Lily of the valley

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"You ruined the mood set out for me" she yelled as she turned to her savior. Her eyes streaming out tears as she collapsed on the floor. Her legs spread, hands were wiping her tears frantically as she sat on the concrete floor. 

"I was supposed to die." She said softly as she sobbed. Giving way to another fit of rage "WHY? I wasn't worth being saved. I belong nowhere. I am useless. I have no one. You should have just let-"

Seulgi's words were cut by the stranger's enveloping embrace. The girl who saved her never said a word, she just let Seulgi cry. Tears streaming down Seulgi's face on to the comfort of her savior's shoulder. She continued her drunken sobs wrapped in the arms of a person she never met. It was comfortable she thought. 




Seulgi scrunches her nose before opening her eyes. She stared at the unfamiliar ceiling. She furrowed her brows and bolted up from the bed where she laid. She doesn't recall how she ended up here, nor was the place familiar. Where am I? She thought as she looked around hoping to catch the owner of the room.

White walled room, a high ceiling, large windows with light colored curtains, a balcony and a majestic view of Seoul. The room was well lit even without the lights on at daytime. It seemed a bit empty that only a couple of night stand rest on either side of the bed. One houses a lamp, the other had a flower vase full of lily of the valley.

A gentle summer breeze enters and she felt cold. It was only then that she felt something wrong, something missing. She was only wearing an oversized shirt, long enough to reach halfway through her thighs. Good thing she had the sheets or her would have been exposed. Where the hell is my bra? She pursed her lips at the thought that she may have been taken advantage of. Her eyes and head circled the room in search of missing articles of clothing. She breathe out a sigh of relief when she saw the missing pieces neatly placed on a hanger in the corner of the room.


How the hell did I even end up here? That view is lovely though. She thought. 


She stood up dragging the blanket along with her and walked towards the room's balcony. The blanket wrapped on her body's lower part. She stood by the open window admiring the view. 


"Oh god not again! Step away from the window!" A woman's voice echoed as the room door swung open. Seulgi turned around confused. First because of what the woman said. And second she was relieved it was woman, a very beautiful one, that greeted her. The woman had then ran to her grabbing Seulgi by the waist.


They landed on the floor. "Is this your house?" Were the first thing Seulgi asked. "How did I end up here?"


"Yes it's my apartment. And second, I found you yesterday all broken and stuff. You almost died. After your breakdown you pretty much collapsed on the sidewalk. I then figured you reak of alcohol. And sorry for dragging you like that just now" 


"Where are my manners? I'm Kang Seulgi, student" extending her hand and flashing a big smile.


The other girl grabbing the extended hand and as she smiled charmingly "Bae Joohyun, prosecu-" 


Seulgi lost it.  "The Bae Joohyun? Prosecutor BAE JOOHYUN? The same one that topped the bar 2 years ago among the sea of men? OhMyGod!" She was practically fan girling over the person in front of her. She nervously shook the hand of the person in front of her.

When Seulgi's dad died she has decided on being a public servant once done with school. With good grades she thought that earning a degree in law will help that. So when she heard news of a female topping the bar exam only fueled her desire to be a lawyer more. 

A lot of things hasn't been going Seulgi's way. Her grades slipping and having troubles at work built up her stress which eventually showed up in her drunken state.

A demon part of her that almost gave up, the part of her she has been suppressing for so long, escaped through the push of a colorless distilled beverage. 

Like having a sudden light bulb moment, Seulgi perks up and spoke "Prosecutor Bae, did you pick me up passed out somewhere?"

"I'm not sure if pick up is the proper term for it"

Seulgi tilted her head to the right "What do you mean?"

"Were you that drunk? I don't mean to pry but you w

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2190 streak #1
Chapter 1: Rereading<3
Seulgi here reminds me of that old man in Hercules who wanted to die but kept getting saved
Catmanager #3
Chapter 2: Oh wow, her dad saved Joohyun!
I'm glad all ends well, even if by tragic events it led to a good thing.
Very cool read, got an interesting story and learned a bit about flower meanings.
Thank you for writing and sharing your work!
Until next time!
Catmanager #4
Chapter 1: MAN, poor Seulgi..... With that luck (or rather misfortune :( ) Idk how I'd get through it, it's so depressing.... Good job to her savoir though, both the person and the coin, can't leave us yet Seulgi.
I'll read on, but I'll be crying while I do....
Chapter 1: it's tails... no dying Seulgi...
Chapter 2: Awww...Im glad they found each other. Is that the ending author?? Pls I want to see what happens next, I really like it! But its cool if you dont want :)) this is good tho
forgotme #7
Chapter 2: Its really the end??no sequel?? Huhu...
Chapter 2: I really enjoyed this fic.

Seulgi and Joohyun were brought together under such tragic circumstances, yet they managed to find happiness in each other.

This was great, author. Thank you for sharing !
Chapter 2: Good that she found her safehaven