The Lonely BunBun Starts A Revolution For No Reason Other Than To Be A Nuisance.

How to be a kid featuring the Bangtan Boys.

Jungkook held his mother’s hand as they walked towards the daycare. Most kids didn’t like being separated from their parents but staying at the daycare was the only time Jungkook got to see his friends. Their friend group consisted of Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. Sadly the older kids were moved to the big kids area the year before but Jungkook still had Jimin and Taehyung to play with and on the bright side the youngest boy got the see the missing friends before the caretaker took him to the little kids area. They enter the cutely painted building and Jungkook gave his mother a hug and kiss after she signed him in. Jungkook ran towards his friends who were waiting for him, they had about four songs before the lady at the front desk took them to their designated areas. Jungkook was playing pretend with Hoseok when the front desk lady told them it was time to go. To the youngest boy’s surprise he was the only one being lead to the little kid area, Jimin and Taehyung were both following the older kids to the big kid area.

“Sorry Jungkook but you’re still too young to go with them.” The lady picked Jungkook up when he tried to follow his friends.

“Bye bye Jungkook, we’ll see you later!” Taehyung gave the bunbun one last wave before turning the corner with everyone else. The lady sighed when Jungkook started huffing and wiggling in her hold.

“I know you want to be with your friends but rules are rules. Look on the bright side, maybe you’ll make new friends.” The lady said as she placed a watery eyed Jungkook on the ground, she giggled when the boy’s pink bunny onesie squeaked with every step he took. The older caretakers found the sound annoying but she genuinely enjoyed hearing the sound as the kid ran around, it was too cute. Jungkook walked to his usual spot in the room with his head down and dragged Mr.Stuffles along the ground. He sat down and pouted at the wall, there was nothing to do and no one to play with. All the other kids already had their little cliques and Jungkook was too nervous to approach any of them. Then an idea flickered into his small brian, What if he just left the room. Jungkook looked around the room, the three caretakers were busy with the other kids so he tiptoed towards the door to avoid squeaking. Unfortunately the door handle was too high, even on his tippyest of toes. Jungkook and Mr.Stuffles will have to come up with another plan. The young bunbun watched as one of the caretakers walked into a backroom, none of the kids were allowed to go in there so it must have something useful in it. Jungkook was pretending to play with Mr.Stuffles near the door and waited for the caretaker to leave, when she did Jungkook slid a toy block between the door and frame. He made sure no one was watching and slipped into the backroom. The walls were lined with various boxes and there was a table in the middle. Jungkook looked through the bottom shelf boxes but only found art supplies, he pushed one of the chairs so he could look inside the higher boxes but froze when he saw something on the table, it was an outdoor utility knife. Jungkook pushed the chair back to the table so he could grab the knife, with this he could do anything. The bunbun left the backroom with weapon in one hand and Mr.Stuffles in the other, he ran towards the door again. One of the caretakers heard the fast squeaking and looked over, seeing the boy run.

“Jungkook what are you holding?” She called out to the young boy.

“A Knwife!” Jungkook yelled back, causing all three caretakers to freak out and chase the boy around the room. The other kids joined in on the chaos and the caretakers found themselves tripping over kids left and right. Jungkook waited until all the adults were grounded before finally going to the door. He jumped up and grabbed the door handle using his left food to push off the wall, successfully opening the door. The bun slipped past the door before it shut itself, step one finished, step two… Jungkook honestly didn’t think he would get this far… Another worker noticed the lost kid and crouched down to talk to him.

“What are you up to kid?” He laughed and patted the bun on the head however he froze when he saw the knife. “Hey, kid you’re not supposed to have that, hand it over.” The worker tried to grab the knife but Jungkook quickly backed up clutching the knife closer, flinching slightly when the blade cut his cheek. “See what I mean, give me the knife.” He tried to grab the knife again causing the scared bun to take off running down the hall. The chase caused other workers to notice the situation and also try and grab the boy but Jungkook was surprisingly fast, his little legs out running all the adults. The bun turned another corner and he screamed loudly, it was Yoongi! Said older boy was staring at the knife holding bun and sighed loudly when he heard the panicked workers getting closer.

“C’mon Kookie.” Yoongi grabbed Mr.Stuffles in one hand and Jungkook’s hand in his other, walking both of them to the bathroom. Inside the safety of the restroom, Yoongi cleaned the shallow cut on Jungkook’s cheek and covered it with one of the many cartoon band aids his mother made him carry, for once Yoongi is thankful for all his scraped knees.

“Yoonie I wanna pway wif you!” Jungkook bounced around making Yoongi giggle at the high pitched squeak that followed each hop.

“Sorry Kookie but I was about to take my afternoon nap.” Yoongi said, feeling bad when the younger suddenly stopped moving.

“Then I wanna nap too.” Jungkook said with determination to spend time with his friend.

“Fine, but if you bother me I’m kicking you out.” Yoongi loved the bun with all his heart but his naps were sacred. Yoongi took Jungkook to his super secret nap fort, only their friends and a few caretakers knew about this blanket fort under a table in the breakroom. The bunbun placed the knife in one of the far corners of the fort while Yoongi got comfortable, to the older boy’s surprise, Jungkook curled up into his side with Mr.Stuffles left to guard the knife. Neither of them knew how long they were sleeping for but Yoongi was ready to murder when Hoseok came crashing into the fort yelling about god knows what.

“Jungkook!” Hoseok stopped his yelling, only to yell the bun’s name even louder. “Everyone’s looking for you, your mommy is here.”

“Momma?” Jungkook asked confused. The Younger looked so adorable rubbing the sleep out of his eyes that both Hoseok and Yoongi smushed the bun in a hug.

“Also Yoongi’s mommy is here too, you slept longer than usual.” Hoseok helped both of them out of the fort, not even questioning when Jungkook went back in to grab Mr.Stuffles and a knife.

“Where’d you get the knife?” Hoseok asked as they walked to the front of the building.

“The bwackroom.” Jungkook said proudly, waving the knife around.

“That’s sooo cool.” Hoseok looked at other in awe. “Too bad you spent all your big kid time snoozing with Yoongi, I bet we could have had a lot of fun with that knife.” Hoseok whined.

“I wike napping with Yoongi.” Jungkook said holding Yoongi’s hand tighter. The older boy smirked at Hoseok, he was proud that he was Jungkook’s favorite.

“Whatever.” Hoseok mumbled under his breath, pouting the rest of the walk. They stopped by the little kids room to put the knife on one for the tiny table, since the backroom was locked before going to the front waiting area. Jungkook let go of Yoongi’s hand to run to his mother, jumping into her embrace.

“Were you playing hide and go seek with the caretakers?” She asked in complete ignorance to the previous situation.

“No, I was napping with Yoongi, Hobi got us.” Jungkook said happily. Yoongi handed Jungkook’s mother Mr.Stuffles before walking to his own mother. Hoseok went back to the big kid area since his father wasn’t going to be here for another thirty minutes but lucky for him Jimin’s older brother seemed to running late as well.

“Seems like you had a fun day.” Mrs.Jeon said as she carried her son to the car.

“Yea! I got to stay with Yoongi!” Jungkook squealed in delight. Back at the daycare, all the caretakers were finally calming down from their hysteria. The kid was found, the knife was locked away in the backroom, and the mother is none the wiser, Lawsuit avoided.

“Wait, did something happen to your cheek?” Mrs.Jeon asked her son in concern.

“I got a oo but Yoongi made it all better.” Jungkook chirped brightly.

“Well, we should thank him for being so nice.” Jungkook nodded his head and started thinking about ways to thank his older friend. Little did they know said boy was walking with his mother only a few paces back and heard the whole conversation. His mother was holding in her giggles while her son was burning brightly.


(A/N): If you want more Kid Bts then leave a comment! It could literally be a simple "yes." but you can also ask for specific members.
Thank you for reading! Have a great day or night. If it's like 3 or 4 in the morning and you're still awake, go the to sleep! Unless it's the weekend or you don't have school tomorrow.

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Chapter 2: I love this, kids aus are so cute and soft<3
Jin_Na #2
Chapter 1: Yes, please