Chapter 3

Transfer In/Out [KRYBER]


"Mom, I gotta go!" I said while putting my shoes on.

"Wait Amber!" I heard Mom shouted back.

"What is it Mom?" I asked.

"I bought you a bike" she pointed at the corner "its convenient to use a bike since your school is far" she said.

"Thanks Mom, I really need this" I said and kiss her "Bye!"

"Be careful" 


I'm about to leave when I heard someone calling me and found out it's Key.

"Morning?" I said.

"You live here?! Oh my God! Were neighbors! I didn't know you live here too, that's my house!" He excitedly said and pointed at the house right next to mine.

"Well, that's nice!" I happily said, Key is not that bad to be a friend. "Let's go?" I asked.

"Sure--wait! It's still early let's eat breakfast together, my treat" he said.

"I already had my breakfast but because it's free, I'll take it" I said and he laughed.

"Sure! There's a ramen house near at the school, let's go there" he said and start riding his bike, I'll just follow him.


"Were here" we stopped in front of the ramen house that Key said. "Their ramen is the best! You'll like it" Key said as we entered. "Two spicy ramen!" Key shouted as a tall man approached us.

"Hey Key!" The tall man said and look at me.

"Hey too! Amber this is Minho, Minho this is Amber she's new here" Key introduce us.

"Nice to meet you Amber" he said.

"Me too" I said.

"What's the order?" He asked.

"Two spicy ramen" Key answered.

"Okay, coming up!" He said, then leave.

"He also in the same school with us, a popular one" Key said.

"Really? But why I haven't seen him since I started school?" I curiously asked.

"He rarely go to school but her sister forced him" Key said.


"Oppa! Where's the hair brush?!" As I and Key waiting for the order. A girl with messy hair walking towards the counter who seem annoyed, She also wearing the same school uniform.

"I don't know!" I heard Minho shouted back.

"But I left here last night" the girl replied.

"I said I don't know" Minho calmly answered, but you can see ,he's already annoyed.

"Aish!" The girl whined while stomping her feet.

"Here's the order" Minho said who looked pissed.

"Just eat and don't look around" Key said.

I furrowed my eyebrow "Why?" I confusingly asked.

"N-Nothing, just eat fast, were getting late" he said.


Key is not lying, the ramen was good. But after we pay our food we immediately left the eatery. I wondered why he is acting weird. He said were getting late but it's still early.


"H-Hey Amber" 

I heard Key calling me.

"Hmm....?" I said still focus on my phone.

"K-Krystal is glaring at I-I didn't do anything." Key nervously said.

I frowned "Ha?" I said and looked at him, he is looking down.

I look around and spotted the President at the front row who is literally glaring at me. I mentally laughed.

"Ahh... No she's not glaring at you, don't worry Key" I assured him.

"Eh? How did you know?" Key said confusingly.

"I'm the one who she's glaring at" I said and continue playing my phone.

"What?!" Key whisper shouted "what did you do?!" Key shockingly said.

"Nothing" I shrugged

"What do you mean nothing? This is serious Amber. If she's mad at someone and Kai found out, your dead" Key said.

"I said I didn't do anything. If she's mad at me, there's nothing I can do anything about that" I said annoyed "Wait, are they couples?"

"No... Not yet"

"Not yet?"

"Not yet, because he still courting her. How can you be so calm about this?" Key said awed.

"Because I don't care"

"Do you know how protective He is when it comes to Krystal?"

"I don't care"

"Tsk...tsk...tsk.. Don't say I didn't warned you----"

"Good morning Class" As Mrs Song entered.

"Everyone, greet" the class president said and everyone obeyed.

"Good Morning Mrs. Song!" 

"I have a news class, the school quiz bee competition will be held by the first week of September. As we know, Krystal will be representing the Class B again but there will be more. This time not only one person will be the representative, it will be a partner." After what Mrs. Song said everyone seem confused.

"Uhmm.... Mrs. Song?" One of my classmate said.

"Yes Carl?" Mrs. Song replied.

"Who will be the other representative?" He asked.

"For that, I need a volunteer who is willing to be with Krystal. Anyone here?" Mrs. Song excitedly said but everyone went silent, no one raise their arms.

Of course, who wants to participate with that stupid competition. And history is a kinda difficult subject, I bet no one wants to joined.

"No one?" 

"Uhmm Ma'am?"

"Yes Krystal?" Mrs. Song asked when Krystal called her attention.

"I have someone to recommend" Krystal smiled, a creepy smile.

"Who?" Mrs. Song asked as Krystal roamed her eyes and stopped when she saw  me then smirked.

'Oh no'

"It's Amber Ma'am, I heard that she has a good academic in her former school" Krystal said and everyone stare at me.

"Really?" Mrs. Song said "What do you think Amber, do you want to participate?"

I'm about to decline when Krystal gave me a sinister look that made me nod absent mindly.

'What just happened?'

'Great, I need to waste my time just to participate with this stupid competition, just great'


'Damn it!' I mentally cursed when I remembered that annoying Krystal.

"Hey are okay?" Key worriedly asked as he noticed my irritation.

"No" I said and slammed back at my chair.

"Eh? Is this about the competition? I thought you agree with it?"

"Of course not!"

"But I saw you nodded when Mrs. Song asked you to joined" Key confusingly said.

"Yes but.....but.." I stuttering when I don't know what to say. 

I remembered that I acted stupid a while ago. I don't know why I nodded suddenly when Krystal glared at me, telling me to agreed if not, I'm dead. I've never got scared to someone before but her glared got scared me.


"Forget it" My replied, Key just shrugged.

"You should prepared and study hard, Krystal is very competitive person. Every competition she joined, she won. Losing is not in her vocabulary so you better be prepared yourself" Key said.

"So you mean she never lost?" I asked.

"Sort of, she's our class representative. Dance, Song, Art, Pageant, name it, she always win." He explained.

'So... I don't need to do much effort because she can win this without me?'

"But I think this quiz bee is most important competition to her. She always got the 2nd place because of the class president from the Class A always beat her. You know Jenny?" I shook my head. "That's her rival"



"!" I yelled when a loud thud woke me up. The last period is already end but I decided to take a nap here at the library before going home.

"Shiiii~~~~" the librarian said.

"Your giving me a heart attacks!" I whispered shout.

I looked at Krystal who is glaring at me then I noticed the books she placed in front of me.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Today is the start of our reviewing in history, start with this" she said and handing me the book.

I look at her like 'Are you serious?' It's almost time to go home but here, she wants to study.

"Yes I'm serious and please, I need your cooperation, this competition is very important to me" she said.

I frowned "It's clearly that you hated me from the start. Why you chose me to joined this stupid competition? What if I mess up and you lose? And how do you know if I'm good in history? Choose someone else" I said and rolled my eyes.

"Because I saw your records and only you can help me" She said.


"What will I gain from these?" I asked.

"You decided" she said.

I stare at her to know if she's serious about this but she remained expressionless.

"I'll think about it. But for now, I have to go. See you!" I said and made my way out from the library without letting her speak.

'I think I know what I want for return' I mentally smirked

'This would be fun.........'

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Dede_risma94 #1
Chapter 3: This story makes me fall in love and also curious, author-nim, please update ?
Harryturtlee #2
Chapter 2: Ohhh i love ambers character here what a tough badass!!
rmanalo #3
Chapter 3: author didnt u posted this on wattpad?
Chapter 3: This is getting exciting! ^^
Chapter 2: Well damn amber savage ^^
Zerozz #6
Chapter 3: Thanks for update author-nim :)
Update more
Chapter 3: Thanks for the update author
Krysber19 #8
Please update authornim ?
Chapter 2: I love this update juseyo