The Glitch


3rd EYE

Don't close your eyes,


don't close your eyes,

I will get trapped inside.

Open your eyes.


The person you think of as "yourself" exists only for you, and even you don't really know who that is. Every person you meet... everyone you have a relationship with... even strangers you make eye contact with on the streets... they all create a version of "you". You are not the same person to your mom, dad, siblings, friends, coworkers, neighbours... There are a thousand different versions of yourself out there, in people's minds. A "you" exists in each version, and yet your "you", "yourself" isn't really "someone" at all.

So what am i? What do I even know about my own existence? Are my eyes already deceived? Do I need a 3rd eye to see ME? I wish I could see myself for who I am. But what if I am not who I think? When the time comes... will I be brave enough to open my eyes? Or will I close them out of fear? For now... I just wish "me" continues to exist in "you". Maybe it's not me ME but at least... it's "someone" that exists. So please. Don't close your eyes. Don't trap me inside. I just need time. There will be a day when I will present to the world the best version of me. Then "me" in everyone's minds will meet "me" "myself" and the light will shine bright. 


A different version of you exists in the minds of everyone who knows you.




I am tired of the same life repeated everyday

It's tough and suffocating

To think I lived my life with no thoughts

Who was I until now?

I need to awaken myself.


They will see us as insane. And maybe we are. Maybe we are believing in a lie. Just another world of illusion. But I think craziness is to stop taking risks, to stop trusting, to stop hoping. If you won't chase what you wish for, you will never get it. If you never ask, the answer will always be NO. If you do not take a step forward, you will always remain at the same place. It always takes courage to welcome the change. But life offers you a new road everyday. It's up to you whether you change the road into a wall, making you stuck or a bridge which will carry you over. 


We decided to crash the wall, to burn our insecurities and explore our possibilities. We have not told anyone. Why bother? Some things are not to be said. Some are to be done. Because when we do them, they will speak for themselves. The life is too short to be lived in regret. So when an opportunity comes, grab it. When you can change your life, do it. And maybe you will be just like us. Finally waking up. Just like when Colombus thought he will reach the end of the world and discovered a new continet. Just like when we boarded the bus, ready to die and discovered a whole new universe. If we wish to accomplish big things, we cannont only do, we also have to dream. We cannot only plan, we also have to believe.


"Once you have awaken, you will have no interest in judging those who sleep."


a/n: credits for the first part of the chapter to oogimauskii - post found on Aware Wolf (FB) / edited by me for the purpose of the story and to fit Stray Kids songs lyrics.

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