Part 2

Happy Birthday Jae! (TWOshot)


Part 2 (I know Jae is turning 27, or 26 international age, but for this…he’s younger.)

“Joanna, it’s good to see you.” Mrs Kim gave me a hug as we entered their household. “My husband is in the backyard setting up the tables, Jaejoong is there too.” She gave me a smile, and I could see a small glint in her eyes.

I brushed it off, and walked into the kitchen. Out of the window I could see Mr Kim setting up the tables…but where was Jaejoong?


“Omo,” I jumped slightly and turned around to see the smile that made melt countless times. “Jae, don’t do that.”

“Hello Joanna,”

“Hey yourself,” I tried to play it as cool as I could.

“So how’s life?” Jaejoong asked, while gathering cutlery and plates.

“It’s pretty good. Graduated high school.”

“Ah, I heard that you’re coming to my uni. Did you miss me that much?” He teased, and luckily turned around, before he could see a small blush appear on my face. But before I could say anything he handed me a stack of plates and asked me to take it to the backyard.

I took the plates and without a word entered the back yard.

“Joanna!” I heard Mr Kim call me…

Now four hours later, everything was ready. The food was done and most of the guests had arrived. Jaejoong and I hadn’t talked much after the greeting when I first entered the household. Not that I allowed much chance for that to happen, whenever I saw Jaejoong I turned the opposite direction.

I know, I was being childish. And I was wasting precious time. But I couldn’t help it. He was even more handsome, than when he left. His voice was still mesmerizing and so were his eyes. It seems like my crush was still very much alive, and if anything had developed into something deeper.

“Joanna, have you eaten?” Mrs Kim asked me, she always looked after me like her own daughter.

“Yes, I did before everyone else arrived.”

“Very good. So are you excited about university?”

“Yes, I can’t wait for uni life.”

“So have you started dating yet? Because, Valentine’s Day is near.” She grinned,

“Aunty,” I was shocked at her question, “Uh, I’m single at the moment.”

“Really? What a coincidence, so is Jaejoong.” She winked at me. My eyes widened. Is she trying to set me up with Jaejoong? Does she know I have a crush on him? “I’ve been telling him that I want him to bring home a girl. I want to have grandkids soon.”

“Ah really?” I didn’t know what else to say, “I’m going the get a drink…would you like anything aunty?”

“No, thank you.”

 I walked towards the drink table, and sighed. What in the world was that?

“Was my mum being nosy again?”

“Ah~” I jumped, shocked at the deep voice which whispered into my ear. I turned to face Jaejoong. “Oh god, don’t do that.”

“Sorry,” he grinned, “want some coke?”

“Uh yeah,” I placed a hand on my heart trying to calm it down from the shock and the fact that Jaejoong’s body seemed to be very close to mine.

“Here,” he passed me a can of coke.  

“Well, thanks,” I said, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible. But before I could move he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest.

“Are you avoiding me?”

“I’m not…”

“Well, then if you’re not, come with me.”

He pulled me into the house and up the stairs into a familiar room. Jaejoong’s bedroom.

Everything still looked the same even thou I hadn’t stepped foot in his room in over a year. I looked around his room, reminiscing on the past, but my thoughts were cut short once Jaejoong spoke.

“Come and sit,” Jaejoong was already sitting on the end of his queen size bed, once he saw my hesitance, he jokingly added “Don’t worry, I won’t attack you.”

“Oh no I didn’t mean…” I didn’t know what I was saying, but once it was out, I knew what I was implying. I closed my mouth and sat down on the bed…the head of the bed.

I think Jaejoong made a mental note on how far away I was sitting from him, but made no comment. “So, Jojo how’s life been?”

I tensed up when I heard my nickname. God, I’ve missed the way he said my name.

“It’s-it’s been great,” I almost kicked myself for stuttering. I cleared my throat. “How’s uni life?”

“It’s okay, a bit boring at times. But I think this year will be more interesting.” He smiled at me.

Oh God. I felt my heart flutter. “Really? How so?”

“Just have this feeling. Now I’m feeling tired…don’t move.”

He lay down on the bed…using my legs as a pillow.

“Omo.” I was shocked at his actions. I leaned back stabilising myself by placing my hands behind my back. A light blush had formed over my cheeks.

We stayed like that for a while, not saying a word.

I could hear the cheers and music from downstairs. But all I could really concentrate on was the man lying on my legs.

I looked down at Jaejoong to see his eyes closed. His chest was slowly moving up and down, I guessed from the lack of movement that he was resting.

After about 10 minutes, I thought he was asleep and decided to move his head off my legs and onto a pillow, which was less than an arms length away. I reached out to grab the pillow, and softly shifted my legs away from him while holding his head.

Once I was free, I stood up and saw how peaceful Jaejoong looked. I had a sudden urge to touch him.

His hair was covering his closed eyes, so reached over to brush away the hair. I stopped, mesmerized by his face, my hand laid on his cheek lightly. His skin was much softer than I thought.

My hand naturally glided along his jaw line. “Oh God, how I’ve missed you Jae…I’ve missed talking to you, I’ve missed your hugs, I’ve missed your voice…” Without realizing it, I was tearing up. “I’m such a fool, I still love you…and you don’t even know it.”

I retreated my hand from his face, but his eyes opened and his hand shot up and grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.

Shocked, I laid still on top of Jaejoong. “Thank God, it wasn’t just me.”

He rolled us over, so I was lying with my back on the bed, and Jaejoong’s body was over mine, but he stabled himself so he wasn’t crushing me. He brushed away my fringe, and tears. “I’ve missed you too.”

“W-what?” I could only barely manage one word.

“Ever since we we’re young,” he smiled “I’ve loved you.”

At that moment, I felt so happy I thought my heart would explode. I felt myself tear up again.

“Jojo?” He began to worry,

“I’m so happy.” I reached up and wrapped my arms around him.

“Jojo…” His voice trailed off as he leaned towards my face.

His lips touched mine and I felt that spark that I was missing. I opened my mouth slightly, allowing him access. Deepening the kiss, I had finally felt the connection girl’s talk about and dream about.

Breaking for air, I my lips, as did he. “God, I’ve wanted to do that all day.”

“Try all of high school,” I joked, reaching up and pecking his cheek.

He chuckled, and got off me. “I didn’t want to touch an underage girl.”

I sat up, “Well, technically speaking, I was legal your first year of university.” I stated, as-a-matter-of-fact.

“Well, technically speaking, I didn’t realised I loved you so much til I left.” 


“Well, I did feel a pang of jealously when you told me you got your first boyfriend.”

“Well, I cried when you told me you were dating another girl.”

“Are you trying to top me?”

“…Maybe,” I poked my tongue out,

“I’ll bite it, if you do that.” I put my tongue back and closed my mouth. “I win.” He stated, poking his tongue out at me.

“I’ll bite it, if you do that.” I said, mocking him with the same words he used on me.

“Hey! It’s my birthday, you can’t do that to me.” He stated, pulling me into his lap, so he could hold me. He kissed my forehead.

I giggled at his antics, “Fine, fine, I won’t.”

“Good girl,” I leaned into his shoulder. “Well, if you think about it if you did bite my tongue off, I’d have a hard time pleasuring you, wouldn’t I?”

“Ehh?!” I got of his lap and stared at him bewildered. “We just kissed, and you already…You ! We’re not even dating yet!”

“Ehh?!” It was his turn to be surprised, “we aren’t?”

“Well, uh…we just kissed, and we didn’t say anything about dating yet…”

“So you think I’d confess to a girl, kiss her…and then refuse to go out with her?”

“No, I just…”

“I’m kidding.” Jaejoong laughed, “You looked so serious. I was only teasing.” He stood up and hugged me.

“Jae…” I hugged him back. “You’re soo mean.”

“Fine, we shall do this the proper way, will you Joanna Lin become my girlfriend? And you can’t say no…because it’s my birthday.”

“Fine,” I laughed, “as long as you’re my boyfriend.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


A/N: Well, that was corny...I've got goosebumps. XP

Anyways, sorry for late update...BUT AH HA! It's Valentine's Day! SOOOOOOO HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! 

Ahh, being single during Valentine's Day...isn't it the best? :P


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Chapter 2: I find it funny how Jae goes "and you can't say no...becuase it's my birthday." He's too adorable for his own good.
HristyS #2
Chapter 2: i loved this story! you should make it into a longer story.. its just too cute! haha but really, making it a two shot is unfair! :P
Chapter 2: Jaejoong is somewhat the perfect male character in FFs. He can be sweet, y, or even evil. He's so versatile that I CAN'T EVEN HANDLE MY FEELS.

Jaejoong, PLEASE.
I Loved this story ^^
ahaha.. after long years of waiting atleast they end up with each other.. yay happy ending again heeeheee :D
elisaaa #6
awww i love cute stories :)
yasmien #7
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!love this storyyyyyyyy!!write moreeee pleaseee!!heeeee...
dinosayshi-77 #9
Happy Valentines Day!! You should really make a sequel to this...
i love this~~ hoping to read more fluffs XD
going to subscribe =))