
Drabbles with Jin
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Seokjin's whole body ached, limbs on the verge of giving up and his throat screamed for water as he lay exhausted at the corner of a huge mirrored room after 3 hours of intense dance practice.

This new dance teacher joined only a week ago but has made lives of the students a living hell.

But the only thing that got him going till the end of everyday was seeing Hoseok practice his dance routines.

He was participating in the coming state dance competition. 

But the way hoseok's legs moved along the beat of the music and how all of his body muscles were in sync made Seokjin question his existence let alone his dancing abilities.

He has never talked to Hoseok directly but he would always give Jin a sweet smile at the end of the day. 

And that smile made Seokjin forget all about his body aches, his limbs screaming and his throat crying.

That damned smile.


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Okay so I’m marking the drabbles complete. You won’t find any new stories from me either. Cz I’m kind of done writing anything. Also struggling from something personal. I had a good time. Laters~


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Seoulqueenka #1
If It has anything to do with my baby Seokjin I’ll read it!!!
Chapter 10: Ahhh and u r way of telling 2seok smile made my day
Chapter 10: So sweet
Chapter 9: Thats how love blossomed.
Chapter 8: Who is the person?
it's good ;)
YAAAAAAAS JIN!!!!! <3333
Chapter 5: So sweet.