In My Heart


Its my first effort

I really hope u enjoy it and

I hope u can be patient with me


Baekhyun, a bright and cheerful, hyperactive yet adorable child was forced to face the reality of life at a tender age of 10 when his parents passed away in a plane crash

That incident changed him

Like day to night, like spring to freezing winter

Those who knew nothing said Baekhyun was quiet and way more mature for his age

Then came along a tall lanky guy named Chanyeol who brought back some colours to his life

Will Beakhyun be able to go back and find his old self he buried deep down within him??

Join me if u wanna find out


A small chapter
Its a double update
So do check out the previous chapter
Thank u soo much guys😊😊😊


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Chapter 1: i like it,it is really good . :) :)