
Good Morning EXO

“Hello there,” I coo at sight of a lone little pup trotting down the street. I scan the street for anyone chasing the pup but come up empty. Crouching down on to my knees I call sweetly, “Come here baby.” The pup pauses and it’s head at me before trotting over happily. The caramel colored fluff ball stares up at me, sniffing my hand for a few moments, it decides that I’m trust worthy enough for it to roll on its’ back, showing its’ belly. I quickly oblige, scratching its’ belly eagerly, cooing at it with a smile.

It’s only five in the morning, making me think the pup has been wandering around since last night. Considering its’ perfectly maintained coat and nice sized belly I assume someone is definitely missing this little guy. A few drops of rain fall from the sky, landing on the pup’s nose, making him jump to his feet and bark at the rain. I bring up my umbrella, hiding myself and the pup from the intensifying shower.

“Should we get breakfast?” I suggest, since I was on my way there anyway. The pup just stares up at me for a moment before jumping up on to my pant leg for attention. I scoop the pup up and continue on my way to the little I should probably be less casual about picking up a strange dog and walking off with it but I’m only walking down the street and he looks hungry. After a short juggling act I manage to stuff the pup into my jacket to keep him warm from the chilly wind. My usual café is about two blocks down but half way there he starts barking like a mad man at another café that is just opening up.

The server unlocking the doors bows his head politely to me, “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” I respond with a smile, “Sorry about him,” I shush the dog as I brush it’s hair back.

“He probably smells meat,” The server chuckles, “We accept dogs on our patio if you would like to come in, I’ll give him some for free since you would be our first customer.”

“Thank you!” I scurry in, happy to me out of the rain. The server leads me upstairs to the covered patio, I’m thankful for the heat lamps he turns on above the table he sits me at. I pull the puppy out of my jacket and let him sit on my lap.

“Are you a dog walker or something?” The boy questions.

“What makes you ask that?”

“This dog is a regular here with its’ owner,” He puts out a hand, allowing to dog to sniff him properly before going in for a few scratches under his chin.

My eyes light up, “You know the owner! I just found this little guy running down the street alone, figured if I could hang out in the area until someone came running for him.”

“I don’t know his name, he usually wears a mask and a hat so I can’t even really tell you what he looks like other than that he is tall and kind of tan.”

“When does he usually come by?”

“Usually late at night, they were here last night actually!”

“I’m going to sit here for a little while if that is all right, and if he doesn’t show up could I leave my number with you in case he comes by later?”

The boys smiles, “Of course! That man really cares for his dogs, he will be happy to know someone is taking good care of him, could I get you anything to eat?”

“Chocolate chip pancakes please!”

He nods before turning and leaving.

“So I take it you come here often?” I joke with the pup as run my fingers through its fur.

He yips up at me, wagging his tail eagerly.

“How in the world did your owner let you escape? Or are you just a master at getting away?” I sigh wishing he could really answer, “Your dad is probably really worried about you.” We sit there for a little while, the server brings me tea and a few pastries to snack on. The pup is curled up into a ball on my lap, snoring slightly, making me chuckle. A few people begin wandering up and down the alley bellow, I watch them, looking for anyone who may be looking for the pup.

Three cups of tea, two pastries and a helping of meat for the pup, later the sun is starting to peek out finally, I glance at my phone seeing that it is still only 6:15 in the morning. I sigh, considering heading home and checking in the café later.

“Jjanggu! Jjanggu!” Someone calls from the streets.

The pup jumps to attention, staring in the direction of the calls, I follow his gaze to man running down the street in the rain without an umbrella, he’s not even wearing a jacket. The pup yips a few times, the man pauses and spins around a few times.


“Up here!” I respond, leaning over the railing just a bit. The man looks up, the bottom half of his face is covered with a mask but I’d know those handsome eyes anywhere. I keep myself from calling out his name but can’t hide the surprise on my face. I take a deep breath, “Are you looking for your dog?”

He nods.

“He’s up here, safe and happily fed, do you want me to bring him down?”

He shakes his head, “I’ll come up.”

I sit down in my chair, taking another deep breath I prepare myself. It only takes a few moment for the man to get up the stairs and to my table. His chest is heaving, he is dripping wet, looks completely freezing, but still manages to look absolutely amazing. Standing in front of me is Kai of EXO, Kim Jongin.

The pup, Jjanggu, is yipping happily at him, making a small smile spread across the tan man’s face, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” But even though Jjang is happy to see his master he doesn’t allow the man to pick him up. The idol reaches for his dog only to earn a little nip from the tiny beast. He looks at his pet with wide eyes, confusion written all over his face.

“I’m sorry,” I apologize quickly trying to hand the dog over.

“It’s fine,” Jongin waves my worry away quickly, “He likes you. He doesn’t like people. It’s just a little weird.” We both watch as Jjang curls back up in my lap and closes his eyes happily. Jongin just chuckles at his puppy’s attitude. He stands there for a moment longer before he starts to shiver, even under the heat lamp, goose bumps cover his skin.

“You look like your freezing,” I point out awkwardly.

He shrugs, “I’m just a bit chilly.”

“Here, you can take him,” I lift my hands, away from the pup, urging him on.

“He looks comfortable. I would hate to wake him,” He chuckles, wrapping his arms around himself.

“If you are going to be staying than at least let me give you my coat,” I begin pulling the jacket off before he has the chance to respond. He shakes his head.

“I’m okay.”

I scoff, “You are freezing, you are wet and cold and there is nothing wrong with borrowing a lady’s coat as long as you give it back. Now just crouch down just a bit,” I order.

“I’m fine,” He repeats, trying to look strong but ends up looking like a trembling puppy.

“Kim Jongin-ssi,” I warn. He gulps, whether it’s my tone the cold finally setting in he leans closer, allowing me to wrap the jacket around his shoulders, “There, perfect.”

The tan man’s cheeks are tinted pink, “Thank you for the jacket, and for taking good care of Jjang.”

“It was my pleasure, he actually introduced me to this café so I should be thanking you. Their tea here is amazing.”

He nods, “It’s delicious. We come here whenever I have free time.”

“Speaking of which, you’re Kim Jongin.”

“I am,” The man chuckles. “And you are?”


“Well Leah-ssi, it’s really nice to meet you.”

“You don’t have to speak formally to me, I’m only a little older than you.”

“Well Leah noona,” His accent forms my name so perfectly it’s like he’s said it a million times before, “Would you mind if I took a seat?”

“Go right a head.”

I expect him to take the seat farthest away but he pulls out the chair next to me and sits down, our knees brushing under the table. “He is a picky person,” He informs me when I go back to running my hands through the pup’s brown curls.

“He probably smells my dogs on me.”

His eyes light up at that, “You have dogs?”

“I do! A kitty too!”

“I take it you left them at home?”

“I did, they are too lazy for walks this early in the morning. Apparently this boy is not.”

“You are very right, he is up early every morning,” He grimaces, making me chuckle.

“That must get a bit annoying with your schedule, I imagine you don’t get to sleep in so often,” My tone is softer near the end as I access the bags under his eyes and the mess of hair on top of his head. He looks so exhausted.

“Again, you are right, but I understand why he does, he gets so excited the few moments I’m actually able to be home with them.”

I nod, “I would be excited too.” The words are out before I have the chance to filter them and access their fangirl levels but it’s too late.

“Really?” His brows go up, a smile spreads across his face.

“I’m sorry, that was weird.”

“It’s no weirder than me thinking how excited I would be to be greeted by that smile of yours every day.”

I blush.

His smile widens, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you. You look like you would get told that all the time.”

“It’s okay, it’s just different hearing it from you.”

“How are things going over here? I see you found the dog’s owner,” The server returns, he bows his head slightly to Jongin. “I’m sorry for interrupting, here is your check.” The boy holds out the receipt but before I can grab it Jongin snatches it from his hand and begins pulling out his wallet.

“I can pay!” I attempt to take it only to be caught by one of his hands. Long fingers wrap around my thin wrist as his other hand returns the receipt with a card to the server.

“I’ll take a cup of tea too, and another one for her,” Jongin tells him.

The boy nods and rushes away.

“I’m older, I’m supposed to pay,” I point out with my cheeks puffed, feeling anything but older next to the giant.

“I’m the guy, my mother raised me to pay.”

“That’s only for dates and stuff.”

“This could be a date,” He offers with a hopeful smile.

“What? How does that sound safe for you? I could be crazy!”

He laughs, “Are you crazy?”

“No, but-“

He cuts me off, “Then no buts, if you aren’t crazy, and if you are willing, of course, I would really like to make this a date.”

“Why me?”

“A woman who would go out of her way to get one of my babies back to me is a goddess is human skin. I owe you more than just this.”

“I don’t want you to feel like you owe me anything.”

“Fine, I’m doing it because I want to. Because a beautiful woman is here in front of me with kind eyes and my pickiest pup in her lap, if that isn’t reason enough let me know, I can think of a hundred other reasons I want to sit here and have breakfast with you.”

I nod, “No that’s good enough.”

“Good,” He beams satisfied, “Now about your dogs…”

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Chapter 12: Isn't it strange how I suddenly wish there were more members so I could read more.
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