Chapter 1

Out of This World

"September 23, journal entry 1 I'm Tiffany Hwang and 5 days ago I died after that things got really wierd"


*5 days ago*

*ding ding* the bell from the kitchen sounded signaling the customers food was done.

"Okay I got some saturn rings and pancakes enjoy your meal" It was a normal day at the crashdown cafe and Jessica and I were just taking some customers orders.

"Are you guys here for the crash festival"

"Yea is your family from Roswell"

"Just four generations"

"Well do they know any stories about the alien crash??" 

"Well I guess it would be ok to show you guys this photo" I said while smirking and pulling out a fake photo of a baby alien I swear tourists fall for this all the time.

"My grandmother took this photo right before the government cleaned the place up" I began to tell my fake story while trying not to laugh because their faces were priceless.

"Do people know about this photo"

"Well I know about it and now you know about it I'm gonna go don't show this to anyone" I said with a serious face while walking away to go check some things behind the counter.

"You're unbelievable you know that oh and also Kim Y/N is staring at you again" one of my best friends Jessica told me her and my other best friend Seohyun became my best friends in Kindergarten and we've been inseperable ever since.

"You're really funny Jessi do YOU know that me and Kim Y/N it's not gonna happen and plus I'm going out with Chris you know that" 

"Yea I know ewww don't remind me what do you even see in him"Jessica said while walking away to take another order.

I was still standing behind the counter checking some things when all of a sudden I heard glass shatter and Jessica scream. I looked up to see some guys in a heated argument that looked like it was getting out of hand.

I was about to go tell them to leave when one of them pulled a gun out and I froze I didn't know what to do they both were struggling for the gun when it suddenly pointed in my direction and went off everything went black until.....


Y/N Pov

As soon as the gunshot went off I turned to look Tiffanys way but a string of panic soon came over me as I seen her lifeless on the floor I knew I had to do something I couldn't just leave her there to die.

Making my decision I quickly got up but before I could even move Yuri grabbed me by the arm "What do you think you're doing" "Just let me go" I said as I yanked my hand away and quickly made my way over to Tiffany.

"Tiff....Tiff....Fany listen to me you got to look at me ok"I brushed her hair out of her face and she started to open her eyes a little to which I released a sigh of relief ok now to heal her.

I quickly put my hands over the gun shot wound and closed my eyes concentrating on the bullet inside of her I need to melt it into nothing....I need to take it out....

All of a sudden a rush of memories flooded through my mind they were of her I seen her as a little girl playing with her friends. She was wearing a dress with cupcakes on it and I couldn't help but to think how something like this could happen to her why her.

As I came back to conciousness I slowly removed my hands and stared down at her stomach were the gunshot wound was no longer anywhere to be found her skin was as perfect as before.

She then opened her eyes and stared at me with confusion written on her face""

"I'll explain everything later I promise but now I need you to help me" I whispered as I reached for a bottle of ketchup and broke the top off. I then dumped the ketchup over the blood on her uniform.

"You broke the bottle when you fell" I told her."Ok Tiffany you broke the bottle when you fell that's all"

I backed away just as I seen two paramedics come our way.I turned to Tiffany as I seen her struggle to get up "I'm ok" she said to everyone in the cafe once she was up luckily no one seen what I did thanks to Yuri.

"When I heard the gunshot I jumped and I fell and spilled ketchup on my self" she explained to the paramedics as she held up the ketchup bottle to show everyone.

She then turned to look at me in the eyes and as soon as she did I felt my breath catch in my chest she then repeated what she told everyone else "I'm ok".

"Y/N come on let's go"Yuri grabbed me by the hand and we both rushed out before anyone could start asking questions.


Tiffany Pov 

"Sheriff the suspects ran out after the incident occured and there doesn't seem to be anyone injured other then the girl that fell so it's probably just an argument that got out of hand" I heard the deputy say to the sheriff

Just then the two tourists from earlier walked up to the sheriff "Uh sheriff I think something happened here you see we searched this place up and down and we couldn't find the bullet and before it happened the girl gave us this" They said handing the fake photo over to the sheriff.

Uh oh I thought as I seen my dad walk up to me "Tiffany what did I tell you about showing the tourists those fake photos" 

"I'm sorry dad it's just they give me a good tip when I do I honestly don't see anything wrong with this I mean they get something and I get something everybody wins"

"Whatever I'll let it slide this time but next time you're grounded understand"My dad said with a stern voice

"Ok maybe that was fake but there were two girls sitting over here to when it happened and one of them even went behind the counter and did someth---

I cut them off before they could say anymore"Yea there was but they didn't look familiar so I think they must've just been tourists" The sheriff then turned to look at me and gave me a suspicious look before he walked away and left the Cafe. 

Phew that was a close one I thought to myself.


"Finally I'm home" I started to take off my jacket to change out of my uniform when I noticed the bullet hole and the blood and ketchup stains surrounding it.

I quickly took off my uniform and went to go look for clothes to change when I noticed something on my stomach It was a silver hand print ok what the hell this definitely wasn't here earlier well this day just keeps getting weirder and weirder I thought to myself as I got ready for bed.

One thing was for sure though I was definitely gonna confront Y/N about this tommorrow and make her give me an explanation.


It was almost the end of first period and Y/N still wasn't here maybe she's not coming today I thought to myself when the door suddenly opened revealing just who I needed to talk to.

"Well it's nice of you to join us Ms Kim have a seat"the teacher told Y/N as she made her way to me we were biology partners so she sat next to me.

"Ok now back with the lesson everyone get a toothpick and take a sample from your cheek"

"Uh actually can I get a bathroom pass" Y/N said as she got up to get a pass from the teacher and left the room. 

Ok so looks like I'll be doing this myself I quickly grabbed a toothpick and took a sample from my cheek and checked it through the telescope. Then an idea hit me I quickly grabbed Y/N's pencil since she had it in when she first walked in I then started to scrape some cells off of it and onto the frame.

Ok now to look in the telescope as soon as I did though I was shocked because I've never seen anything like it the cells weren't normal that's for sure.


"Ok class we'll continue this tommorrow"

I quickly grabbed my things and rushed out the door to look for Y/N.When I finally spotted her.

"Y/N!!!" I said running to catch up to her she just looked at me confused.

"I have to talk to you come on" I said grabbing her by the arm making her follow me.

We made our way to the music room since there's nobody in there or so we thought at least "Oh hey Chris"

"Babe what's up Hey Y/N" 

"Nothing we just need to study for a midterm so we were looking for a quiet place to do that"

"Uh ok so I guess I'll go then"

"That would be for the best yes"

"Ok then see ya later babe and Y/N"

"So you're going out with the sheriffs son" I could swear I heard a tone of jealousy when she said that but it was probably just my imagination.

"Well yea but that's not what I wanted to talk about"I said turning around and lifting my shirt to show the hand print on my stomach.

"Um I scraped some cells from your pencil and let's just say they didn't come out normal"I said starting to feel light headed all of a sudden.

"You know what maybe I got the wrong cells why don't we go back to the lab so I can check again so that I can see what I'm thinking is wrong" 

"But you're not wrong" she suddenly said with a serious look on her face.

"So then what are you"I asked not sure if I really wanted to know the answer to that.

"I'm not from around here that's for sure"

"Where are you from"

She didn't answer all she did was point up.

"Up North?"

Again no response she just pointed a little higher.

"Oh come on you're not an" I paused not knowing if I should say it ah screw it I made it this far to turn back now "You're not an alien are you"I said now a little scared

"Well I prefer the term not of this earth but yea I am"She said trying to joke but that was it for me I quickly grabbed my things and tried to rush out the door but before I could make it out the door she stopped me.

"Tiffany please now you know my secret you can't tell anyone about this you don't understand what will happen if you do my life is in your hands now"Y/N said moving away from the door to finally let me out.


Y/N Pov

"I can't believe you did this Y/N I mean what were you thinking and Yuri how could you let my sister do this"Yoona said angry after she heard what happened

"Hey don't look at me ok I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen to me and besides I'm not the one that thinks I'm a superhero"Yuri said defending herself

"Hey look I'm sorry ok I couldn't just let her die and plus you use your powers all the time"

"Well whatever there's nothing we can do about it now we just have to figure out what to say to Tiffany so she won't be suspicious of us"

Well there goes that idea I thought well sipping my drink and turning the other way I guess Yoona must've caught on because she smacked me in the back of the head and yelled at me.

"Yah you told her"

"I didn't have a choice"

"Well we're screwed it's time to leave Roswell thanks a lot Y/N" Yuri said while walking back to the car.

"Yuri we can't just leave"

"Y/N's right we have nowhere to go and plus this is home"

"For you two maybe but I don't have a caring family like you guys just a foster father that only keeps me around for a monthly check"Yuri said while we got in the car and drove away.

We were driving for about 5 mins till the sheriff pulled us over "License and registration please" 

"Of course officer"I said while getting my License and registration out.

"Ok drive safely and watch your speed"He said before walking back to his cop car and driving away.

Before I could start the car again Yuri took the keys

"Yuri look I know you're mad but everythings gonna be fine Tiffany won't tell anybody she's different" I said having full faith in her.

"That's what you think but I ain't gonna sit around waiting like a duck for them to catch us"

"Yuri we don't even know if there is a them"

"Exactly how do you know we can trust her I mean how did she react when you told her oh great your an alien that's fantastic I didn't think so"she said handing me the keys and walking away 

"You know I thought I was pissed" Yoona said trying not to laugh

"Whatever I said rolling my eyes while putting the keys back in the ignition to drive home.


Tiffany Pov 

"Well good night Chris"I said just wanting this day to be over already.

"Tiff are you alright I mean you hardly even paid attention to me all night"

"I know I'm sorry can I ask you something"

"What is it"

"Do you like feel things when you see me"I said while thinking of Y/N I mean there was also just the fact that I was curious.

"Yea of course I feel things like what kind of things"

"You know what nevermind Im just gonna go inside now"I said while yawning 

"Uh ok"

"Good night Chris"I said while reaching for the light outside to turn it off but as I did that my shirt rose a little revealing the hand print on my stomach.

"Um Tiff what is that" Chris said while pointing to my stomach.

"Nothing it's nothing"I said quickly pulling down my shirt and going inside.


I was in my room about to get ready for bed when I heard my name being called outside my window I quickly went out to the balcony to check who it was only to find out it was Y/N.

I went downstairs to unlock the door and let her in. "What are you doing here Y/N" I asked as soon as she was inside.

"I have to talk to you I mean I can't imagine how you must feel I thought about telling you at least a thousand times"

"Why me" I said confused on why she would pick me out of I don't know how many other girls there are in this town.

She suddenly giggled which made me slightly confused.

"What's so funny"

"Nothing um I just keep picturing you in the dress with the cupcakes on it"

What is she talking about I thought at first until realization hit me "Oh that's right I can't believe I actually even wore that " "wait a sec how did you know about that did you like read my mind"I said starting to back away a little.

"No it doesn't work like that I can't read minds look when I healed you I made some sort of connection and a rush of images flooded my mind and that one kind of stuck out" she said trying to explain what happened

After a moment of silence she spoke up again "Look i've never tried this before but maybe I can make the connection go the other way so that way you can see that I haven't changed I'm still the same Kim Y/N"

"I have to touch you"I gulped then nodded subtly

She then gently grabbed my head making me face her and making me look her straight in the eye.

After a moment or two I got a flash and suddenly I could feel everything she felt and for the first time it felt like I was really seeing Kim Y/N and the amazing thing was in her eyes I was beautiful.

After I came back to consciousness She asked me if it worked but I was so speechless I could only nod my head and stare at her in awe.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N Well here's the first chapter hope you like it











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Chapter 2: Buena historia
Wonder when this is coming back hmm??
Is this still going to get updated ? I hope so Fighting authornim!!!!
soshow_29 #4
Chapter 2: Love the storyline. I like this kind of story. Can't wait for new update :)
vicistar #5
Chapter 2: Worth to read, can't wait for the next chapter...
Looking forward to this ???