
Brothers and Sisters

Jessica hated nonsense. And she rarely believed in all sorts of romance and girly things that Tiffany loved to dwell upon. That’s why, she was one of the girls who was most worried for Seo Hyeon as she started We Got Married with Jung Yong Hwa. Because everybody knew the show played games. Not the interactive, physical ones. But the ones with the heart. Basically, she was afraid that show would left her beloved Hyeonnie crashed and burnt.

“Don’t you think she’s too young for this?” she had asked boldly to their manager. “Why can’t it be Yoona or Yuri? Or Fanny? She’d be glad for this. But why maknae?”

“Because, Jessica-ssi,” their manager had started patiently, knowing well if he even use a higher tone, Jessica would get really angry, “Seo Hyeon needs more lime light. And the concept is clear. A leader from a rock band, and the youngest girl from a girl band. Sort of the bad guy – innocent girl image”

“And what about this guy? This CNBLUE guy? Is he a good guy or not?”

“Let’s just hope so”

“What do you mean ‘Let’s just hope so’? You have to be sure! If you don’t know, then find out! We have to know that he’s a good guy for Hyeonnie!”

“Okay, okay, I’ll find out. Don’t you worry too much Jessica-ssi. You do know that she’s stronger than she looks right? She’ll be alright, I’m sure of it”

Would she?

And the show started. So she watched Seo Hyeon from the side line, trying to detect any negative sign. Seo Hyeon started awkwardly. She knew, because she always watched it. And then surprisingly, Seo Hyeon opened her heart for him. Seo Hyeon…..let him be in her life. That’s what’s surprising.

She’s more confident. She got prettier. She looked happy.

By the look of it, he’s falling for her. Well, she said inwardly. Anybody would love uri Seo Hyeonnie. Who wouldn’t?
What she feared was only, what would happen if things didn’t go well?

And then she saw it. Seo Hyeon. Restless. Smiles disappearing. Phone carried everywhere. Her expression explained only one thing. Worry.

Hyo Yeon had been such a prissy . Whenever she asked of what happened, Hyo Yeon kept her lips tight and locked . Only saying, “Ask her yourself”.

So why not, right?

So one evening, when she saw Seo Hyeon coming out of the shower, drying her hair, she ventured an “Is there something wrong?”.

Seo Hyeon stopped on her tracks. To say that she was surprise was an understatement.

Impatiently she pressed, “Hyunnie? Are you okay? Is he taking care of you?”


“He what?” Jessica asked, her voice filled with dread. “What did he do to you?”

“He….hasn’t contacted me for some time. Almost a month”

“What?! Did you fight?”

“No. Everything was okay. We shot the birthday episode. He gave me a necklace….I gave him a new couple ring…..We were so happy that night. I mean, at least I was. And then suddenly….nothing. No phone calls, texts, or e-mails”

“Does he have someone else?”

Seo Hyeon flinched. Jessica could see pain flashed on her face.

“N….no. Not that I know of. He said no…..”

“Well. I don’t care he’s busy or not. He must be able to type at least a sentence in a month, right?”

“It’s okay, unnie. No need to trouble yourself. I’m sure he’s just busy. I’ll know what’s wrong when I meet him again”.

Seo Hyeon then said goodnight and went into her room. Jessica sighed. 

What’s going on? Why did he ignore Seo Hyeonnie? What is it that she’s not telling us?

When the show aired again, informing that Yong Hwa was doing mildang to gain Seo Hyeon’s attention, Jessica screamed, “I’m going to kill that son of a !”

“Yah. Relax would you?” Tiffany said, “You don’t have to be that angry”

Seo Hyeon was in her room, reading. Her 8 unnies were watching the TV together.

“That’s mean of him” Soo Young commented.

“Hyo. Give me his number” Jessica requested.


“Give me. His number. Now”

“And what will you do?”

“I’m going to give that Yong Hwa a piece of my mind. Nobody mess up with our maknae! Nobody!”

“Don’t interfere” Hyo Yeon warned.

“What? What do you mean don’t interfere?”

“Just don’t”

“Why the hell not?”

“Because, Sica” Hyo Yeon answered firmly, “This is about her. And him. It’s not your or our right to interfere. Let her do what she thinks right”.

“Give me his number” she asked obstinately.

“She’ll hate it if you do that”.

She gave up. And didn’t attack Yong Hwa that night verbally.

Things got better, it seemed. Seo Hyeon looked perfectly happy after that incident. As if she’s not in a show. As if they were real. By the looks of Hyo Yeon, and her determined refusals to answer, she had concluded that Seo Hyeon had started her first ever official relationship.

And then the show ended.

And she could hear Seo Hyeon’s sobs from her room, locked with Hyo Yeon inside. Seo Hyeon looked broken. Broken for days. She wished she could do something, anything to erase her sad looks. She wished, Seo Hyeon didn’t need to start that show at all, if it left her this scarred in the end.

One morning, she saw Seo Hyeon drinking her usual green tea. She padded slowly and took a glass of water. Things seemed to get better for Hyeon. And apparently, with him too. They sat together and were talking about everything that happened during their shows in Japan when she, out of curiosity, asked,

“Hyeonnie, is it worth it?”

She stopped what she was saying and stared at Jessica.

“What’s worth it?”

“You. And him. All the troubles in between”

“It is” she answered quickly, smoothly, without any hesitations. “It is, Unnie”

“Really? You don’t feel….tired? Now that you could so rarely see him?”

“It’s part of us. It’s what we do. I think I rather…..have what I can. Rather than nothing at all. Rather than not being with him at all”

She looked sure. She looked calm. Moreover, she looked…in peace.

Jessica smiled to her, nodding in affirmation.

“If it’s like that, Hyeonnie. I’m glad. Good for you. I hope you both will always be okay”.

Seo Hyeon patted her hand gratefully.

“And now Hyeonnie, I think I’m going back to sleep. See ya”.

Author's Note :

8 August 2011

I don't know what's happening to me. I feel like I don't want to stop writing. Like I'm addicted. Well, this makes me happy. I'm giving myself the time to write about my OTP. So of course I'm happy. Honestly, I have a lot of writing ideas. But because I have no time, some of them just disappears. Well, I guess now I don't want that to happen.

I've been wanting to write this for a while. SNSD's and CNBLUE's POV. I'll continue when I can.

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Chapter 4: have a sudden urge to look this up to read again .......... really like how the unnie-deul protect and love the maknae ..........

really hope to know how will other unnnies feel and react, even after 10 long years of yongseo shipping ..... and how the CNBLue Dongsae think
namie27 #2
Chapter 4: Authornim, more of the Unnies POV's please.
anticipating what the other SNSD and CNBlue thinks
zeroard #4
Yo authornim!!good job on doing this.keep em coming!nicely done authornim...cant wait for your new updates on the rest of gg girls and cnblue boys...u reminded me the days i watched yongseo years ago...keep up the good work!!!
Ryushi #5
Chapter 4: Thank you for yet another amazing work! I hope that you do choose to continue writing this, and will be eagerly awaiting to see new chapters.