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"don't you think it's weird?" one girl finally spoke up, breaking the calm silence between the seven girls. a highlighter is nestled between her thumb and index finger and her attention is fixated on the thick textbook, no doubt squeezing time to do some studying despite it being summer. the others all turned their heads towards the one who never let herself rest.

"what is?" said one who had been on her phone the second the group had arrived at the gazebo that had become their little sanctuary. it was the perfect summer day to be out and enjoying the sun. the heat wasn't enough for them to be drenched in sweat, but enough that it provided just the right warmth on their skin.

"that the seven of us are coincidentally in some fake relationship at the same time?"

eyes darted around each other in self-pity. it was true that they had gotten themselves into this situation in the first place, save for maybe two girls if what they had told them was accurate. the one lying on the floor with her hands neatly placed on top of her stomach kept mumbling to herself about how it had only been a week and he was already giving her a headache, she was one of the two unfortunates to have been dragged into this mess without her consent. forced, her weak heart had been forced, into this.

the girl leaning against the pillar sighed, a fed up look was streaked on her face. "i think what's weird is you studying when we're on summer break."

the one with the textbook looked down and flushed in embarrassment while subtly shutting the book and grabbing her phone to busy herself instead.

"she's right, though," the normally quiet one spoke up. the girls perked up at her usually absent voice. the only foreigner in the bunch, she had always been one to keep shut. sometimes, the girls forgot that she even spoke korean. "this could either go really, really well or become a plain mess."

"this is pathetic."

the others nodded in agreement. each of them knew that this was a bad idea in the first place, but each needed to get rid of their own problems. it was a burden just what kind of things desperation could have seven girls decide to do.


"what's with the frown?" the socialite finally shut her phone and looked at where the usually loud and happy one stood. the normally chipper girl had her arms crossed and though none of them had known each other for more than a week (save for a few of them), the foreign silence was as unsettling as wearing a sweater on a hot summer day. "don't you normally blow bubbled or something?"


worry seemed to flash through her eyes before forcing a smile onto her lips. "i just hope it's not like the movies."


— where seven girls are desperate and unfortunate enough to have to keep up a fake relationship for as long as they have to, and it's exactly like the movies.



01. susbcribe | ya get the drill. upvote is optional but subscribe is a must if you wanna stay updated which i highly encourage that you do if you're applying.

02. activity | this is crucial otherwise your character might just fall off a cliff or smth :( no but seriously, be active! especially if you're chosen. i love comments! and feedback! good sh!t.

03. be nice | please don't bash anyone! like i get if you're doing it in a joking manner but please respect everyone in this fic, even if you're not chosen. who knows? i might just use your app as a side character bc ily all

04. updates | pls pls pls dont pressure me on updates. i either write like in 0.000001 seconds or take 76 years to even start a chapter so please be patient with my  and don't be surprised if i end up neglecting this because this is my first ever af in a long time and i don't know how this will go, so don't say i didn't warn you.

05. upvote | like i said it's optional :"""") but yanno everyone's a thirst b!tch at some point



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Chapter 1: So this is a mixed of hs and adulthood story? If my character a 97liner, can I make her in college? And if my character a 94liner, she probably working already? And so the youngest would probably be 00liner or 01liner?
seukor #2
Chapter 1: yukhei is a baby boy i love him
also! is this highschool au or a mix of highschool and adulthood (like there are a few girls who alr finished highschool while the others are still in the middle of studying in hs)?
Chapter 1: hello! i just wanna ask which year is the youngest for the girls?
Chapter 1: heyy do you have any suggestions for types of fake relationships? i can't really think of anything that isn't cliché or cringy lol
Chapter 1: omg yess i’m so excited for this! i know you don’t want our characters to be too old so what’s the oldest we can go? like ‘91 liner or ‘94 liner?
Chapter 1: im so busy with work but honestly what's work when there's this masterpiece to apply for
Oh, this sounds interesting!!! 8O
this looks like it's going to be good