Chapter 2

Why am I in love alone?
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If I’ve learned one thing from being friends with BTS, it’s never fall asleep around Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung. They oh so lovingly decided to remind me of the fact once Jin and his girlfriend left by poking and prodding my face and tickling me until I finally broke and started laughing as I woke up.
“Oppaaa!” I whined, trying to get further into the couch away from Hoseok’s tickling fingers. He was humming some weird random song that just sounded like a bunch of random noises from the depths of his weird mind. I could hear laughing from the other couch, Namjoon’s giggle was the most obvious.
“Yoongi oppa! Make him stop!” I cried out, making Namjoon and Jungkook laugh harder. Looking over at Yoongi, I could see him laughing with his legs crossed, making no movement to come help me. Jimin and Taehyung joined in and started tickling my stomach and legs. Jin walked in and took in the scene, three men standing over a screaming girl as they tickle her. “Jiiiiiin oppaaaa!” I squealed, reaching out for him as they continued tickling me. He just laughed in response before walking over and pulling them off of me. I sighed in relief and laid back on the couch, catching my breath.  The peace didn’t last long as Jin walked away and Jimin sat on my stomach, causing Taehyung, Jungkook, and Hoseok to join in. I now had a tower of men sitting on my stomach.
“I got an idea, let’s go get costumes for Halloween!” Taehyung yelled, jumping enthusiastically making me groan in pain. Jesus these men are so heavy!
“Oppa, get off.” I wheezed, feebly pushing on Jimin’s leg. He laughed and pushed the other 3 off of him. I held my stomach and rolled off the couch, face planting on the floor. Everyone started laughing, making me groan into the carpet. Jin walked over, sitting on the couch and patting my back before resting his feet on my .
“Seriously, let’s go get costumes.” Taehyung chirped again.
“What do you think, Mingi?” Jin asked me, moving my to get my attention. My answer was just a thumbs up. “Alright everyone, let’s go.” He said, lightly kicking me before grabbing my arms and pulling me up. Once I got on my feet, I walked to my room and looked at my collection of converse.
“Yah! Someone help me choose!” I yelled out, putting a hand on my hip. Namjoon walked in and picked up the red ones that I rarely wore. “Figures you’d pick those.” I muttered, grabbing the shoes and pulling them on. He just laughed and walked out. I followed after him, grabbing my phone, wallet, keys, and a hoodie. Jungkook walked over to me and slung his arm around my shoulders as we were walking out of my house. I made sure the door was locked as Yoongi swaggered out the door last.
“Noona, what are you going to dress up as?” The maknae asked. I shrugged and walked to my car.
“I’m not sure. I’ll probably think of something once I see the costumes offered.” I said, pulling away from him as I unlocked my car.
“Why don’t you just ride with us?” Namjoon asked, pointing out the fact that they had two cars, the one that he, Jin, and Yoongi came in and the one Hoseok, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung came in. I shrugged and locked my car again before getting in the back with Yoongi. As we went down the road, I poked his side making him look at me. I held up my fingers counting down from 3. He nodded and we entered a staring contest, making Namjoon laugh. Jin glanced back at us in the mirror and shook his head, giggling.
“Place your bets!” I announced, making them laugh more.
“Mm…Yoongi hyung by a long shot.” Namjoon said, making me flip him off.
“I say Mingi.” Jin offered. I held up my fist to him, having him fist bump it. As the staring contest went on, Yoongi started to cheat by blowing in my eyes.
“Yah! Oppa that’s cheating!” I whined, swatting at him. He smiled cheekily at me and continued. Suddenly, the car swerved and Jin angrily honked the horn.
“Ha! I win!” Yoongi exclaimed, as I looked away from him to see what was going on. I pouted as he and Namjoon laughed and high fived. I remained in my pouting state until Yoongi started tickling my side, making me swat at him. “Oh come on, Mingi, you’ll win next time.” He said. I narrowed my eyes at him and stuck my tongue out at him.
Jin the radio and Zero for Conduct by Bastarz started playing. I immediately started rapping P.O’s part, making Namjoon and Yoongi laugh at my sudden mood change. I refuse to admit the amount of times I’ve listened to this song on repeat.
“All you look like pretty boy gigilos, you look so outdated. While you all are still searching, I’ve got an abundant year. I’m not low, I’m so raw like a macho. This stage is my turf, so just keep watching.” I rapped loudly, laughing as Yoongi face palmed. “They really don’t know what’s cool. Look at their terrible body movements. Playing on stage without manners is the answer. Break it up ready go.” I started get to more and energy as I went along, practically yelling. “FROM TODAY ON ITS ZERO FOR CONDUCT!” Running out of breath, I stopped so I got laugh at Yoongi’s secondhand embarrassment. J

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