Chapter 1: Welcome Home

Time Flies


I'm finally going back home. I really miss all my family and friends while I was gone. I felt an empty void in my heart especially without Jungkook and TaeHyung. They were the ones who cheered me up whenever I was down and made me smile daily. They protected me from the bullies and they were the older brothers I didn't have. We have been by each other's side since we were born. Our parents were the best of friends as well. Since, I had to leave for Singapore 7 years ago, I lost contact with them. I can't wait to be back home surrounded by all the people I love and cherish dearly. The reunion of the 3 idiots is something I've been waiting for 7 years. As I waited to collect my luggage, I anxiously asked my parents to find more information on the whereabouts of Jungkook and TaeHyung. They will be receiving more news by tomorrow. I was nervous what if they couldn't find any information about them. I hoped and prayed that I could meet them soon. I had to hurry home and unpack. My parents even enrolled me into this prestigious private school which I had to attend to tomorrow. They prepared my school uniform and other necessities before they informed me about it. I knew the life of a heiress of a multimillionaire company wasn't going to be normal but this was too much for me to comprehend. I couldn't understand the need of having the most expensive things and brands. I felt that it was unnecessary when the money could have gone to the someone who needed it for food or anything else. My mother always believed that we should have the best things in life to show others how rich we are. My father believed that we should give other whatever we could give. This is why when you take a look at my mother she's the is dressed in jewels and branded goods while my father is in a simple shirt, black pants and comfy shoes which can be found in anyone's closet. I was brought up by my father and he taught me to enjoy the simpler things in life. I greatly appreciated it because it taught me how to be humble, kind and generous. My mother on the other hand was never around unless necessary.

I reached home and started unpacking. My mother barged in and ordered me to stop as apparently this kind of task wasn't fit for a so called heiress but rather for a maid. I didn't even bother to respond as arguing with her would only cause my father a headache. I apologised, thanked the maids and left the room leaving my mother with a triumphant smile. I sat in the study room thinking of how I could find more news on Jungkook and TaeHyung. I had so many questions to ask them. I wanted to see them more than anything else. I wanted to know how they are. If they were well and happy. I spinned around on my chair and drifted off to sleep after a while.

I woke up to the sound of someone calling me. I rubbed my eyes and stepped out of the study room. I saw my father standing at the bottom of the stairwell smiling at me. I ran down to give him a hug. He held out a brown bag wanting me to open it, He stared at me earnestly as I looked into the bag. The contents included a piece of paper and a soft toy. The paper read " Welcome back to Korea, my dear. We missed you so much. We hope to see you at this Saturday's dinner. Love, Aunty Jeon and Aunty Kim. " I said " Thank you so much, Dad. This means the world to me. I love you so much. " He chuckled and my head. I gave him another tight embrace.

The both us decided to order in some fried chicken and pizza. We ate at the living room while laughing at Running Man. This was something that we could never do with my mother around. This kind of behaviour isn't acceptable in her eyes. I couldn't relate to her at all. My father on the other hand agreed that we should do this whenever she wasn't around. We had to do it behind her back so as to not create any unhappiness in the family. The thought of her just makes me upset. The phrase " All parents love their children " was false in my eyes. My mother doesn't even accept me as person much less love me. This makes me even more grateful for my the presence of my father in my life. He made up for everything she couldn't do. He showered me with love and all the attention I needed.

We laughed and joked around till I fell asleep on the couch. I heard him say " I will do everything in my power to give you the best and make you happy, my dearest princess. " He covered me with a soft blanket and left. I smiled and continued to sleep.

End of Chapter 1.

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Please note that this is only a draft. I'm still trying this story out. If it has a good response, I will continue writing it.


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