Introducing, new members; new secret discovered

Death High

They continued exploring the school and searching for more people.

Min: What now?

Mr. Siwon: Everyone, check every lockers, closets, rooms everywhere. We need to rescue them.

Key: I think there were also 7of them?

Jiyong: Why?

Key: Well, because i still remember some of them. They were in another group. We already found two. CL and HyunSeung. I remember.. Hwang Kwanghee.. Yoseob?

Jiyeon: Ah! Yang Yoseob.

Key: Yes. Was it Choi Jong Hun?

Jae Jin: Ah, i know him!

Kim Bum: Oh i also remember 2 of them! Yoon Eun Hye? and.... Who was that again..

Min: Kim Hyuna!

Kim Bum: Yes! Yes yes.. 

Mr. Siwon: Lets look for them. Now!

Everyone look for the others. They were really fast but they look for the others really carefully. Then Seung Hyun opens all the locker. When suddenly he can't open one locker. It wasn't lock. He asked for help. The other pulled the door one by one. Seung Hyun noticed.. "It's not lock. It's opening a little." He pulls the door and they all noticed that it opens a little. "Okay, im gonna open it."Mr Siwon said. Mr. Siwon shakes his hands and gets a hold of the locker's door. He pulls the door with full force and it opened successfully. 

There was a girl inside.. "Who the heck are you?!" She points a fork to Mr. Siwon. 

Mr. Siwon: Okay.. Cool cool. Im a teacher and these are students. And you are?

Eun Hye: My name is Eun Hye sir.

Everyone introduced themselves and they asked Eun Hye some questions..

Jae Jin: Eun Hye, im sure you haven't seen me here in this school.. Because im not studying in this school. 

Mr. SIwon: Why are you here Eun Hye? Didn't you see us around?

Eun Hye: Well.. I thought you were all dangerous. I thought you were all killing because all of you are not hiding. I was scared So i took any weapon as fast as i can and i saw this fork. Well.. It might be handy! It can stab people. 

Shin Hye: Eun Hye. Do you remember me?

Eun Hye stares at Shin Hye for a while and she nods.

Jae Jin: You know each other?

Shin Hye: Yeah i met her around the school.

Jiyeon: Its getting darker and darker. 

Mr. Siwon: Everyone! Let's go back to the classroom. We shall continue looking for the others after we take a rest. 

Before they go back to the classroom, Key noticed someone peeked on one corner. Everyone went back to the classroom without them noticing that Key was separated. Key picks up a pipe and holds it firmly while slowly reaching for the person he saw. He shouted as he was about to hit the person.. The person was also going to hit him with a long pipe. Key dodged and he asked what's his name. "Kwanghee. Hwang Kwanghee." He stares at Key like he was going to eat him. Key replies by introducing himself to Kwanghee.. "My name is Key. Kim Ki Bum.................. Could you please stop staring at me like that? I know you're just a normal student here. I know you. I saw you many hours ago when this death thingy wasn't starting yet."

"Really? Then nice to meet you then!" Key shakes hands with Key and smiles but then after a few seconds his smile fade away. "Eh.. Why don't you join us?" Kwanghee nodded and followed Key back to the classroom. Key looks at Kwanghee and whispers to himself.. "His creepy."

-Meanwhile at Hong ki's place-

Hong ki suddenly wakes up. 

Hong ki: What a strange dream i had. Not strange. Scary. 

Hong ki dreamt that one by one, the students were dying at the island. Hong ki doesn't know that what he dreamt was all true. He was getting really worried so he turned off the television, took a bath and changed clothes. He took the magazine which features the island where Seung Hyun is. He took a bag and put foods, the magazine and other useful things. He checked the time and he predicted that he will arrive there after 5 hours or 6 hours. "Seung Hyun, Jae Jin. Oh c'mon. I need to do this for them. Im still their older brother and cousin and i need to be responsible." He leaves their house and took off to the island. "Its too dark! Why didn't i go earlier! Such a stupid guy!" He hits himself.

-At the island school-

Key went back to the classroom safely with the creepy guy, Kwanghee,..

Mr. Siwon: Hey! Where did you go?! We all panicked here. We thought another death thing is going to start and you're the victim again. Don't go separated to us like that again! Look at your body. Wounds,bruises! Stop getting yourself into trouble.

Seung Hyun walks near to Key and says.. "Yeah stop tha-! OMO!" His words got cut off with a expression "Omo." because he saw Kwanghee looking at him like he was going to kill and eat and dispose his body or something.

Key: Could you please stop staring at people like that? Everyone is kind and nice here. Dont worry!

Kwanghee again, smiled and shaked hands with everyone. "Really? Kwanghee. hwang Kwanghee is my name!" He bows and again, after a few seconds his smile faded away. 

Everyone whispered to themselves.. "His creepy."

Mr. Siwon: I think this is enough rest. Let's go out again. We can't spend a whole week in here. Let's go.

Shin Hye: Sir to the pool. We haven't checked there yet.

They all agree to go to the pool and check the place. When they arrived at the pool, Kim Bum picks up a pair of goggles. "Oh cool, goggles." He wears it  but He throws the goggles away and everyone went near him. "What happened? What's that? Goggles? You're scared of goggles?" Jiyeon asked to Kim Bum. 

"Of course not!" Kim Bum replied.

Jiyeon: Well?

Kim Bum: i didn't examine the goggles so i just wore it. But it had blood stains on it. Around it. All around it.

Shin Hye points Kim Bum's face.. "Blood stains at your face." She wipes off the blood stains on Kim Bum's face using her handkerchief. Kim Bum thanks Shin Hye and Shin Hye smiles. 

Min Hwan: Wait.  I didn't see that goggles before here.

Jiyeon:  Me too!

Min: So that means, someone came here faster before us!

Hyun Seung: But why are there blood stains?

CL: Must have been the killer.

Jiyong: Damn that killer! Going around the school, playing with us!

Jae Jin:The killer is not playing.

Jiyong: Yeah, yeah Mr. Know-it-all!

Ms. Dara: Everyone! Please calm down! Stop fighting! We already discussed about this right? No fighting!

"Yes, Miss.." Everyone answered.

Kim Bum pick up the goggles and wipes off the blood stains. He smells it and noticed that it wasn't blood. It smelled like.. ketchup. 

"Ketchup?" Kim Bum says. "He his finger and it was really ketchup.

Hyun Seung: Wait, what?

Kwanghee: Ketchup?

Min: That's kinda weird. Why ketchup?

Jae Jin: Someone addicted to ketchup here?

Jae Jin sees a person inside the pool. "Hiding, huh?" He whispers to himself. He slowly reaches for the swimming pool and plays with the water. "The water is sure warm huh? Someone must have been SWIMMING here! Maybe i should swim too!" He saw the person move. He gets a long wood and pokes that person. 

"Soon you will lose oxygen there." Jae Jin says. Everyone got confused and asked what. Then the person shows up and everyone was shocked. The person gets out from the pool and runs but then it was a boy. They chased him, Luckily, he slipped and Mr. Siwon gets a hold of him.

"Who are you? Why are you hiding?" Mr. Siwon asked.

"I-.. Iam Yoseob!! Ack! It hurts! Please let go of me!" Yoseob said. Mr. Siwon lets go of him.

Jiyeon: Yang Yoseob.

Yoseob: Jiyeon?

Jiyeon: Yes. 

Yoseob: Uhm.. Yeah. Hi.

Min: Who's Yoseob?

Jiyeon: Ah, He is my childhood friend. He transferred to a new house. So we got separated. And that's where i met you, Min.

Min: Really? Nice to meet you Yoseob.

Mr.Siwon: Okay, let's continue!

Yoseob: Wait! What are you people doing? Aren't you all scared? Shouldn't we escape?

Jae Jin: If we escape, the killer might just follow us home. We are going to find and kill the killer.

CL: Were having an adventure that includes our lives! If we don't stop this now and we escape, we can't sleep because the killer might be following us! If we find out who the killer is, surely! We will kill that killer without thinking twice!

Mr. Siwon: Okay, i think no one is here now. Let's go to the computer room.

They all reached the computer room. Jae Jin opened one of the computers. "It opened! But no internet connection." Jae jin said. He chooses My files and clicks My pictures. There was no picture. Next, he choosed My videos. There was one video. He opened it and it just showed pitch-black. Then suddenly a shout shocked everyone of them especially Jae Jin who falls off the chair. Everyone watched the video carefully. 

The scream was still continuing then suddenly they saw a boy's legs and a girl's uniform. The camera was shaking. It looks like the boy was killing a girl. The camera slowly goes up while still shaking. They all saw the guy's face and also the girl's face. The boy was Tae min. The girl was.. Yoona.

Jiyeon shouts and cries. Min cried as well. "Why Tae Min?! Why?! Why did you do this to Yoona? She didn't do anything wrong to you! She was always so nice to you! You love her right? What happened?! Why did you kill her?!" Jiyeon goes crazy. Min gets a hold of Jiyeon while she's crying.. "Jiyeon! We will find it out don't worry! We will if we work together and start looking for the suspect now." Min said to Jiyeon. "Oh, so that's why he was kept in the mental hospital." Jiyeon ignores Min as she said that.

Seung Hyun carries Jiyeon which makes Jiyeon calm. "Put me down. Put me down now." Jiyeon ordered Seung Hyun. Seung Hyun did what Jiyeon said.

Kwanghee: I do not know who this Tae Min is. But i already heard Yoona's name. So she's dead huh?

CL: A secret discovered. This is getting interesting.

Jae Jin: This is good. Good. 

He gets the USB for his phone from his pocket. Min says to Jae Jin.. "You brought your USB with you?".. Jae Jin replied.. "Yes. Always." He downloads the video into his phone and they continued looking for other people. 


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Chapter 16: this was scary..
Chapter 4: ah ! who is min ? she/he is a girl/man ???
Chapter 1: umm , i don't understand . who is the heroine in this story and who is the hero in this story ? is seung hyun a male ?
This is like that one movie "Death Bell"... Kinda haha, but a better version with idols ;) hehe
Love the story <3
oh! i shouldn't crossed out jiyeon from the list..urrgghhh...i know that something wrong with's little sad that jae jin died in the end but glad they are together in heaven...
Aww, it ended already... But hehe, at least they still get to live happilly ever after at heaven :)
it's jiyeon the killer??! ohh it's an end,anyways I luv it~~
Taemin! Omg, he really is the killer!
Is the lyrics meant for Seunghyun? Like yoona wanted to tell him that or something?
... I think i'm not good at these mystery stuffs :( Until now i still don't know who is the killer, well except for taemin. I still think it's yoona which is impossible because she is already dead... WHO IS THE KILLER? I'm sooo curious! ^^