
I'll let go of it all
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Taekwoon was the first to leave, a marriage in one hand and a baby in another. He had always said that he wanted to be a good husband and father, but it was proven hard to do while balancing his schedule as an idol. So he let go of it, settling back as a composer instead so he could be home to help his wife taking care of their beloved son. It was a tearful and emotional farewell, but never in the negative way. They respected his choice, congratulated him, and stayed in touch. A dirty joke about how they’re pretty used with the five-man formation since Taekwoon got ill or injured from time to time was spoken out, earning them a hard neck chop from Taekwoon, and a good laughter afterwards.

The group still continued to survive, although it was clear that their subunit was gone for good. There had been attempts to pair Wonshik with the other four, hoping that one would make a new subunit, but none actually worked. Wonshik only shrugged and said that he’s fine with the current condition, and no further attempt was done.

When Jaehwan and Sanghyuk left as well, they were starting to shake. They had their own reasons, and the ones being left behind respected it, so they said their goodbyes although it was hard. There had been a talk afterwards, about going forward with only half of the original members, adding new members, or disbanding. They chose to continue with what they had left, no matter how hard it would be.

It was really harsh, with both of their main vocals gone. As nasty as it was, it let Hongbin and Hakyeon to show off their vocal prowess. Wonshik, too, started to sing in some parts instead of only rapping. Sometimes, they joked how the current formation could do all parts—singing, rapping, and dancing. They joked about how Wonshik should keep up with his acting too so that they could boast even further about their pro

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Chapter 1: It is really good. Thank you for this story.