Jpop Idols

~*~ Hoshimi Boarding Academy Role Play ~*~ (( CLOSED)) We moved to Mikan Roleplay check the link under our chapters


Girl Groups~
Morning Musume: Risa Niigaki, Reina Tanaka, Aika Mitsui, Mizuki Fukumaru, Erina Ikuta, Riho Sayashi, Kanon Suzuki, Haruna Iikubo, Ayumi Ishida, Masaki Sato, Haruka Kudo, Ai Takahashi, Linlin, Junjun, Eri Kamei, Kaharu Kusumi, Miki Fujimoto, Hitomi Yoshizawa, Makoto Ogawa, Asami Konno. Rika Ishikawa, Mari Yaguchi, Kaori Iida, Ai Kago, Nozomi Tsuji, Natsumi Abe, Kei Yasuda, Maki Goto, Yuko Nakazawa, Sayaka Ichii, Aya Ishiguo, Asauka Fukuda, Sayumi Michishige
AKB48: I'll just write out who taken since theres like 48 girls in this group and including former members, like 90! @_@
Berryz Koubou: Saki Shimizu, Momoko, Tsugunaga, Chinami Tokunaga, Maasa Sudo, Miyabi Natsuyaki, Yurina Kumai, Risako Sugaya, Maiha Ishimura
Guardian 4: Aika, Yurina, Risako, Saki
C-ute: Airi Suzuki, Mai Hagiwara, Maimi Yajima, Saki Nakajima, Chisato Okai, Erika Umeda, Megumi Murakami, Kanna Arihara
Boy Groups~
Arashi: Satoshi, Kazunari, Masaki, Sho, Jun
Dear L'Novel: Kei, Kazuho, Hide, Daiki, Kiyo
Dir Eun Grey: Kyo, Kaoru, Die, Shinya, Shinya
Hey Say JUMP: Kota, Yuya, Kei, Hikaru, Daiki, Keito, Ryosuke, Yuto, Yuri, Ryutaro
Kat-Tun: Kazuya, Junnosuke, Koki, Tatsuya, Yuichi
L'Arc-en-Ciel: Hyde, Tetsuya, Ken, Yukihiro
NEWS: Tomohisa, Ryo, Koyama, Masuda, Tegoshi
SHU-I: Inseok, Changhyun, Minho, Jinseok
SMASH: Hanbang, Jerry, Hero, Naru, Cheonwoo
SuG: Takeru, Chiyu, Masato, Shinpei, Yuji
The Gazatte: Ruki, Uruha, Aoi, Reita, Kai
Vistlip: Tomo, Yuh, Umi, Rui, Tohya
ViViD: Shin, Reno, Ryougo, IV, Koki
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can i be t-ara's jiyeon the cheerleader?
Can i be Snsd's Tiffany as a part of a band??
can i be ren from nu'est plz?
Still working on the security thing by the way >.< trying to find ways around it, but if not I'll just make a new account for Taemin :o
My account has a security check I need to get rid of that...
daltokkis #6
Taeyeon ^-^