
Strawberry vs Mango

“Stop fighting with me! You know damn well that the best flavour of ice cream is clearly strawberry.” Baekhyun shoves the tiny ice cream spoon into his mouth, savouring the creamy delight melting into his mouth. It was general knowledge that strawberry was the best flavour - that much should be obvious. 

“Okay but, mango ice cream Baek, mango. You can’t tell me that some modified fruit tastes better than this exotic goodness.” Chanyeol rebutted, smile set in place as he eyed his cup of ice cream.

It’s silly really, the two of them sat in the ice cream parlour, squabbling over the best ice cream flavour as if they don’t do this everyday. As if both boys don’t choose the same flavour, as they have been doing for the past 3 years - never deriving from their choice.

But Baekhyuns never one to back down from a fight. Even if it involves his best friend.

“Sorry? I couldn’t quite hear you there. I was too busy being overwhelmed by the ‘modified flavour’ of this y strawberry ice cream but go off. I guess only special, cute people like me can truly understand what it’s like to be able to feel the flavour deep inside.” Baekhyun winks at Chanyeol mockingly, who shakes his head and laughs in return.

“Whatever you say, I’ll stay content with this God-tier mango ice cream while you can chow down on an everyday flavour, peasant.”

“Excuse m-“

“Can the two of you, for the love of god, get a room?” One of the workers yells from behind the counter, effectively shutting Baekhyun up. The two boys stare at the worker, who is also their friend, sigh as he walks up to the duo. 

“Cannot believe I have to deal with this every single day of my life.” Jongdae says dramatically, wiping down the non-existent dirt on the table. “You can both agree to disagree”, he says, rolling his eyes when Baekhyun gasps.

“Agree to disagree while he thinks of me as a peasant? I don’t think s-“ 

“Or kiss it out. Whatever floats your boat.” Jongdaes kitten smile turns into a smirk as he shuts Baekhyun down again, eyes sparkling with glee as a light shade of pink graces Baekhyun’s cheeks.

“You’re disgusting Jongdae,” Chanyeol comments, seemingly unaffected as he continues to inhale his ice cream, “as if I would ever put my lips on someone who favours strawberry over mango.”

“So you wouldn’t mind smooching Baekhyun if he ate mango too?” Jongdae questions innocently, before being hit in the arm by Baekhyun, who is darker than the colour of his strawberry ice cream. Jongdae cackles when Baekhyun rolls his eyes and gets up, pulling Chanyeol up with him as he shoots a dirty look to his friend.

“Clean up after me, yeah babe?” Baekhyun says, eyelashes fluttering prettily at Jongdae who seems taken aback by the different response. The bright red of his cheeks is a dead giveaway though, and Jongdae smiles as he picks up what Baekhyun is doing. 

“Sure thing honey bun,” he replies, planting a small kiss on Baekhyuns blooming cheek, before shoving the couple out, giving a greasy wink to Baekhyun before they fully leave the premises.

“What was that all about?” Chanyeol asks, scaring Baekhyun, who forgot he was even there in the first place, so caught up in his own embarrassing thoughts. 

“Why?” He questions, looking up at the taller on his right, “are you jealous? Do you want me to talk like that to you my little apple pie?” 

Chanyeol outwardly shows his cringe and pretends to vomit, but that encourages Baekhyun even more. He doesn’t know where this sudden burst of confidence has come from, yet he goes for it anyway.

“What is it Yeol?” He asks, skittering his hand up Chanyeol’s bare arm until it reaches his neck, and then he pulls down gently until they’re nearly touching foreheads, stopping the both of them from walking, “do you like it when I talk like this to you? Does my baby boy get excited when I do this?”

What the is going on, Chanyeol thinks, cheeks instantly ablaze. He doesn’t want to do anything he’ll regret in public (or something embarrassing which Baekhyun would make fun of him forever), so he opts to stay silent and stare at Baekhyun straight in the eye, despite his face reddening. Telling his best friend that he’s harboured feelings for him since forever would not exactly make the best conversation when they’re in a..compromising position and in public.

Something clicks in Baekhyuns brain, and Chanyeol swears he sees the sparkle in his best friends eyes dim. Baekhyun pulls away, brushing imaginative fluff from his jeans before he begins to walk again, Chanyeol hot on his heels.

The silence is awkward as they make their way to Chanyeols house, the taller a few steps behind his short friend. Baekhyun doesn’t look back once, making Chanyeol curse himself for being such a ing and not saying something earlier. 

But still..he can’t just assume Baekhyuns feelings?

When they’re finally in Chanyeols bedroom, Baekhyun lies down on the bed and stretches, grunting as the muscles pull. All Chanyeol can do is stand and stare. 

“Well?” Comes Baekhyun’s muffled voice, “are you gonna massage my back like you promised earlier or not? Because if you don’t I’m gonna have to sue you for unacceptable behaviour and fraud."

The playful tone of Baekhyuns voice eases the tension in Chanyeols shoulders, who climbs on his own bed and sighs, “whatever the customer wants, ill provide.”

Baekhyun hums in response when Chanyeol begins to work his hands on his sore shoulders, the knots slowly becoming undone under Chanyeols heavy, warm hands. An involuntary moan leaves Baekhyuns lips, and Chanyeol stiffens immediately, albeit still massaging his friends shoulders with shaky hands. Just as he calms down, Baekhyun whimpers, and Chanyeol looks up, praying to everything not to let him take his friend there and then.

“Stop.” The voice is barely audible, making Chanyeol retract his hands. Baekhyun turns and sits up, cheeks flushed as he gazes at Chanyeol with hazy eyes. 

“...Chanyeol, d-do you um,” Baekhyun looks down, hands fumbling around as he thinks for the correct words, “do you-do you like- urgh this.” 

Baekhyun instantly leans forward and runs his hand through Chanyeols hair, resting it at his nape as he pulls him forward slightly, other hand grazing Chanyeols bicep until it slowly comes down to intertwine with his large hand. 

“How does this make you feel?” Baekhyun breathes out, voice impossibly soft as he presses his nimble fingers into Chanyeols neck, drawing the tall boy into him. “Do you like this?”

Chanyeol closes his eyes and nods, letting himself be drawn in by the older boy, lost in the sensation and the scent of Baekhyun.

The shorter boy leans forward, nosing along Chanyeols jaw and neck, pressing a wispy kiss on the Adam’s apple, “how about this? Do you like this, baby?”

Yes.” Chanyeol finally breathes, mentally patting himself on the back for how stable he sounded. 

Baekhyun moves back the same time the younger opens his eyes, and smiles brightly. 

“Good. Because I’ve liked you for forever and have wanted to do this for a long time.”

Chanyeols eyes widen even though he should’ve probably expected this since it felt like Baekhyun was scenting him as absurd as that may sound. However, hearing the words come directly out of Baekhyuns mouth stirred something in Chanyeols gut, who still, like an idiot, sat in silence.

Baekhyun blinks, cocking his head as the corners of his lips turn up, “do I have to draw out the words from you too now?” He smiles cheekily, and Chanyeol cannot believe his luck. 

“I-wait-no, believe it or not but I’ve also liked you for so long,” Chanyeol rambles, “and when you did that to me earlier outside the ice cream parlour I thought I was gonna collapse because you were so ing close but I’ve liked you before that and have been crushing so hard on you because you’re so damn perfect Byun and I can’t believe you would choose me-“

He’s cut by Baekhyun planting his lips on Chanyeols and climbing into him,the taller immediately holding Baekhyuns soft face, tilting his head as the kiss deepens. Chanyeols hand traces down Baekhyuns face all the way down to his arms, flurrying to his back and then resting at his .

“Hey,” Baekhyun pulls back, rosy and out of breath, and Chanyeol is positive he’s never seen a prettier image than this, “moments ago you were stuttering out your confession and now you’re casually groping my ?” 

“You climbed on my body like I was a tree Byun, I have the right to.” Chanyeol chuckles, using his free hand to pat Baekhyuns before using both to grab and knead his cheeks. 

“Chanyeol!” Baekhyun yelps, small fist thudding against his chest. The taller laughs, shaking his head as he circles Baekhyuns waist, letting him rest his head on his chest as he slides down the bed.

They lay in peace for a few minutes, which Chanyeol is content with, until Baekhyun fidgets under the tallers hold.

“Baek, you good?” 

Exasperated, the older stares at Chanyeol, making some indignant noise at the back of his throat. 

“Yeol,” he starts, “after kneading my cheeks like they’re ing dough and kissing me the way you did, do you really think I’d be willing to lie still?” 


Chanyeol raises his left eyebrow, lips slowly contorting into the hint of a smirk, “well why didn’t you say so earlier.” He says, his already deep voice turning husky, hand travelling down to rest on Baekhyuns curvy hips. He could feel the shorters heart start to race. Chanyeol grabs the shorters chin and faces him up, peppering light kisses on Baekhyuns face then slotting their lips together. 

Arms wrap themselves around Chanyeols neck as the couple make out more passionately, the kiss quickly becoming more and more heated. Chanyeol bites down on Baekhyuns lower lip, triggering a shiver to run down the shorters spine. He moans when Chanyeol slides his tongue inside his mouth, grazing over his teeth. 

With Chanyeol hovering over him, arms caged either side of Baekhyuns head, Baekhyun finds himself get more and more lost in the electric kiss, at one point, rutting up against Chanyeol when the taller leaves love bites along Baekhyuns body. 

Chanyeol smiles as he leaves kisses down Baekhyuns body, more than happy to be eating strawberry for the rest of his life.

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comments would be great!! if you managed to get to the end without cringing dkdjjf let me know how you found it and I could work on it!! thank u 💘


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Chapter 1: Swimming in a pool of sweetness (of mixed strawberry and mango ice cream). Awww they're so smitten with each other. >.<
Chapter 1: Chanyeol's so whipped! I like it.
Chapter 1: Waaahhh~ this is good, I looove it! They are so cute, what a sweet couple. Thank you, Jongdae. :3
And thank you for this story. ^^