Pain and Love.

Pain and Love.

A scream echoed in the apartment, followed by some crashing and banging and then some more screaming. One final scream echoed around the apartment, louder and shriller than the rest followed by a quick scramble which then resulted in silence.


You sat perched on the end of the sofa with the remote control in your hand pointing towards the TV which had been on moments before; obviously watching a scary film had not been a good idea especially when you were by yourself and in the middle of the night. You sighed as you wearily glanced around, wrapping yourself deeper into your blanket feeling suddenly cold. At the sound of a small bang, you squeaked and dived head first into the sofa and lay perfectly still; it wasn’t until a few seconds later you realised it was just one of your neighbours down the hall.


‘Goodness ~~~, get a hold of yourself. It was just a movie’, but even when you said the words aloud it didn’t make you feel any better. As quickly and quietly as you could you shuffled into the kitchen still wrapped in your blanket, taking a glass out of the cupboard and filling it with water, you attempted to calm your heart by taking a large gulp. But that still didn’t help, sighing at your immaturity you turned to head to bed but you were suddenly plunged into darkness.


Letting out a squeak you dropped the glass you were holding and stumbled on the blanket; as you stumbled blindly forward you stood on something sharp; letting out a scream, but before you could steady yourself your hip hit the counter and you fell forward onto the floor, your arms only just catching your fall. You felt even more sharp objects pierce your skin and you bit your lip so keep from crying out; tears began to fall from your eyes. Reaching down to your legs you tried to inspect the damage, you winced several times as your hands carefully brushed over your legs, when you bought your hand back up you noticed that it was wet. Attempting to stand you tried to pull yourself up with the counter, but your legs were shaking so much that you just collapsed back onto the floor, also knowing that trying to crawl into the living room to try and get your phone was out of the question; you ignored the stabbing pains in your legs and you curled up into a ball to wait for the power to turn back on.   




The elevator dinged indicating that it had reached the 7th floor; before he exited Bang Yong Guk rotated his neck and heard it crack, sighing he exited the elevator and began to walk up the hallway to his front door. Before he could reach the front door he was suddenly plunged into darkness, stopping for a few seconds to get his bearings he carried along the hallway, with his hand on the wall as his guide. When he reached what he was pretty sure was his door, he took out his keys and fumbled for several minutes trying to put the key through the lock. As the door swung open the power turned back on; standing in the doorway until his eyes readjusted, Yong Guk stepped into the apartment fully and nudged the door closed behind him. Depositing his things he ventured further into his shared apartment, eyes wide open for the fellow being who he shared the apartment with.


Noticing that every single light was on it was obvious that she was awake; she made sure that all the lights were off before she went to bed. Heading towards his bedroom to see if she was in there, he glanced into the kitchen as he walked by and was halted by the sight of some locks of hair disappearing around the counter. Creeping closer he realised that the hair belonged to his girlfriend, who was curled up on the kitchen floor fast asleep. Chuckling he began to bend down to ask why on earth she was asleep on the kitchen floor but then he caught sight of her lower half and the area surrounding it. Glass and blood littered the floor; the source he saw was a glass that lay a few feet away but then his face turned into one of panic and worry as he saw her legs and feet; littered with several cuts that were oozing blood.


“~~~!” he half shouted, ignoring the glass he knelt down and cupped your face as he gently turned you onto your back. Only slightly opening your eyes you moaned in pain as feeling returned to your legs; a few stray tears fell down your face. Noticing the tears Yong Guk brushed them away, and carefully slipped his arms under you and scooped you up and brought you close to his chest.


“It’s okay baby, I got you” he whispered as he hurried into the living room. Laying you down on the sofa he began to inspect your legs and feet.


“How did this happen?” he asked careful to control his anger at seeing you hurt. Taking your foot in his hands he noticed that there were several pieces of glass in them; some small but there were some rather large pieces, as he went to try and take a piece out you squeak and whimpered in pain again.


“Oppa…it hurts” you whimpered again as you clutched his hand in a desperate attempt to get rid of the pain.


Yong Guk couldn’t help but frown at seeing you hurt; what kind of a boyfriend was he if he couldn’t protect his girlfriend? You were his life, his everything; his heart panged in guilt and sorrow as he watched more tears stream down your face. Making up his mind he quickly but gently wrapped you up in a blanket, scooped you up in his arms and ran out of the apartment.




 You were so comfy; that much you could tell as your brain began to come to. You could feel the silkiness of your sheets and the softness of your pillows as you slowly began to wake up. Groaning softly you stretched and turned to look at the clock next to your bed.




Deciding it was time to get up you pushed away your blankets and set your feet on the ground, instantly freezing as you finally noticed the bandages that covered your feet that didn’t stop until above your knee. As you tried to comprehend what on earth could’ve happened you didn’t notice the figure that appeared in the doorway, watching you frown as your mind drew a blank.


“You don’t remember what happened, do you?”


The voice startled you causing you to clutch your heart in fear, your boyfriend clad in a white wife beater and blue pyjama bottoms stood in the doorway leaning against the frame; with the sun shining from the living room windows directly behind him and with his blond dishevelled hair and thick arm muscles; he looked incredibly y despite the serious look on his face.


He slowly entered the room, the serious look leaving his face in replacement of one of pain as he knelt down in front of you. Taking one of your hands he gently kissed it without once taking his eyes off you.


“Baby, can you tell me what happened?” he asked dropping your hand to run his hands softly down your bandaged legs.


“I...don’t really remember” you answered causing him to sigh and rub the back of his neck,


“Please baby try, for me” he whispered capturing your hands and intertwining them with his.


You shut your eyes and thought hard; you remembered watching a scary film and then going into the kitchen and getting a drink, there was a black out and a piercing pain and that’s all you could recall.


“I remember I was watching a scary film waiting for you to come home, I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water and then there was a black out and a piercing pain in my leg. I don’t really remember what happened next”.


Yong Gok sighed and let go of your hands and slowly pushed you back onto the bed, placing your legs back onto the bed he pulled the covers over you. Walking around to his respective side he climbed into bed and carefully pulled you into his chest, not wanting to hurt you.


“I was so scared” he whispered, “I found you on the floor, barely conscious, in a pool of glass and blood.  I didn’t know what to do; by the time I made it to the hospital you had completely lost consciousness. Some doctors quickly took you and removed all the glass from your legs and feet. In total, you have about thirty stitches and there are very high chances that most of them will scar.”


As he told the story he tightened his hold of you protectively, his husky voice wavering slightly showing you how much he was worried about you. You rubbed his chest knowing that that would calm him down and gently kissed his neck which caused him to groan softly.


Pulling him down so you were facing each other, you kissed his cheek and nuzzled your noses together causing him to giggle dorkishly.


“I’m sorry oppa, for causing you pain. You know how clumsy I get but I promise to never hurt you again” you whispered as you traced his collar bones.


“And I promise to never let you get hurt again” he softly replied taking your hand and kissing it softly.


You two lay on your sides facing each other, staring deep into each other’s eyes, bodies pushed close together you would share a short tender kiss every once in a while. When the clock struck midday you both were both dozing quietly, content and safe in each other’s arms.


“Hey ~~~” Yong Guk whispered brushing a few strands of hair away from your face,




“I love you”


“…I love you too oppa”


Smiling softly you met him half way in a long tender kiss that was so filled with love and adoration that it made your head spin, pulling away you both giggled softly before you both settled down into your doze again.    



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xo_aquarius16 #1
Aweee so cute~~
You should make more Bang Yong Guk stories :)