
Hope World

J-Hope's POV:

''Come on Mickey! let's go back to that portal and head on over to Dreamland this time!''. Mickey came running down towards me. he started my face all over again ''Mickey that tickles!''. I grab his collar and lead and secure them to his neck. I walk towards the portal and head on over to Dreamland. I walk around Dreamland to see white & pink fluffy clouds all over the place. It looks very dark out here......there's even a bright moon up in the sky. I bring out my lantern and continue to follow the path when I accidently bump into someone ''YAH!''. ''Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to crash into you like that! My name's J-Hope by the way :) I'm everyone's adorable sunshine!''. ''Nice to meet you J-Hope. I'm Suga''. ''Well it's very nice to meet you Suga''. ''Thanks. Now would you like a tour of this place?''. ''Yes please''. ''Ok follow me!''. Suga takes me to a place where there is blankets all over the place, there is also a campfire and a bunch of tents laying around. ''Here in Dreamland people can relax and basically just......sleep''. ''Ah I get it now! that's why it's called Dreamland then?''. ''Yep!''. Out of nowhere a cute fluffy bunny comes running up to me ''Why hello there! what's your name?''. ''This is fluffy! she lives here and she's always excited to meet new vistors''. Mickey begins to pout ''Awww I could never forget about you Mickey! <3''. I ruffle Mickey's fur as he rolls around ''Good dog!''. Hmmmmm I have an idea! ''Well as this is Dreamland....maybe me, you, Jimin & V could have a sleepover here''. ''That's a great idea! I'll call them over right now! They're gonna be so happy to see you!''. ''Even better! I bet they've missed me''. A few moments later... ''J-HOPE!''. V comes rushing towards me. I stand there with open arms as he gives me a warm, fluffy hug!. ''I've missed you sunshine''. ''I've missed you too TaeTae. Where's Jiminie?''. ''I'm right here!''. ''Awww how cute! look at those little hands oh and the height difference! I'm sorry Jiminie I wasn't making fun of you''. ''It's alright. TaeTae usually teases me about my height so I'm ok with it all. He's my soulmate and I don't mind what he does :)''. ''Awww how sweet! now where's my hug?''. ''Right here!''. ''You're so soft...''. ''Thank you!''. ''So guys! guess what?''. ''What?''. ''Suga and I have decided to invite you guys over for a sleepover! now we get to spend the whole night with each other! we can go star gazing, roast marshmallows and even play some really fun games plus Mickey can play with you all. I've been teaching him some new tricks just lately so I'd LOVE to show you what he can do!''. ''Ah we're gonna have so much fun! Thank you Hobi we love you <3''. ''I love you too <3''. ''Well what are we waiting for!? Let's get this sleepover started!''. 

We start to unpack all of our things. I help set up the tents and sleeping bags. Of course I just had to bring a couple of movies with me plus the popcorn like why watch a movie without popcorn?. And of course I needed to bring some toys for Mickey so that he doesn't get bored plus I have some new tricks to show them all. Suga isn't usually the sweet & soft type but deep inside he's the most sofest person ever. Just you wait! This sleepover is going to be awesome!. And of course the snacks! you can't have a sleepover without snacks. I also thought of some games to play. Hide & Seek has always been one of my favourite games and I'm always up for a challenge. As I'm great at seeking and hiding then this should be no problem at all. I can see Jimin struggling with his tent so I go to help him out ''Jiminie want some help?''. ''Ah yes please! this tent is so heavy like how do you even put up a tent!?''. ''No worries! I'll help you''. I set up Jimin's tent and give him a hug ''If you need any help then let me know! :)''. ''Of course!''. Soon it was getting quite dark so I decided to change into my Onesie to keep me warm <3. TaeTae helped me set up the campfire while Jiminie took out the marshmallows. We all sat around the campfire, roasting marshmallows ''Ah this is so relaxing! don't you think so guys?''. ''Yes definitely! I feel so cosy and warm. Can we go star gazing next?''. ''Of course we can Tae!''. ''Mmm these marshmallows taste declious!'' ''They sure do Jimin!''. Next we went star gazing. ''Hey what's that?''. ''Ah that's a constellation''. ''What's a constellation?''. ''Well TaeTae a constellation is a group of stars which connect together to create a picture in the sky''. ''Ah I see! hey that one looks a lot like you!''. ''Oh yeah it does! Jiminie look! there's one shaped exactly like you''. ''Woah....it does look like me! I wonder if I can find one of TaeTae.....ah I see it!''. ''Oh yes it's so beautiful! and over there is Suga!''. ''Ah beautiful! just beautiful <3''. Jimin starts to shiver ''Jiminie are you cold?''. ''Y-yes''. ''Ah come here and I'll give you a hug to keep you warm!''. ''CUDDLE PARTY!''. We all hug each other, smiling into each others embrace <3. Ah this is the life! <3. ''I'm hungry....''. ''Not to worry! I bought plenty of snacks! How about we watch a movie together?''. ''Yes yes yes!''. We all sit down together and choose a movie ''Let's see here......Finding Dory, Mean girls, Finding Nemo, Harry Potter and a few others''. ''Could we watch Harry Potter and then maybe Finding Nemo?''. ''Of course!''.

Kim Taehyung's POV:

I was munching away on my popcorn whilst watching Harry Potter. We were all hugging each other! Even Suga was smiling <3. ''I'm loving this movie already!''. ''That's great Tae <3''. ''Guys you wanna play a game?''. ''Sure which game?''. ''Hide and seek? I'll seek''. ''Yes! my favourite game!''. ''I'm gonna count to 20, you guys can hide''. ''Okie dokie!''. I take Jimin's hand ''Come on Jiminie!''. Hmmm now where are we going to hide? Ah I know! ''Jiminie through here!''. I take him into this bush. It was very freezing outside but we made it. ''1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20''. ''Ready or not here I come!''. ''Quick he's coming! everyone stay quiet!''. I whisper. ''Ha I found you Suga!''. ''Ugh how did you manage to find me?''. ''Your blue hair was sticking out''. ''Oh dang it''. ''Hmmm now where could Jiminie and TaeTae be......hmmmm are they behind the tree? nope! what about the bush?''. ''Oh gosh he's coming!''. ''Aha! found you guys!''. ''Awwww man!''. ''Hmmm I have an idea! How about we all count but you get to hide?''. ''Perfect!''. ''1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Ready or not here we come!''. ''Haha they'll never find me here!''. ''Jimin you check behind that tree over there and I'll check near all of the bushes''. ''Ok''. ''Ah where could he be?''. J-Hope had been hiding behind one of the rocks just near the campfire. ''Jimin! Suga! have you seen J-Hope?''. ''No''. ''Nope''. ''Hmmmmmm''. We all go back to the campfire. I go to one of the nearest rocks when...'''BOO!''. I fall backwards and hit my head on the tree ''AHHHHHHHH!''. ''Sorry did I hurt you?''. ''A little bit!''. J-Hope rubs my head to make me feel better. ''You're really good at hiding''. ''Thank you!''. ''Can we play Overwatch?''. ''Of course!''. ''Ah you won again!''. ''Yep! I'm quite good at this game! you should see me playing this back at home''. ''J-Hope''. ''Yes''. ''I'm truly enjoying this very much''. ''I'm truly enjoying this very much because I'm with you guys''. ''Awwwwww''. ''CHEATER!''. ''I didn't cheat!''. ''Yes you did Jimin!''. ''Boys boys boys! stop fighting!''. ''No! he cheated and that's not fair!''. ''Well you cheat as well TaeTae!''. ''Guys stop! If you keep fighting then I'll just tickle you guys for as long as I want!''. Hearing what Suga just said made me and Jimin stay completely silent which made J-Hope laugh. ''YES! Another point for me!'' ''Ugh no fair you just.....you cheated!''. ''You're just saying that because I keep beating you! and this whole time you thought that you could beat me! so....I was right and you were wrong! I was right and you were wrong!''. ''If you keep singing that song then I'll tickle you as well!''. J-Hope gasped and stayed quiet which is making Suga chuckle this time. 

Jimin's POV:

I start to yawn ''I'm so tired''. ''We should get ready for bed!''. ''Good idea.....''. J-Hope starts to tell us a short story about his life and all the adventures he went on before he even met us. ''Wait! can't we just play with Mickey first?''. ''Yeah! please!''. J-Hope chuckles ''Of course! Mickey come here boy!''. J-Hope passes me and Tae a ball each ''Fetch!''. Mickey picks up the ball and brings it back to me ''Good dog!''. ''My turn!''. ''Fetch Mickey!''. ''Mickey picks up the ball again and passes it back to Tae. I take a few sweets before going to bed, I also grab myself a drink of Milk as well. ''Goodnight everyone!''. ''Goodnight!''. ''Night!''. ''Goodnight guys <3''. In the middle of the night I start to have nightmares ''No! stay away from me! NO.....PLEASE......W-what do you want from me!? No! where are you taking me!?......AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!''. ''Jiminie!?''. TaeTae wakes up and embraces me ''What's wrong?''. ''I-I had a nightmare......''. I sob into his shoulder ''Shhhhhh it's ok, Everything is ok. Don't cry Mochi''. He wipes away my tears ''Is there anything I can do to help?''. ''Yes.....you see normally I like to hug a pillow or I like to hug someone to help me sleep at night''. ''Here. You can hug me tonight <3''. ''Really?''. ''Yes <3 don't worry! I will protect you. I'll be your armour <3''. I lay down with TaeTae near my side as I hug him really tight. J-Hope woke up to hear me screaming. ''What happened?''. ''I had a nightmare......''. ''Awww it's ok! need a hug?''. ''Yes please! hugs help me sleep at night''. J-Hope hugs me really tight and then Suga comes along and hugs me too. We all smile at each other and hug each other really tight! ''I love you guys so much! <3''. ''We love you too Jimin''. They sing. Their beautiful voice and their warm, soft hugs helps me get to sleep <3.

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter! Sorry for not updating! I was working on my other story but I'm back now! This chapter is so cute and fluffy! I'm in love with it! <3. 

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Hello everyone! The first chapter is being written right now so don't worry! You should be able to read this in a few minutes <3.


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