1 AM Adventure


Dating Min Yoongi must be full of surprises like sudden midnight trip to the city or sudden hiking to the top hill. He might be quiet and all but he often burst out crazy and unexpected ideas. 
Like that one time at 1 am, both of you were just moved in together and were still busy with boxes and all. He suddenly said, "Let's go". You didn't even bother to ask him and decided to just go with it. 

He grabbed his old vintage Corolla's key and went straight to the garage. "Bring the wine we bought earlier." "You're driving, idiot" "I won't be drunk, I promise" Then his gummy smile showed up. "Whatever". 
You brought it anyway. 

The city at 1 am was surely beautiful. The beauty of empty roads and beaming lights from the building were really calming. Yoongi enjoyed this a lot that he couldn't even stop smiling. You could even see the reflections of lights in his eyes. You caught yourself staring at him for a long time while smiling. "What?" He said. "Nothing". 
Suddenly you could feel his hand on your shoulder as he pulled you closer to him. 
"It's cold" 
Old Yoongi and his lame excuse. 
"Of course you only wear a t-shirt and flannel." He smiled. 
Then he the radio and ranting about it. "This track is trash. How could this piece of becomes popular?" You couldn't help but laugh. "Let's listen to this then". You connected your phone with the radio. 


"Oh not this again" "Why? I thought you love it!" "To be honest, no. But if you like it then just play it. I'll listen to it" 
He has a strong will but in certain times, he'll soften a bit. 
As you humming the lyrics, suddenly Yoongi leaned in to sneak a kiss. "This loverboy get carried away by the mood, huh?" He smirked. 

It took an hour until we reached the destination. It was a hill. After got off the car, we hiked a bit and arrived at the top hill. From here you could literally see the whole city and all those beaming lights. "There are no stars tonight because of the lights." For Yoongi, stargazing is one of his favorite things to do. He always admire how the stars aligned into one beautiful mess. But for you, the beaming lights from the city was pretty enough. "One day, I'll take you to the place where you could see the stars, ok?" You nodded. 

Then we both sit down on the hood of the car while Yoongi opened the bottle of wine. He drank it as if he drink water. It eases his mind, he said. 
We spent the rest of the night with talking basically about everything. We talked from the smallest things such as whether we should buy our dog, Holly, new clothes or not until big things like the future. You really like how at this hour, people could be so vulnerable and honest. Especially Yoongi. 
You really like him when he's in this state. Not to mention that his normal state is lovable enough, but in this state, he's way too lovable to resist. He just spoke everything that came to his mind. 
We talked until it was like 5.30 in the morning. We could even see the sun rose beautifully from this hill. 
When you looked at him, you found him sleeping safe and sound. You smiled, you knew that he would break his promise when it comes to alcohol. He was too drunk and too sleepy to drive then you drove instead. 

After got home, you picked him up and put him on the bed. When you were about to go to the bathroom, he suddenly pulled you back to the bed and held on you real tight. 
"Yoongi, don't you have work today?"
"Hmm later" even his sleepy voice was mesmerizing. 
"Don't get oversleep. You have tons of-" 
"Let's just stay like this for a while, ok?" 

Surely you couldn't resist him. 
He hugged you really tight that both of you became really close. 
"Yoongi's scent is always comforting."
He didn't reek of alcohol. 
Instead, he smelled like home. 

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