My baby's father


Two strangers. One night. 




That's all it takes for Kwon Jiyong to barge into Sandara Park's life. No prior notice, no mental preparation. Once you're in, you can never opt out. That's the only rule of this game of love. 





Hello all! I know it's been a while, and to those patiently waiting for my updates, thank you so much! I know I've released a story with the same title before, but I've got a new idea so I'd like to scrap the previous story and start all over again! Thank you to those who'd showed me support, it means a lot to a new writer like me  ^.^


“You have no right to!” She exclaimed and tightened her grip on the glass of water right in front of her. One more word from him, she promised herself, and she would not hold herself back.


Raking his hands through his hair, he threw a document in front of her.


“Sign it,” He said coldly, “It’s for her own welfare. Both you and i are very well aware i could give her much more than what she is having now.”




She did it. She didn’t hold back, and she doesn’t plan on holding back. Not when it comes to her daughter, Hope.


He was upset. No scratch that, he was seething with anger. Through gritted teeth, he articulated each syllable of his words carefully and slowly;


He stood up from his seat and leaned in dangerously close to her, “Hope is stressed out. As her father, i want the best for her. And i can give her the best.”


Snickering, she leaned in further, closing the small distance between them, so much so there faces were merely inches apart.

She challenged, “You weren’t by her side when she was born, Jiyong. You were busy building your empire abroad and-”


He grabbed her face abruptly, his touch sending shivers down her spine. His touch was authoritative, yet, at the same time, gentle. “I have never placed anything on greater priority than my daughter. I was kind enough to let you have Hope for four years, but you did a poor job as a mother. Tiff agrees, Dara,”


She pushed his hand away forcefully, so much so Jiyong narrowed his eyes in displeasure. He wasn’t used to the feeling of being opposed. As one of the richest young men in South Korea, he was accustomed to having things done his way. And now there was this Dara girl, the mother of his child, standing in his way. He wiped his damp face with the back of his hand and glared at her. That glare however, did not intimidate Dara. She was a fighter, and she had been trained to fight all her life. Screw Jiyong, so what if he is rich, she owned half of Hope.


“Look Jiyong,” She said as she sighed softly. The sudden change in her tone caught his attention. “I dont really care how things go between between you and Tiffany. I know the only thing connecting you and i is Hope, so your personal affairs are none of my business. But i dont want that woman near my daughter. Hope isn’t ready for this.


Slowly, she picked up the envelope with the document he just wanted her to sign a few seconds ago, and tore it into half, before throwing it back onto the table.


“I will not allow anyone to take my daughter away from me, Mr kwon.”


With that, she walked out of the restaurant.



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