
Ice Castle

Everyday my vision gets worse, I looked at a picture of my mother today but all I could see was a figure of a woman. I began to depend of voices and had to wait for someone to speak before I knew who they were. I just hope no one from school catches on.

“Hey Georgie!” Marnie said and I could hear her foot steps getting closer.

“What do you want?” I turned around and asked.

“I saw you at the rink the other night, you looked real nice by yourself so stay away from Javier!” She told me and pointed at my face.

“I don’t even know who that is.” I told her.

“Oh come on, Hes only like the best skater in the world.” She told me.

“Yep, still not ringing a bell”

“Don’t play dumb, I saw him talking to you.”

She must be talking about the Spanish guy that I made a promise to.

“He came and talked to me so if you are going to hassle anyone go to him.” I told her and walked away.

“Wow you sure did tell her off.” Jessie said coming up behind me.

“I Just cant deal with drama queens.” I told her.

“So did you seriously talk to Javier?” She asked me.

“I guess so.” I said.

“What did you guess talk about?”

“Things...” I said.

“Wow I wish I could talk about anything with Javi.”

“Who even is he?”

“He is a figure skater, him and Yuzuru and trying to get into the 2014 Olympics coming up in the next two months.”

“Yuwoo what?”

“Yuzuru, hes from japan and is in my opinion is the best skater of all time.”

“Oh I think I saw him at the rink too.”

Later after school as Jessie was driving home when she stopped and parked the car.

“Where are we?” I asked her.

“Ice Castle.”

“Ice Castle?!” I said in shock. “Why are we here?”

“I have practice.”

“What kind of practice?”

“Figure skating” She said as she pulled out a bag with skates in them and headed towards the door.

As we walked in I pulled my hood over my head, not wanting Javier to be here. I had made a promise that I had never intended to do. As I walked to the farthest area in the corner I passed by a door that suddenly swung open.

“Ahh!” I screamed as the door hit me and I fell.

Everything was a blur and a lot brighter. That’s when I realized my glasses were gone.

“Are you okay?” I heard a guy ask.

He must have been the one that hit me. I quickly picked up my glasses and put them back on hoping he hadn’t seen my eyes.

“I’m fine.” I said trying to push myself up.

He grabbed my hand to help me and I yelled in pain.

“Your bleeding” He said, and I noticed he had an accent, but I couldn’t quite pin point what it was.

“I fine, really.” I told him because I wanted to run away, he had seen my eyes.

“No, come.” He said and pulled me into the room he had just come out of.

He sat me down in a chair and placed my hand on the table. He then turned and started rummaging through the cabinets. When he had finally found what he wanted he sat down across from me and grabbed my hand. He was very gentile as he cleaned it off and bandaged it for me.

“I have not seen you before.” He told me and I found his voice to be very cute.

“I’ve never seen you before either.” I said and tried to focus on his face more to get even the littlest of details.

“Okay, fair.” He told me and smiled. “I’m Yuzuru Hanyu.”

Even though it was blurry I could tell he had an adorable smile.

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I really want to thank everyone who has read my story and hope that you enjoy it so far!!


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Chapter 2: Wow I am so glad I came across this little gem. Being from Canada, I feel a certain connection to this story (even though the main character isn't but that's besides the point). Personally, this story hits many points in my heart so I'm very pleased so far. Keep it up with the great writing. (P.S. can't for Yuzu's character to show up).