You & I


"What we have, I won't trade it for the world. "   A story about finding what's worth more than anything else two people can have: each other. 

Kang Eunji and Lee Changsun are both 25 years old, orphans, and grew up in the same neighborhood, went to the same school, and . . . that's where the similarities stop. All the time Eunji spent blindly running forward in life, Lee Changsun spent not getting anywhere. Will time catch up or will they just simply brush past each other and accept that there will only ever be friendship between them?


Posted Image

.g e n r e : melodrama
.s t a r t e d : 11/06/2010
e n d e d : - - -
u p d a t e d : 11/22/2010

o . s . t .
Eunji's theme - (Park Bom) You & I
Changsun's theme - (Park Sang Woo) Loving Loving You
Minhwan's theme - undecided
Hyojung's theme - (Taeyeon) Can You Hear Me
Hyerin's theme - undecided


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