Different Dimensions

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Which comes first? Hummanities survival? Or the romance of two soldiers in love?


Hey guys, im brant and im actually a blogger that write rants and mostly my perspective of our daily lives. 


And do follow me on twitter XD , i would love to make new friends <3  @wongbranden_

Recently, i just had this idea of a romance story about a couple being togther set in the near future similar to pacific rim kinda alternate universe.

Mainly saving the world and mostly romance.

My expressions and speech of writing is still weak but i promise i'll try my best to convey the messages and feelings.

Please anticipate this story very much! I'll try to update every two weeks.

For a start, i'll write little by little and see how the storyline goes. XD

Sorry guys, i've been busy the past month catching up with overdue due dates and assignment and class test >.<
I'm into the 2nd final week of my semester before my finals start and i hope you guys will bear with my absence a little more XD
Till the, here's a little dribble for you guys, ciao!


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