IV. Something More

The Something-Nothing
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Baekhyun took really good care of me, so good that I am already better on Monday with my voice completely back to normal. On Friday, when we ended up sleeping together, he kept waking himself up just so he could help me drink my medicine and he made me “special” soup for dinner. My taste buds weren’t functioning properly then but I was really enjoying that soup and I thought it was quite yummy.


I was already so touched by his efforts that day but he still came back on Saturday and even Sunday. I kept thanking him, telling him that I’m going to repay him soon but he said I didn’t need to do that. From Monday up until Thursday, he didn’t text me as much or called. His messages were shorter than normal too and it honestly made me feel a little unwanted.


I have to admit, that made me slightly upset but what can I really do? He’s not obliged to respond, to give me his attention or reassure me that I’m wanted. It’s not like we were dating or anything… There wasn’t really anything between us. Thankfully, I was kept busy with schoolwork and studying so this didn’t affect me that much or linger for too long in my mind.


It was on a Friday afternoon, when I’m busy doing a layout for a magazine project, that I received a call from Baekhyun. I actually didn’t even pay attention to the caller I.D. I just blindly accepted the call, too engrossed in my work. “Hello?” I said, slightly annoyed at the disturbance. But then I heard his voice, his voice that I haven’t heard in a while and have subconsciously missed, making me pause.


“Baekhyun,” I breathed. He chuckled into the phone. “Hey! How’ve you been?” There it is again, the smile in his voice that I can hear so clearly. My heart did a tiny back flip and I couldn’t help but grin. “I’m great. You took care of me so well, how could I not be?” He chuckled again and let out this deep, longing sigh.


“I’m sorry I haven’t really texted or called. I’ve just been so busy fixing things at the moment. Everything’s pretty much still a mess…” My brows pinch together, not totally understanding what he means. He sighed one more time but it sounded more tired than the one before. This had me worrying. What was he fixing exactly? What was still a mess?


“You don’t have to say sorry. What’s going on exactly, Baekhyun? Is this about school?” In came a deafening silence and fear just started to bubble up at the pit on my stomach. I felt as though I’ve said something wrong but I didn’t, did I? I was only asking what was happening. That isn’t wrong, is it?


I waited for his reply with a pounding heart. I’m nibbling on my bottom lip anxiously, constantly tearing my phone from my ear to checking if the call was still connected. It was. Again, I waited for a little while and when I’ve become too impatient, I finally uttered his name. It took him a minute but he finally made a sound at least. He hummed. I let out a quiet sigh of relief.


I was about to take back what I said but he suddenly cut me off saying, “Are you free this afternoon? I miss you. Let’s hang out.” I blinked several times and looked at my magazine layout. I have been working on it since morning and there was only four pages left to layout until I was done. My groupmates couldn’t send in the articles until later tonight to so… I guess I am free?


With a small nod to myself, I quickly saved my work and said, “Okay, where to?” I’m grinning too widely for my own good as I shut my laptop and got out of bed. It took a while for Baekhyun to think of where we could hang out so as he’s doing that, I was already rummaging through my closet for something nice to wear.


“You know what, I’ll just pick you up then we can decide what to do when I get there. How’s that?” he said eagerly just as I found a great outfit. “Perfect!” I muttered, directed to the outfit I found but Baekhyun thought it was directed to him. He hummed in agreement and quickly said he’d be here in 30 minutes. “Can’t wait to see you. Bye!” and with that, he hung up and I ended up throwing my phone to my bed to hurry up and get ready.



Exactly 30 minutes later, my doorbell rang. My eyes widened and I quickly swiped mascara on my lashes while screaming, “Coming!” I screwed the bottle closed, tossing it into the drawer of my vanity and scrambled to my bed to grab my bag. I’m already smiling like an idiot when I checked myself in the mirror one last time.


I took several deep breaths as I walked to my front door. I don’t know why but I am nervous as hell and my heart is beating all over the place. Right when I opened the door, everything started to move in slow motion. Baekhyun’s back was to the door so he had to turn around to face me. When he did, the air around him seemed to shimmer.


He looked so handsome in his white shirt, denim jacket and ripped jeans. His smile was blinding and his eyes twinkled so stunningly. “Hi,” I breathed out, overwhelmed by his presence yet again. When the hell did he become so breathtaking?


He replied with a small hello and immediately grabbed my hand. My pounding heart got even crazier. We were making our way to the lift when Baekhyun kept glancing at me, giggling and hiding a grin. I didn’t mind it at first because I was still pretty much in shock but when I finally recovered, I turned to him with my eyebrow quirked.


“What’s wrong with you?” I said, chuckling now too because his happiness was too contagious. He bit his lip as he looked at me then he pointed at the elevator doors with his hand that was holding mine. I looked at him weirdly before turning my head. I stared at our reflection on the doors, slowly noticing that our clothes were actually quite similar.


I was wearing a white croptop and a denim skirt but we both had denim jackets on and my skirt was tattered like his jeans. We also both wore black vans except I was wearing socks and he wasn’t. “Couple outfit,” he mumbled, making me turn my attention back to him. His smile was seriously so bright. He seemed so happy and so amused over this little coincidence.


He got his phone out and even took a couple pictures of our reflection. “So cute.” He’s grinning at his phone like a little kid. I’m here shaking my head endearingly and rolling my eyes at him. I ended up dragging him out the apartment complex because he was busy tinkering on his phone.


In the car, we decided to catch a movie then have dinner afterwards. It was pretty simple. Something so generic and yet, I personally still had the best time of my life. The movie we watched wasn’t some chick flick that’s too cringe and lovey-dovey, we watched an awesome superhero movie with lots of swearing and gruesome action scenes.


We enjoyed it so much that we didn’t even speak to each other unless we had predictions as to what would happen next or ask questions when we didn’t understand what was going on. That was it. Then we had dinner at a sushi place not far from the theater and while eating, we still talked about the movie, our favorite scenes and theories about the next movie.


A small lull pierced through our conversation as we both took bites of our food. I happened to really love the sushi and was shoving a couple in my mouth while Baekhyun chuckled and shook his head at me, his cheek puffed up as he chewed. I stopped chewing just to smile warmly at him and internally melt at his adorableness.


I was drink water, washing down my food when Baekhyun cleared his throat to grab my attention. I shift my eyes to l

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Chapter 4: I hope one day you continue writing 💕
Chapter 4: Waaahhhhhh! I was just getting so melty with them! Gahhh! I’m so soft for this
Chapter 2: Baekhyun is the epitome of “say you’re not over her without SAYING you’re not over her”
Moonlight_23 #4
Chapter 3: At this point , isn’t just better if they just get back together?? XD
Chapter 4: While i feel so full from the fluff and how sweet he is, i was praying so damn hard that he!s sincere and really like her. What a mess that he mentioned tho?why he could not tell her what is it.