Escape From the Mental

"Oh, good morning..." he lazily oppened his eyes and rubbed his face, "It's really sunny today, isn't it?" he smiled at the space in front of him and finally got his feet on the ground.

Dragging his body to the window, he pulled the curtains to slightly dim the stupidly bright light in his room, then continued his morning routine - making his bed, taking a shower, changing clothes and waiting for breakfast.

Jongup's room was nearly empty. There was a bed in the furthest corner, a window - covered by blue curtains and metal bars on the other side, a small desk and a chair on the opposite corner; his diary was on the desk. Every time he would either feel down or depressed, he would cry his heart out and write everything in it after he calmed down. He knew nobody would read it, because all the 'people' visiting him wouldn't care about his surroundings.

'Someone's coming.'

"Huh?" Jongup turned his attention towards where his friend was, "It could either be my friends or breakfast! What do you think?"


"Ohh, cheer up, will you?" he smiled widely in spite of his friend's pessimistic nature, "Nobody else ever comes this way!" he said cheerfully as he raised from the bed and walked towards the door.

Placing his ear on the door, he heard steps, but it couldn't be only one person. He tried listening more carefully as the steps got closer and closer. Another big smile plastered onto his face as he was about to open the door, looking back to the bed, where his friend sat.

"I told you it was them! They've come again!" he said, turning the knob and opened the door, prepared to welcome the five friends he was expecting.

His expectations, though, were shortly turned down as two rather well-built men he recognized as the guardians of the sanatory were holding the arms of a puny girl as she didn't even struggle from their grip. He kept looking at her until she passed by him, shooting him a look full of hatred between her swollen, sore from crying, almost closed eyelids. Jongup's smile turned 180 degrees in that very moment, taking two steps out of his room to look where they were taking her.

"W-... Wait!" he reached his hand forward and took a couple of steps forward, trying to catch up with the guards.

'Don't! What if she's some kind of psychopath, ready to kill anytime?'

"She... She isn't!" Jongup stuttered, "I saw it." he then clutched his hand on the material of his shirt, "I really saw it in her eyes!" he almost shouted, tears threatening to come out as he looked towards his bed.

'You're in a sanatory, Jongup. Even eyes are deceiving here. You can trust absolutely nobo-..'

"I don't believe you." he said sharply and left his room, rushing down the narrow hall towards where he thought the guards went.

The image of the person sitting on his bed instantly vanished when Jongup denied it. His steps were fast, yet skeptic, rather scared of what the guards might do to him. After a couple more minutes, he finally found the two guards from before tightly closing a door and securing it with numerous locks and passcodes.

'I told you she was dangerous. Resign, Jongup. Go back to your room.'

"No, I'm curious."

The moment he looked back at the guards, they were already in front of him, eyeing him down as if he was about to become a lion's meal. He gulped and continued looking at one of them in the eyes, while the other was about to grip his arm and drag him back; his colleague stopped him.

"He's innofensive. Let him be."

Jongup's eyes widened, looking at the guards in shock as they both left without even taking a glimpse back. It took him a minute or so to realize that he was finally alone in that huge hallway and that a girl - whom he deemed innocent - was locked and maybe even bound in a straitjacked, alone in a room where all you could see were white walls.

'Now's your chance, Jongup. Leave!' the person in his mind insisted.

That moment, Jongup finally came back to reality, he blinked a couple of times and turned his head towards the direction the girl's room was in. He inhaled confidently and nodded to himself, taking his first step forward. In a split second, the person he was seeing rushed in front of him and tried to stop him, stretching her arms sideways.

'No! No, Jongup, please, don't go!' she clung to his sleeve, pleading him with her eyes, 'What if you'll forget me?'

Jongup smiled reassuringly and put one of his hands in the air, as if cupping her cheek, "How could I ever forget you?" he started moving it, thinking he's her face, "After all you've been through with me? Never. You'll always be here anyway."

He then took his hand off and passed by her, making it disappear for the second time. Jongup had to walk for about two minutes, checking every door both on his left and on his right, peeking through the peephole but seeing no familiar face. He was about to lose hope.

"Where could she be?" he whispered to himself, "Okay, this is the last door I'm gonna check. I'm giving up."

Jongup stretched his hand forward, one to put on the knob and one to lean on the door for support while he'd be peeping through the keyhole. A cold chill ran up and down his spine as a voice inside his head dictated, rather than said.

'Next one. Don't be stupid.'

He then leaned back and looked at the next door, eyeing it curiously from top to bottom. Skeptically, he walked towards it and placed his left hand on it, his eye finding its way towards the peephole. Even though the image was blurry, he finally found what he was searching for.

She was sitting in the middle of the nearly empty room, on a chair; her knees climbed up, she was hugging them tightly. Her breathing pattern was constant and she seemed like calmly contemplating something, as if her mind was deeply involved in some certain escaping method.

'Escaping?' he thought, rapidly shaking off his idea, 'Nobody ever could.'

He needed to know where to come next time, so he glanced over towards the open door of his room, on the other end of the hallway, estimating the distance. Looking back at the door in front of him, he finally saw that there was a name tag on it.

"Han... Min Jung?" he whispered to himself, then smiled widely, "I guess we might meet one day." he continued mumbling to himself, silent enough for nobody else to hear him.

Taking one last look through the peephole, he realized that the girl was no longer on the chair. Jongup tried to look around, but the visual field offered by the peephole was too small. Right before he could even start knocking on the door, he felt the it slightly tremble. He froze in panic. A weak voice finally spoke from the other side.

"He-... Hello?"

Yeah! Hi to all the 20 subs I got without a chapter! I love you all. But I must tell you guys that my updates will be sickeningly slow, so I'll love you forever and give you a jar of cookies if you cope with this ; A ; School is killing me TT _ TT

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lollipopzoupa #1
awww I like this
since07 #2
i'm lost, not sure why but i'm lost. Minjung is bad? his 'friends' are actually real? i mean, they say Minjung is lying and all, and they know when she's gonna say something or do something..aigo.
well, waiting for your next update!
winterfell #3
N'aww Jongup. That's . Don't cry Jongup. It'll be okay... maybe... T^T
origthugmcnasty #4
So, I'm guessing Jong Up has a lot of 'friends'?
dinosayshi-77 #5
Aww he's heartbroken!! update soon!!^_^
Ceebee86 #6
She likes Himchan... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
winterfell #7
well... that was fricking creepy... AWESOME haha :D
but... Jongup... >~<
Gah, update soon ^^
dinosayshi-77 #8
That was so awesome!! By the way it's written, it should be a movie:) Update soon!!^_^
MandyUCMA #9
Ceebee86 #10
Woah mind blown. That girl is freaking crazy.
Poor Jong Up...