i hate this so much but you're here with me so all is good

that one time in a month

The deafening sound of the alarm clock fills the room. Immediately, Kang Seulgi's senses awaken and she searches for the source of the noise with eyes still shut and arms wandering carelessly. After a few attempts of smashing the snooze button off, she finally hits the button with a strong swing. Seulgi grimaces at the harsh contact and tries to open her eyes. Her vision is blurry at first but as soon as it gets clearer, she notices her fingers are smudged with crimson red. Seulgi squints in confusion and brings her hand closer to her face. Dried blood. As the dark-haired girl attempts to sit up, she notices that her crotch area is quite damp. She fully sits up and snatches the blanket away from her lap. There was a deformed circle of crimson red surrounding her thighs and abdomen on the white sheets. On her shorts was a noticeable blot of the same colour. Damn it.


Well, it's that time of the month again. Yay, womanhood! Don't get her wrong, she loves being a woman. She appreciates the feminine body. And she secretly thinks that women are the superior gender. But if there is one thing that makes her resent being a woman, it's menstruation. Seulgi is not very fond of the idea of bleeding through her for a certain period of time every month. And during those periods, she also gets the occassional migraine and cramps. 


Speaking of which, Seulgi feels the inside of her stomach crunch up into an unbearable pain. "'s sake."


She struggles to get up and clutches her stomach. When she manages to be on her two feet, she walks towards her dresser. She seizes fresh underwear and clothes. Then she heads to the bathroom. 




After a hot, relaxing shower, Seulgi sits herself on the toilet and rummages through the drawers in search of tampons. 


"What the hell." Seulgi mutters as she realizes that she had no supply of tampons or pads. 


"Wendy!" She yells out, hoping her roommate would hear. But she remembers that Wendy, alongside with her other friends Joy and Yeri, were out on a vacation in Thailand. Seulgi couldn't join them because she was too dedicated with her job. She has a design due next week.


"." Seulgi says as she rolls up toilet paper in her hand to make a temporary pad. She puts the makeshift pad on her underwear and pulls up her pants. She then dashes out of the bathroom and heads to her bedroom. Seulgi contemplated with her choices. She could go to the closest convenience store which is a fifteen minute walk because she doesn't have a car. But it's also winter and the temperature is below zero degrees. Or she could call Wendy, Joy, or Yeri (her only friends) and plead with them to come back to Seoul and buy her tampons on the way but that's not realistic. Or she could ask her neighbours if they have any feminine products? Currently, her best option is the last one. Seulgi does have a neighbour across her apartment who is a female. Bae Irene from room 365. 


Bae Irene, also known as the most ethereal beauty to ever step foot in the condominium. Or probably the whole word. Seulgi and Irene has only encountered each other two times. Once in the public elevator and once when Irene first moved in. In both encounters, Seulgi was a stuttering, blushing mess. She had no idea what spell Irene had cast on her to make her act like that. Seulgi usually was filled with confidence when talking to people. 


So, how is she going to approach Irene? Hello, Irene! It's Seulgi, I live across from you. I'm on my period right now so have some of your tampons? That's too straight forward. She barely knows Irene. Damn it, why is life so hard?


Instead of thinking more, she musters up all of her courage and decides to approach Irene. She quickly makes sure she looks presentable then exits her apartment. Luckily, the hallways weren't busy so she starts making her way across. Each step she takes, the closer she gets to Irene's front door. As she gets closer, her courage starts to falter. Finally, her feet are on Irene's welcome mat. Seulgi hesitantly raises her arm, her fists clenched. Seulgi knocks on the door three times with the right amount of pressure. As she puts her hand back down, she hears a faint voice coming from the other side of the door. Seulgi waits patiently but also fiddles with her hands nervously. She hears the click of the lock and spots the knob turning. The door slowly swings open, revealing a petite, chesnut-haired woman.


At this moment, Seulgi thinks she is hyperventilating. She quite close to sweating and she feels churning in her stomach. Seulgi gazes at the smaller girl's features. Her doe, wide eyes are sparkling with curiosity probably as to why Seulgi was here. Irene's long hair was down and tucked behind both of her ears which kind of reminds Seulgi of Dumbo the elephant. Irene's lips looked pink, plump, and soft. Seulgi also notices that Irene is currently bare-faced. The other times Seulgi met her, Irene was wearing make-up with a remarkable shade of red on her lips. Woah. Irene doesn't even have to try to be beautiful.


Seulgi must've been staring for too long because she hears Irene clear .


"Is there anything I can do for you?" Irene asks her, probably for the second time, judging by the look on her face. 


"Um." Seulgi croaks out. Suddenly, her voice is non-existent. She can't seem to say anything to her. Irene smiles at her, encouraging her to continue.


"I'm Seulgi, I-I live across." Seulgi says and points to her own apartment door. 


"Yeah, I know." Irene replies with a knowing smile, "So, what do you need?"


"Uh. You see, it's uh, um. I'm kinda bleeding right now and I was hoping you could let me have some of your tampons or pads or whatever you have. Um, sorry. I'm usually prepared in menstruation situations but somehow I forgot to buy my supply of feminine products. I don't know why. I'm not forgetful, I swear. Also, I would've asked my roommate, Wendy, but she's somewhere in Thailand and I would've went out to buy some but I don't have a car and I don't drive. Oh and-"


"Hey, calm down." Irene gently interrupts Seulgi's rambling session and puts her hand on Seulgi's shoulder. "I went grocery shopping yesterday, so you're in luck."


Seulgi blushes at the fact that she embarrased herself by rambling. She mentally slaps herself for losing her self-control. Irene returns inside in her residence and Seulgi looks down at her feet. 


"So, which one do you prefer? Tampons or pads?" Irene asks her holding a box on each hand. 


Seulgi looks up, "You buy both?" 


"Of course. I liked to be prepared." Irene winks at her and Seulgi swears her heart skipped a beat. 


"Um, well I guess I'll take the tampons." Seulgi says and Irene places the box on the taller girl's arms. "Thank you, I really appreciate it."


"No problem, Seulgi!" Irene grins, "You're welcome anytime if you need anything period-related." 




Seulgi wakes up again in her second day of her period but this time, there was no blood-stained sheets or clothing. Thanks to Irene's generosity. This time, Seulgi cannot leave her bed because her cramps are even more painful than yesterday. She felt as if trillions of knives were penetrating her guts and each knife was twisting in her. Seulgi winces in pain as she makes an effort of getting herself out of bed and into the kitchen. She searches the cupboards and drawers for painkillers while she clutches her stomach. There was nothing.


"Damn it, Wendy!" Seulgi grits through her teeth as she recalls a conversation with Wendy about her taking the pills for the vacation just in case. 


So Seulgi once again ends up in front of Irene's door with her arm still on her stomach. She knocks three times and waits patiently. The door swings open and reveals a joyous Irene. But her expression changes once she sees Seulgi's pained face. 


"Hey, are you okay?" Irene asks her with genuine concern painted all over her face.


"Sorry to bother you again, but is there any chance you have any painkillers?" 




Seulgi is currently laid down on Irene's couch, from the pain every now and then as she waits for Irene. Irene had invited Seulgi to come inside and allowed her to rest on her couch. It was perfect timing, Irene had told her, because right now Irene was preparing ginger tea which was apparently a good remedy for menstrual cramps. Irene was also preparing seaweed soup. She stares at the ceiling for while as she endures more of the pain. All of a sudden, Irene arrives with a tray containing two cups of the tea and two bowls of soup. Irene gingerly places the tray on the coffee table. Seulgi groans as lifts herself up in a sitting position. Irene holds her waist in an attempt to help her up. For a short second, Seulgi forgets all about the pain as Irene's face is in close proximity. Seulgi frowns mentally as Irene moves away from her. 


Irene takes one of the bowls of soup and sits beside Seulgi. Meanwhile, Seulgi stares more, appreciating the petite girl's beauty. Irene gently blows on the spoonful of soup and points it toward Seulgi. Seulgi then gazes at her with confusion,


"Irene-sunbaenim, I'm perfectly capable of feeding myself." Seulgi states and Irene raises an eyebrow.


"Well, it seemed like you were willing to be fed." Irene replies, "Now open your mouth." 


"But seriously-"


"Sh!" Irene playfully snaps at her. Defeated, Seulgi opens and Irene happily feeds her.


Spoonfuls later, the pair managed to devour their respective bowls of soup. The television was on and it was displaying a drama. Seulgi and Irene were sat on each end of the couch, with both of them having a cup of tea in their hands. Seulgi's pains have decreased noticeably. 


Irene's face was completely focused on the screen while Seulgi on the other hand is having quite the trouble focusing on the tv. She couldn't help but gaze at Irene. Seulgi cannot describe what she's feeling, but it's something euphoric and it executes a giddy feeling in her. , am I crushing on her?


Seulgi didn't even notice that the drama already ended. Her cup of tea was also consumed. Irene reaches for the remote on the coffee table and turns off the TV. Then she turns to Seulgi. 


"Are you feeling better?" Irene asks with the same concerned face she had back at the door.


"Much better, thank you sunbaenim." Seulgi thanks her politely with a smile and a thumbs up.


"You don't have to be so formal. Call me unnie." Irene smiles at her softly and Seulgi smiles back.


"Okay, Irene-unnie."


"What do you do for a living?" Irene inquires with curiosity twinkling in her eyes.


"Oh, uh. I am a graphic designer for this magazine company." Seulgi replies awkwardly. She's not used to talking to other people. Especially gorgeous ones.


"That's interesting." Irene comments enthusiastically.


The conversation lasted for a good few hours. Seulgi learned that Irene was an accountant which explains why Irene is always in formal attire whenever Seulgi sees her. Irene was also scared of animals which was surprising considering that Irene seemed to be the kind of person who is unafraid. 


The two didn't notice that the time had gone by, and Seulgi said her goodbye. Seulgi continuously thanked the older girl for her generosity and hospitality while Irene told Seulgi she was welcome anytime.




Her alarm wakes her up and she accidentally punches the noise-maker to the ground. It was the third day of her period. Surprisingly, Seulgi doesn't feel anything negative or excruciatingly painful. Seulgi grins but realizes it was a Monday and she has to go to work. 


" it." She says as she dials her work to call in sick. It doesn't hurt to miss one day. Seulgi lays back down on her bed and shuts her eyes. She quickly falls back asleep.




Seulgi wakes up to the sound of knocking and she groans. She looks to her right to check the time and it was already noon. She jumps up and rushes to the door. She opens it and Irene is in front of her in her formal attire with a grin and a box of pizza in her hands. 


"Hello Seulgi! I thought that maybe instead of you coming by, I should come over instead." Irene says full of energy. Seulgi can feel Irene's eyes scanning her appearance. 


"Overslept?" Irene asks, trying to hold back laughter.


"Yeah, you could say that." Seulgi says sheepishly as she puts her hand on the back of her neck.


"Cute." She hears Irene mutter and Seulgi face transition into a deep shade of pink. 


"Oh! Uh, come in!" Seulgi steps out of the way to let Irene in the apartment. Irene's eyes roam around the area and makes her way to the dining table with Seulgi trailing her.


"Sorry, the place is kinda messy right now." Seulgi apologizes as she takes a seat across from Irene's seat.


"Hey, no worries." Irene smiles at her reassuringly. Irene opens the box of pizza, "I hope you like pizza."


"Who doesn't?" The younger girl asks rhetorically and snatches a slice. Irene watches her in amusement. 


"Aren't you gonna eat?" Seulgi points to the pizza as Irene shook her head.


"Watching you eat already makes me full." Irene comments with a smirk and Seulgi blushes for the nth time. "But fine, I guess I'll have a slice."


After devouring a whole pizza, the two continued to chat while drinking cans of cola. As they talk more, Seulgi becomes more and more comfortable with Irene and she becomes less awkward with her replies.


"I brought movies!" Irene exclaims as she takes out CDs from her bag. 


Seulgi raises an eyebrow, "Um, you do know there's this thing called Netflix, right?"


"I know. But it's more fun to do things the old-fashioned way." Irene rebutts with a grin.


Seulgi laughs, "That's because you're pretty old."


"We only have a three year gap!" Irene scoffs and playfully glares at Seulgi.


"Alright, sorry." Seulgi continues to laugh and sits herself down the couch with Irene setting up the movie on the DVD player.


"We're watching the Notebook!" Irene claps excitedly and settles herself beside Seulgi.


Seulgi rolls her eyes, "Great." She wasn't a fan of romantic movies, she preferred action movies.


"It's a good movie, you'll see!" Irene says defensively. 




Throughout the movie, Irene had rested her head on Seulgi's shoulder. Seulgi was a bit hesitant with the contact since she isn't accustomed to skinship but soon got comfortable and she even had the courage to put her arms around Irene's shoulders. For the whole movie, they just stayed like that.


Nearing the end, Seulgi's eyes started to water. Irene looks up at her in disbelief, "Are you crying?"


"What? No! There's just something in my eye." Seulgi denies and frantically rubbed her eyes.


Irene giggles, "Yeah, tears." Seulgi stuck her tongue out at Irene.


Irene looks at the time on her phone and her eyes widen. "Oh, Seulgi, I'm sorry. I forgot I had a meeting I have to go to."


Seulgi shakes her head as a reassurance, "Don't worry about it. Go ahead."


"Will you be okay?" Irene asks.


"Yes. I will trust me." Seulgi smiles at her as Irene stands up and grabs her jacket. 


Seulgi follows Irene to the door. Seulgi takes a deep breath as Irene turns the knob of the door.


"Wait." Seulgi says and Irene halts her actions. Irene turns around to look at her.


"I know we've only gotten to know each other for the past few days but can I take you out on a date?" Seulgi asks with pleading eyes but at the same time, she prepares herself for rejection.


Irene cups Seulgi's face and Seulgi's breath hitched. Irene closes the gap between them and presses her lips to Seulgi's. Their lips melded together in pure bliss and Seulgi can physically feel her heart beat racing. Seulgi puts her arms around Irene's waist while Irene's fingers makes its way to Seulgi's hair. They pulled away, breathless, lips swollen, and faces red. 


"Friday, 6pm. Don't be late!" Irene states and quickly pecks Seulgi on the cheek. "Annyeong!" 


Irene turns around and exits the apartment with a quiet slam on the door. Seulgi, still in a state of shock, unconsciously put her hand to where Irene had kissed her and grinned from ear to ear. She thinks that having her period maybe isn't so bad after all.







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2193 streak #1
Chapter 1: rereading this again<3
Chapter 1: Wendy will be surprised because a few days of vacation, her roommate already has a gf XD
2193 streak #3
Chapter 1: That was so adorable<3 thank you authornim!!!!!
seulreneforthewin #4
I re read this story after 2(?) years I think! I was having trouble finding it but fortunately, people here helped me find it again. This story is so cute and it has such a unique plot! Even after all these years, I still feel things after reading this. Thank you so much for such a great story author!!!
Chapter 1: i'm kinda late to discover this but this is cute hahaha
Baechu29 #6
Chapter 1: Hahaha this story is so cute. Hope you'll write more Seulrene fics
Chapter 1: who knew that periods were a source of love? HAHAHAHAH sounds wrong,but you're fanfic doesn't! amazing story. thank youuuu!
cjmoo_ #8
Chapter 1: Awww this is so cute!! Great first story! Really enjoyed this.
Seems like Irene's had feelings for Seulgi for quite some time?
Ahh this is so cute! Looking forward to more of your stories.