story <3
oh! i shouldn't crossed out jiyeon from the list..urrgghhh...i know that something wrong with's little sad that jae jin died in the end but glad they are together in heaven...
Aww, it ended already... But hehe, at least they still get to live happilly ever after at heaven :)
it's jiyeon the killer??! ohh it's an end,anyways I luv it~~
Taemin! Omg, he really is the killer!
Is the lyrics meant for Seunghyun? Like yoona wanted to tell him that or something?
... I think i'm not good at these mystery stuffs :( Until now i still don't know who is the killer, well except for taemin. I still think it's yoona which is impossible because she is already dead... WHO IS THE KILLER? I'm sooo curious! ^^