Chapter 1: Fateful Encounter

And Then This Boy Came Along

Sehun hated mornings. And he has proven that a hundred times already whenever he woke up because of the rays of light seeping through the blinds of his room’s windows or whenever he has to throw the annoying alarm clock on his bedside table. But of all mornings, he hated today’s the most.


It just happened that today was his first day in the university and that fact does not sit well with him. He hates first day of classes. He hates wandering around to find his classrooms. He hates bumping into other people at the hallways because everyone seems to be in a hurry. He hates the ‘introduce yourself’ portion during the first meetings - he doesn’t like telling people his name or anything about him. He hates the overcrowded cafeteria which also happens to be the noisiest place during first day (or everyday because hey, that’s where the univ girls happen to tell their friends everything about their life)


The only thing he loves about first day of classes is the scent of the new books that his every professors will give him. Nothing more.



Sehun got up from the bed with a groan. He glanced at the clock on his bedside table and saw that it’s already 5:20 in the morning. He still has more than hour to prepare for school. He doesn’t worry about how far his school is and the traffic for his apartment is located 6 blocks away from school and he has his bicycle.


Sehun went to the kitchen and started making coffee. When he’s done, he went to the living room and the television to watch the morning news program. The first thing he saw was the news about the Summer festival that will happen a week from now. And Sehun does not care about it even a bit. A blurred picture was then flashed on the screen with the word “missing”. Sehun was about to read the details about the missing person when his phone started ringing. He went back to his room and answered the call. It’s his mom.


“Eomma” Sehun spoke.


“Oh. Sehun! Did I woke you up? I’m sorry!” his mom started, her voice louder than necessary considering that it’s still early in the morning.


“No, eomma. I was already awake when you called. So why did you call me this early?”


“Oh, I was just checking on you! I know how deep of a sleeper you are and I’m worried you’ll be late for your class” his mom stated with a few giggles in between.


“Don’t worry about me, eomma. I can handle everything. Where’s appa?”


“Oh, he’s still asleep, but I can wake him up for you if you want” Sehun grinned upon noticing the hint of playfulness in his mom’s voice.


“No, eomma. It’s fine, just tell him I said ‘hi’”


“Okaaaay! Sehun” Sehun noticed how his mom’s voice faltered, and it’s not a good sign.

“Yes, Mom?”


“When are you coming home? It’s been a month since you moved out and you never visited us” guilt took over Sehun as he heard how sad his mom was.


“I was planning to visit, Mom. Really. It’s just that the admission to the university took a lot of my time and I also looked for a part-time job. I’m sorry,” Sehun stated, his voice soft, “I’ll try to visit this weekend” he added


“Okay, just take care alright? Don’t tire yourself so much. We love you, hmm? Come visit us the soonest. We miss you so much”


“I will, and I miss you, too. See you soon”


“Goodbye, Sehun! Don’t cause any trouble in school!”


“i won’t, Mom. Goodbye”


His mom ended the call. Sehun finished his cup of coffee and put it in the sink right after to wash it. He, then, grabbed his clothes and bath towel from his closet and proceeded in the bathroom. He went out a good 20 minutes later. He placed his dirty clothes in the hamper and grabbed his shoes from the shoe rack situated beside the door. He grabbed his phone and backpack and went out of his unit after locking it. He descended down the stair and greeted the people he met along the way.


As he was removing the lock on his bicycle, someone tapped him on his shoulders. Sehun turned around and upon noticing who it was, he immediately bowed his head.


“Sooyoung-noona, good morning!” he greeted


“Good morning to you too, Sehun. Already heading to school?”


“Yes, noona. I figured I needed to come early so I’ll have extra time to look for my classroom”


Sooyoung was the landlady of the apartment complex where Sehun is staying. She is a 29-year old lady with a kid named Jungyeon. Sooyoung is a nice person and Sehun likes her personality very much.


“Oh, what a responsible young man! Well, good luck on your first day then!”


“Thank you, noona! I’ll be leaving now” Sehun waved happily at Sooyoung after getting on his bicycle and went on his way to school.


If Sehun is to prepare a list of the things he love during mornings, it will be nothing but a short one only. One of the things he will be including will be riding on his bicycle. He loves his morning rides so much. He loves how his hair is being swept by the gentle breeze. He loves how at peace he felt whenever he is riding his bicycle. Oh! He also loves the smell of freshly baked breads and pastries from the bakery he passes by during his morning jog. He also loves the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee from the cafe situated beside the bakery. He also loves the scent of the newly picked flowers from the floral shop. He also loves the happy giggles of the children crossing the pedestrian, looking so happy clad in their uniforms. So far, those are the things Sehun loves about his hated time of the day - mornings.


Sehun arrived at SNU a good 10 minutes later. It’s already 6:10 in the morning and he hurriedly looked for a place to park his bicycle. After locking it, he rummaged in his backpack and look for the school map that the school staff gave during the orientation. He also searched for his schedule and started on his journey to find his first classroom for the day.


Sehun found his room after 15 minutes of walking around the campus. He groaned upon reaching the last step of the awfully long staircase. He immediately regrets not taking the elevators. When he went inside the classroom, there is already 3 people inside, the two of them engaged in an early childish argument, the remaining single student is seating at the end of the classroom, asleep - or maybe he just want to rest his head on the table.


“Yah! Park Chanyeol! I told you to buy strawberry yogurt! Not four seasons!” the smaller of the two hollered while twisting Chanyeol’s (he assumed his name is really Chanyeol) prominent ear.


“Baek, strawberry, four seasons, they’re the same! They’re both yogurt” Chanyeol retorted in between gasps and groans.


“No! You Dobi! Why on earth did I agree to be your boyfriend?” Baekhyun releases Chanyeol’s ear and started rubbing it. ‘He’s unpredictable’ Sehun thought.


“Because you love me?” Chanyeol asked, grinning.


“Hmmp! Just make sure you buy me strawberry next time and not four seasons!” Baekhyun said,his left eyebrows raised, his arms crossed.


“Copy that, sir!” Chanyeol answered, once again showing his goofy grin. Chanyeol started inching his face closer to Baekhyun’s, and Sehun having enough of the couple’s mushiness that he had witnessed and not wishing to witness something intimate, cleared his throat.


Upon hearing the silent “Ahem” from Sehun, Baekhyun immediately scoots away from Chanyeol after a faint whisper of ‘Channie, someone’s watching’. Baekhyun smiled at him apologetically and Sehun smiled back at him, assuring him that everything’s fine.


“Uh, good morning,” Baekhyun started “I’m Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun and this one’s my boyfriend, Park Chanyeol” Chanyeol smiled at Sehun and he returned it “uh, I’m sorry for that. You’re not one of those persons are you?” Baekhyun looked at him with worry.


“One of those persons?” Sehun asked, curious about what Baekhyun is pertaining to.


“Uhm, you know, the persons who cringe every time they see two males or females, together?” this time, it was Chanyeol who spoke


“Uh, no. Actually, I don’t mind. Don’t worry, I’m not a homophobe”


“Oh? Do you have a boyfriend of your own?” Baekhyun asked


“Haha, no. I don’t have anyone right now and I don’t think I’ll be having someone anytime soon. I’m happy being alone, you know?” Sehun rubbed his nape, talks about relationship really gave him this feeling of discomfort. He never really thought about looking for a potential partner in life, he doesn’t pay attention to the lack of thrill caused by being in love with someone either. Sehun doesn’t see himself spending his life with someone. He had a few crushes back then but he didn’t pursue them. First, because he hates commitment and second, he knew that relationships during middle school are bound to end one way or another because teenagers are unpredictable, so why try?


“Really? With that looks , I know anyone will say ‘yes’ immediately when you asked them out” Chanyeol said.


“Haha, maybe someday” Sehun pondered over his own answer. Perhaps, he’ll find someone someday. Maybe someone will come along to his life and make him change his mind. Maybe, someday. And for the mean time, he will just patiently wait and be contented of what he has.


After giving the couple one last smile, Sehun find himself a seat. He chose the seat beside the sleeping boy, the chair located beside the window. Sehun, unconsciously, started staring at the sleeping boy. He’s wondering how someone can sleep comfortably in the classroom.


“That’s Jongdae, and that’s his talent. He can sleep wherever,” Baekhyun giggles. The couple was now seated in front of Sehun and the sleeping boy,”he woke up early, he thought classes start at 6 a.m. so he lacked sleep”


Sehun nods his head. That explains it then. Sehun and the couple were engaged in a nice conversation when suddenly, Jongdae stirred awake from his sleep and shouted ‘Unicorns have rainbow-colored tails” which elicited a good laugh from the three.


Jongdae rubbed his eyes and pout afterwards. Baekhyun patted his head lovingly and cooed at how cute he looks. Students started entering the classroom by then and their teacher arrived 15 minutes later than the time their class is supposed to start. This doesn’t surprise Sehun though. First day blues he thought.


The class went on smoothly and Sehuh already has three friends (if he can consider the trio he was with earlier that) and he was pleased that they shared the same classes. He also found out that the three were classmates since middle school.


Sehun is currently at the rooftop, alone. He left the trio at the cafeteria after buying his own food with the excuse ‘I just need some fresh air’. The three nodded at him, or more likely the couple only because Jongdae was currently busy stuffing his mouth with every food his hand can reach.


After finishing his sandwich, Sehun stood up and started stretching his arms and legs out. Sehun went near the railings and looked down. Sehun heaved a deep sigh. His first day in the university is unlike any other first days he experienced before and he concluded that he doesn’t hate first days anymore. Sehun took a sip from the apple sauce that he is holding and looked at the people below. Some are in a hurry, some taking a rest under the trees on the field, some enjoying the heat of the sun and taking their time, walking without any worries. Sehun saw a guy wearing an orange bonnet, a white hoodie, black jeans (that seems too tight) and white sneakers. He suddenly remembered that guy from his 3rd year in middle school. Said guy was wearing the same outfit, the only difference is that said guy was wearing a bonnet with tiny antlers. Said guy captivated Sehun with his charming smile but sadly, he never saw him again. He wondered if the guy transferred to another school. Oh well, Sehun vaguely remembers how he looks like and if he ever saw him again, he knows he won’t recognize him.


Sehun went back to where the trio was and what he saw was a blushing Jongdae and a certain Baekhyun teasing him. Chanyeol is nowhere to be found. Sehun walked towards an embarrassed Jongdae and a giggling Baekhyun. He took the chair beside Jongdae who’s face is now a funny shade of red.


“Oi, Sehun!” Baekhyun immediately greets him when he noticed his presence


“Hello, so what are you guys talking about that caused Jongdae to look this way?’ Sehun asked, trying his best to not laugh.


“Oh that haha. Well, you see Jongdae has a crush during middle school. He was our senior and everyday, Jongdae would slip in a letter to his crush’s locker but he never introduced himself and today, Jongdae saw him again. They bumped at each other when Jongdae was getting some dessert and you know what Jongdae did?”


Sehun shooked his head no and Baekhyun continued telling Sehun the details.


“Jongdae confessed! Well, kind of but yeah. Jongdae was very shocked to see Minseok-sunbae and he unconsciously admitted he liked him! When Minseok-sunbae asked hi if he was okay, Jongdae answered ‘if you kiss me, I will because I really like you’!” Baekhyun then became a laughing mess, and Jongdae, now more embarassed than before started hitting his head on the table.


“Why is Jongdae hitting his head on the table?” a confused Chanyeol, who just came back, asked.


Baekhyun told him everything and soon the couple became a laughing duo. Sehun smiled at them. They’re contagious, I like them Sehun thought.


The bell rang, signaling the start of yet another period. The couple who had calmed down then and a still embarrassed Jongdae stood up. Sehun followed them. Baekhyun keeps on teasing Jongdae and Chanyeol, who noticed the discomfort in Jongdae, gently covers Baekhyun’s mouth. Jongdae sighed, relieved that Baekhyun won’t be teasing him any further for the mean time.


Hours passed by quickly. It’s already 5 p.m. and Sehun is now removing the lock of his bicycle. The trio stared at him while he’s doing so.


“So,” Sehun started’ “I’ll see you tomorrow then?”


The three nodded at him and started to walk away from him after waving him goodbye. Sehun rode on his bicycle and started on his way to the nearest convenience store to grab some food for dinner. He decided he’ll get the groceries tomorrow so he can eat real food. He grabbed two ramen, cereals for tomorrow, 2 cartons of milk and canned coffee. After paying for it, he immediately left the store and continued on his way.


Sehun though about his day. Today’s been a good day. He already has friends (which was a big surprise really) and he already met most of his professors. Nothing out of ordinary happened… or so he thought.


Sehun was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t notice the guy that was in front of him. It’s good thing that Sehun had immediately pulled the brake and stopped his bicycle before it hit the guy. He immediately dismounted from his bike and went beside the guy who stood there, frozen and shocked.


“Hey, are you okay? Are you hurt?” Sehun worriedly asked and started inspecting the boy if he has any bruises.


“I-I’m.. I’m” the guy suddenly fainted and Sehun caught him before he hit the pavement.


“Hey, hey” Sehun started tapping the guy’s cheeks lightly but receives no response. Sehun placed his palm on the boy’s forehead and felt how hot the guy is. He’s practically burning!


Sehun carried the boy on his back, his left arm supporting the boy and his right, pushing his bicycle. Sehun struggled a lot because the guy kept on slipping. It’s a miracle that Sehun still reached his apartment in one piece.


“Welcome back, Sehun” Sooyoung greeted. “who’s he?”


“I’ll tell you later, noona but can you please help me bringing my things to my room? Thank you”


“Oh, sure” Sooyoung immediately held Sehuns bicycle and locked it herself. She grabbed Sehun’s things and brought it to his room. Sehun followed her.


“Do you have first aid kit, noona? This guy has a really high fever” Sehun asked Sooyoung after placing the guy on his bed


“I’ll get it. I’ll be back” Sehun nods at her and mouthed a soft ‘thank you’


Sehun stared at the guy that is currently on his bed. He noticed the frown on his forehead and his cheeks that is colored a bright tinge of red. Sehun wrapped the guy in his blankets and grabbed a towel from his closet. He soaked it in a lukewarm water mixed with alcohol and placed it on the boy’s forehead. Sooyoung came back minutes later with the first aid kit and left Sehun so that he can already rest after a couple of reminders. Sehun picked up the boy’s backpack and looked for some clothes that the guy can change into but found none. He only found a passport, a wallet, a plushie and the guy’s phone and charger. Sehun sighed and rummaged in his closet for some clothes that he thinks will fit into the guy.


After finding some, he immediately grabbed a basin and started filling it with lukewarm water and alcohol. He then gets another towel and started cleaning the boy’s limbs. He took off the boy’s clothes, leaving his boxers on and dressed him with his own clothes. His clothes look big on the boy but it’s better than wearing the same clothes again, Sehun reasoned.


After putting away the things he used, Sehun gets an extra pillow and blanket in his cabinet and went to the living room. He situated himself on the couch and fell into a deep slumber moments later.

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Chapter 1: Who is that guy you brought home Sehun?
ruhanlu #2
Chapter 1: Wait waitttt is that Lu? But then the white hoodie guy wasn't Lu? I'm confused lol