Gone; Not Around Any Longer


    How long does he have to endure? His brothers have debuted before him, even the young ones. Time was running out for him, the older he gets and the longer he stays in that so-called “dungeon” the less opportunities he’ll get to have. Always being overshadowed by his brothers during their past performances as trainees was still okay for him since he also received a bit of praise from the others who notice him. But as time goes by, will he still be the same person? The person that was willing to endure not being recognized but still went on to continue with his passion. Will he be willing enough to leave the one person who had stood by him in the long run for his determination to get noticed and finally debut?



They all came back to their dorm after a tight schedule, Yuta ran towards Hansol and Jaemin’s shared bedroom only to find the older’s bed and closet clean. He looked around and found no trace of Hansol.




“Yuta…I’m sorry”  was all he could say as he ended the call. His last call, for the man he loved.


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Fudge it! My Yusol feels! Uuuuuuughhhhhh! I miss Hansol abd Yuta interaction so muuch